View Full Version : Cities of Death (1k Space Marines List)

11-14-2012, 11:27 AM
At the game store last night, I talked a trio of other guys into playing Cities of Death! It will be a two-on-two game, 1k per player (2k per side). I will be playing my Exorcists and my partner will be playing Space Wolves - our opponents will both be playing Imperial Guard. We don't yet know what the inhabitants of this planet have done to anger the Astartes - I'm guessing from the chapters that it involves rampant use of psychic powers and dealing with daemons - but our wrath will be swift and final. If we can take the capital, then perhaps the rest of the planet can be saved - if we cannot, then Exterminatus is our only recourse.


That said, here's the list I'm bringing:

• Librarian

• Dreadnought w/Assault Cannon, Power Fist (Heavy Flamer)

• 10 Tactical Marines (Meltagun & Missile Launcher), Sergeant w/Power Weapon & Meltabombs
° Las/Plas Razorback w/Dozer Blade
• 10 Scouts w/Camo Cloaks (4 Sniper Rifles, 1 Missile Launcher)

Fast Attack
• Stormtalon w/Typhoon Missile Launcher
• 3 Bikers (2 Meltaguns), Power Fist Sergeant

• Infiltrators
• Master Snipers
• Wreckers

I'd give my left arm for a Vindicator with siege shield, but I don't own one of those yet. Hopefully my partner will have one… or two.

Anyway, I'll probably split the marines, putting the meltagunner and sergeant in the razorback with the librarian while the other squad hangs back to hold an objective and shoot missiles at things, or otherwise lurk in the ruins. I'll probably split the scouts, too, playing the snipers aggressively and the missile launcher and spotters/meatshields defensively. The bikes will ride along the roads trying to get close enough to the opponent's barrage tanks to melta them. The stormtalon is set up with what's hopefully a very versatile loadout so it can swoop through the city.

I know that my opponents will probably bring either hellhounds or long range barrage weapons. The latter will be easy to deal with, thanks to the special rules for barrage weapons in Cities of Death (the barrage weapon can only hit the highest level the hole is over, so as long as I hide my squads entirely under overhanging levels of ruins, they're immune to barrage weapons). Hellhounds will be more interesting: their template weapons ignore cover, but they have to get close enough to use them. My job is to make sure that can't happen.

What scares me most is the possibility that my opponents will bring vendettas. My lone stormtalon against a pair (or more) of vendettas will be a very hard fight for me.

Anyway - what do you think of my list, and do you have any recommendations for Cities of Death in 6th Edition?