View Full Version : Space Marine Gunline (fun) list

11-14-2012, 08:32 AM
So I play a 4 player game last night, 1500pts each and it was a basic free for all game.

So I stuck it out with my marines and came up with this list

HQ MoTF with Conversion Beamer

Troops x 2 full sized squads of tacticals, Flamers and ML, with the usual Melta bombs power weapons etc etc.

Elites, 5 Terminators TH / SS

Fast Attack, Storm Talon with ML and Assault Cannon

Heavy Support, Contemptor Mortis Dread with x 2 Kheres Cannon and the Cyclone ML

X 10 Dev squad with 4 Plasma Cannon

Fortification, Aegis with Quad gun.

I set up in my corner of the board with the line all around my army, Terminators sat there in front to take on an assaults. Everything else's behind spread out with my MoTf right at the back.

The other players I knew we're bringing x 2 chaos and 1 necrons, so I knew I was in for a rough ride. I don't usually go in for tactics and just play for fun. But I wanted to survive a turn or two so came up with the above set up, scenery was set up allowing me 3 fire lanes to the 3 corners of the board.

By the end of the game I had lost 5 marines, that's it just 5 marines.
So I think maybe I stumbled onto something here, I took down scarabs by the bucket, zombie cultists couldn't reach me quick enough. The Daemon princes got chewed up by my storm talon and my Terminators did nothing all game, MoTF took down a Doomsday Ark, 10 chaos terminators and Fabius Bile. Oh and the contemptor is just plain evil. Bye bye chosen. Bye bye immortals.

Anyway it was a casual game. I had some lucky rolls, my friends maybe neglected my army as it was an old and past it codex ?, I don't know but either way this list did it for me and I wanted to share. And pass on my list for others to try.

Have fun with it and piss off your friends :)

11-14-2012, 09:17 AM
you fielded my favourite form of Contemptor Dread in that there list! memo to self; make one for my Death Guard... post-heresy though...