View Full Version : Mortals in Power Armor

11-15-2012, 01:23 PM
I don't have any Sisters of Battle or inquisitors handy. Can someone - preferrably with pics, but that's not necessary - give me an idea of how a human in power armor measures up to an Astartes in terms of size?

I ask because I'm going to make a custom inquisitor to count as Coteaz to use as the leader of an allied detachment of Inquisitors for my Exorcists. I want to know if I can use Space Marines bits, or if I need to get my hands on Sisters of Battle bits, or even buy a Coteaz and hack him up.


11-15-2012, 01:35 PM
I don't have any hand, but they are certainly smaller than marines

11-15-2012, 01:36 PM
I don't have pics, but in terms of size, a Sister's power armor is actually smaller than Kasrkin Carapace armor. Historically, GW has made non-Astartes in Power Armor roughly the same size, but has made the armor look less refined by making it more angular and exposing more cabling, etc.

In the background, "power armor" refers to the functions of how the suit operates using a power plant in the backpack and fiber bundles to mimic the movements of the wearer, and couples that with ceramite plating, because that would be too heavy to wear otherwise. The size of the armor really becomes limited to the technology available when it was created, which is why in-game, power armor could be anything from MkI-VIII, Sisters, or other, and offer the same protection regardless of size.

11-15-2012, 01:37 PM
It seems like a better question, then, is how does Coteaz in particular (and other inquisitors in general) measure up against a Space Marine mini?

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
11-15-2012, 01:47 PM
Found this pic (http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7177/6953325449_1918ce5ee8_n.jpg), looks to be a similar height. The main difference between human and space marine armour seems to be that human leg armour doesn't flare out and their shoulder armour isn't ridiculously bulbous.

11-15-2012, 01:47 PM
Hmmm.. well, you can take these ratios for cannon or not, but they do have a nice example on The Lord Inquisitor's site


By the time you make it to 28mm however, scale tends to smoosh together.


11-15-2012, 01:52 PM
So, it looks like I have most of the bits I need to do this:

• Gabriel Seth's bacpack.
• Marine torso.
• Thunder hammer and bolt pistol bits.
• IG legs.
• Various heads.

Here's the plan:

1) Cut the top off Gabriel Seth's backpack.
2) Assemble marine torso.
3) file down the surface of IG legs, use greenstuff to add armor plates.
4) Attach torso to legs (hopefully it won't be too big...). Attach backpack with cloak.
5) Pick a head.
6) Add hammer and bolt pistol bits
7) Scrounge/create various inquisitorial details.

I'll post pics on my general WIP thread when I've got something to show.

11-15-2012, 02:18 PM
Looking at the SoB and Coteaz, I can't help but think if some WFB armored legs might work.

11-15-2012, 02:20 PM
Looking at the SoB and Coteaz, I can't help but think if some WFB armored legs might work.

In my experience so far, 40k bits are just enough bigger this doesn't really work... but I'll have a look at it.

11-15-2012, 02:58 PM
Have you considered this guy?


11-15-2012, 03:55 PM
Have you considered this guy?


Wow, yeah... put a backpack on him, do a headswap, file off the two-tailed comet icon, and he'd be great.

11-15-2012, 06:05 PM
Back when Codex Daemonhunters were in effect, i used both kinds of Warrior Priests. the one with 2x hammers and the great weapon one as an Acolyte and a Heirophant. Most cadian arms/weapons fit the models almost perfectly. I believe that the Great Weapon Priest would be the best Coteaz base.

11-15-2012, 06:09 PM
This guy would also work with a backpack and armoured gauntlets

http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m2450261a_99800107017_InquisitorPowerSwordBoltPist olCFC_445x319.jpg

If you have cash to burn, the FW inquisitor models are great.

The Kasrkins would look good with a bit of extra armour and a headswap but unfortunately the sergeant is not sold separately and they're still metal.

SM scouts with some extra armour and a head swap would also look OK and be easier to convert being plastic, or tellion if you could repose his hands.

http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m2380425a_99800101039_SergeantTelionCFC_445x319.jp g


11-15-2012, 08:34 PM
How's this?


"This" is the front of a Dark Vengeance sergeant and the back of an ordinary marine, which lets me get rid of the shoulder pads and repose the model's arms any way I like. I will use marines arms, but leave off the standard shoulder pads and make somewhat more subdued shoulder pads of my own.

The main question is this: does it look awesome and swirly if the cloak and tabard are flowing in different directions, or lame and careless?

11-15-2012, 09:16 PM
I know, I know - I asked you all for advice. But, my creative consultant (wife) came down very clearly on the side of "the tabard and cloak need to be going in the same direction." So, snip snip, green stuff green stuff, and...


Now I need to find the perfect head...

11-15-2012, 09:18 PM
You could consider using the champion shoulder pads from the Space Marine Command Squad.

11-16-2012, 01:49 PM
Well, I purchased Forge Worlds hector Rex Inquisitor some time age. He's MUCH bigger than a Space Marine. When I got Angron, I took a pic of them with feet at same level---


Ignore the state of Hector, lllooonnngg way to go on him! Anyhoo, you see my point I think. He must be a real 'Giant of a Man' as FW says.

11-16-2012, 02:12 PM
Well, I purchased Forge Worlds hector Rex Inquisitor some time age. He's MUCH bigger than a Space Marine. When I got Angron, I took a pic of them with feet at same level---


Ignore the state of Hector, lllooonnngg way to go on him! Anyhoo, you see my point I think. He must be a real 'Giant of a Man' as FW says.

Wow. Well. He's huge.

In that case, I feel quite justified saying that my custom Inquisitor is merely "quite tall for an unaugmented human."

I am quite sure that I will keep my model shoulder-pad-less. The smooth shoulders are sufficiently armored-looking, but give the model a slimmer profile, which makes him look smaller than a Marine, even though he's about as tall.

The next thing I need is some Forgeworld brass etch so I can add some Inquisitorial emblems. I think I'll put Inquisition I on the sides of the hammer, and a super tiny one on the chest (where the Dark Angels sword used to be before I shaved it off). Maybe I'll even use the tiniest ones to dress up the shoulders.

Also, I think Hector Rex is totally awesome. If ever end up actually branching out into a Grey Knights army, I'm totally buying a Hector Rex to lead it. I'd use him as the model - possibly even the rules - for my Grey Knights allies, but I need to use Coteaz, because only Coteaz lets the inquisitorial henchmen be a Troops choice.