View Full Version : ResinForge.com - FW Bits Store now opening!

11-15-2012, 08:15 PM
Hi guys and gals!

Ive been a LONG TIME lurker but finally decided to bite the bullet and start an account here to get some feedback on a new project of mine.

To make a long story short, Ive been making a heresy era army for armies on parade and as such have a ton of extra FW bits that i don't need as each model in my army is/will be 100% converted. Because of that, I have a ton of extra FW stuff and have started a site to sell the bits.

I haven't seen really any sites that sell FW bits do to the fact you cant get discounts from FW itself. But since I have extras from building my dream army, I figured what the heck!


If you use the discount code - Grand, you will get 10 USD off any purchase.

The site right now is a bit basic as it needs a ton of work but that's where you guys can help!

I'm looking for any and all feedback on how to improve the site or if in fact its ready to get the job done as is. The shopping cart system works, as does the contact page. The shop is stocked with correct inventory numbers and I have a ton more stuff to put up tonight and tomorrow, including all the new armor sets and styles.

Just to sweeten the pot, if anyone has an idea to make the site better, and I use said idea, ill give that person a free 20 USD discount code to use for a free shopping experience. That can be used on top of the 10USD grand opening discount code as well!

If all goes well, I plan to add other companies to the mix. If its resin, odds are, it will end up at Resin Forge! If you yourself run a resin company, and wish to have another place for distribution, let me know!

(There will also be the odd GW plastic bits, specifically weapons added to the shop as well as the FW Loth set comes with a plastic command squad)

11-15-2012, 08:16 PM
And nope, this isnt just an ad post, i really am looking for website design feedback! Its pretty obvious my skills in that field are lacking!

11-15-2012, 08:53 PM
And nope, this isnt just an ad post, i really am looking for website design feedback! Its pretty obvious my skills in that field are lacking!

First suggestiong, break the bits down by army, then unit then bits, makes it easier to browse and find specific parts suitable for an army.

looking forwards to this by the way and if you can get it to work I will be a constant customer.

11-16-2012, 06:03 AM
excellent, I could see myself using this service

Mr Mystery
11-16-2012, 07:08 AM
So you're reselling?

Not for me ta. I'll buy direct, and then recoup my costs selling on the bits I didn't use myself.

11-28-2012, 05:33 PM
So you're reselling?

Not for me ta. I'll buy direct, and then recoup my costs selling on the bits I didn't use myself.

Not everyone has the time or money to do that ;)

Update: Added a bunch of new items, including the new terminator bits!

There is also a 10% off discount code which can be used. Simply type in Grand into the discount code box when checking out to get the savings!

01-23-2013, 05:07 PM
Resin Forge has started a Facebook group to announce new items as well as a place to give out weekly discount codes of up to 20% off your grand total!


This week we have gotten in the first of three entire restock orders for the month. This one consists of:

x2 - Legion MkII Crusade Armor Sets
x4 - Legion MkIII Iron Armor Sets
x2 - Legion MkIV Maximus Armor Setss
x2 - Cataphractii Pattern Terminator Sets
x1 - Cataphractii Power Axe (Chain Axes) Set
x1 - Justaerin Terminator Set
x1 - Justaerin Weapon Set

x2 - Legion Champion and Master of the Signal Sets

x2 - Legion MkII Command Upgrade Sets
x4 - Legion MkIII Command Upgrade Sets
x2 - Legion MkIV Command Upgrade Sets

x3 - Legion MkIV Power Weapon Sets
x1 - Heavy Bolter Set
x1 - Autocannon Set
x1 - Volkite Caviler Set
x1 - Volkite Charger Set
x1 - Space Marine Bolters - Phobos Pattern Set

We also have several sets of Deathshroud Terminators coming as well as restocks on the Cataphractii sets on dispatch from FW directly in 3 days (Pre Order was for the 25th of Jan)

It will take me sometime to get everything listed in the shop, so in the meantime, if there is something you want off this list, id suggest you call dibs on it now. Each time we restock the choice items always sell out very quickly.

The Sovereign
01-23-2013, 07:32 PM
Very cool. Let us know when you get Tigrus combi bolters!

Animus Silvanna
01-23-2013, 08:14 PM
FRICKEN Awesome i just got that sweet Raven Guard helmet for My Ravenwing Commander, it looks way more Raveny then the ones that come with the kits. My guys are gonna be look sharp =D

01-24-2013, 04:13 AM
Very cool. Let us know when you get Tigrus combi bolters!

I believe this is what your looking for:


FRICKEN Awesome i just got that sweet Raven Guard helmet for My Ravenwing Commander, it looks way more Raveny then the ones that come with the kits. My guys are gonna be look sharp =D

You must be the lucky mate that just snatched it up! Small FYI we will have tons more RG bits once the next restock makes it past customs. :cool:

The Sovereign
01-25-2013, 11:57 PM
I believe this is what your looking for:


Actually, I'm referring to the combi bolters in this kit:


01-27-2013, 08:12 PM
Actually, I'm referring to the combi bolters in this kit:


Ah, yea, they will be in next week with a restock of Tart Terminators.

Hey Guys and Gals!!

Resin Forge here with tons of new items and restocks on even more! Things have already been selling out as fast as they can be listed thanks to the early heads up via our FB group. If you haven't joined it yet, now's the time! Now, onto the good stuff!

New Restock on weapons (with many more to follow this week with the next FW shipment) at:

New Restock for the Legion MkII, MkIII and MkIV Command Bitz are up at :

New Restock for the Legion MkIII "Iron" sets are up at :

New Restock on the Legion MkII "Crusade" Marine bits are now up at:

New Restock on the Legion MkIV "Maximus" Marine bits are now up at:

New Restock for the Cataphractii Terminators up at:

Justerian, Deathshroud and plenty more to follow later this week!

01-27-2013, 10:32 PM
I wish you success with this. I'll be watching your site for when you restock your PH Lascannons.

02-15-2013, 09:17 PM
Hey Guys and Gals!

Resin Forge back with new additions, exciting sales and more restocks then we wanted to even count!

We have stocked up on the Death Guard Deathshroud Terminators here but be warned, they are going fast:

We have also restocked on the Sons of Horus Justaerin Squads here:

Their weapons can be found here along with many other Terminator style weapons:

There are a number of new Character conversion bits listed and in stock now, here:

The MkIV weapon sets are now finally listed after a bit of a delay in taking all the needed pictures. They can be seen here:

We have new additions to the Rivet and Construction bits section as well, which can all be seen here:

On a final note, we had our first official website feedback From Dan! It can be seen here!

We encourage all happy [and if you are unhappy, your welcome as well] to post your own personal feedback here with Dan as well. As you all know we are a small but growing business and to grow further, word of mouth and trust are key. So if you could find just a few minutes and have something to say, please leave some feedback! Its something that helps us all and keep the inventory stocked and growing!

Remember folks, the discount codes are still in effect!