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View Full Version : Avatar - eternal warrior or not?

10-11-2009, 01:56 PM
I had the chance in a recent fight for a Primaris Psycher to kill an Avatar in HtH (force weapon+psychic test) but when we checked to see if the Avatar was immune to such instant death we couldn't find an obvious answer. Fluff wise, I ended up agreeing that the Avatar is a form of Deamon and by those rules couldn't be killed that easily but by the actual Codex: Eldar rules....it was a little fuzzy. Anyone know if this has actually been clairified anywhere?

Mike X
10-11-2009, 04:50 PM
I could be wrong here, but I thought that instant death from force weapons was an exception to the Eternal Warrior rule?

Also, unless the Eldar codex says Avatars are Eternal Warriors, specifically, then they're not. And I don't think it does, since Chaos Space Marines was the first codex to have that written rule.

10-11-2009, 05:08 PM
I could be wrong here, but I thought that instant death from force weapons was an exception to the Eternal Warrior rule?
Depends on the codex. Some of the older 3rd edition codices say that the force weapon power "kills outright;" more modern ones say that they inflict instant death.

10-11-2009, 05:49 PM
Depends on the codex. Some of the older 3rd edition codices say that the force weapon power "kills outright;" more modern ones say that they inflict instant death.

Guard codex just says "I haz a force weapon" under wargear (OK, it doesn't say that but I just looked at some LOLcats) and says to look in the main 40K rulebook.

10-11-2009, 06:05 PM
yeah, but force weapons have a mention in the main rule book(inflicts instant death). The times when force weapons work differently is when the codex tells you exactly what it does.

10-11-2009, 07:00 PM
yeah, but force weapons have a mention in the main rule book(inflicts instant death). The times when force weapons work differently is when the codex tells you exactly what it does.

Right. Guard Force Weapons inflict instant death, Daemonhunters Force Weapoons "kill outright".

Anyways, unless the Avatar's profile says Eternal Warrior on it, or if it has a special rule that specifically states "the Avatar is immune to instant death", the Avatar is not immune. The Avatar doesn't get special rules from the Daemon Codex just because it is a daemon in the fluff. Fluff can't give units special rules. That's what the actual rules are for.

10-12-2009, 09:27 AM
The Avatar does not have the Eternal Warrior rule, and therefore is vulnerable to instant death.

The 4 Daemon special rules in the Daemons codex only apply to that codex, and are entirly seperate from the Avatars Daemon special rule.

The Avatars rule means that the Avatar is vulnerable to weapons and abilities that have a special effect when used against Daemons. It does not grant the Avatar any special abilities given to other units that have their own variant of the Daemon rule (unfortunatly!).

...since Chaos Space Marines was the first codex to have that written rule.

Actually the Eldar codex does contain the Eternal warriors rule (Pheonix Lords).So there... :p