View Full Version : 1500 Crowe + Coteaz list

11-12-2012, 08:40 AM
Hi everyone.Im quite new to 6th edition and I previously played a Purifier list in 5th ed.With the new physic discipline (divination=awesome) and Nemesis Dreadknight getting better I decided to make a new army list.I would like to know all your opinions on this list,guys.

HQ's (250 pts):



Troops (880 pts):

(1xJokaero, 6xWarrior Acolytes with 3 plasma gun, Chimerae)

10 Purifiers -336
(4xPsycannon, 2xhammer, 3xhalberd, Rhino)

5 Purifiers-199
(2xPsycannon, 1xHammer, 2xHalberd, Razorback+psybolt)

5 Purifiers -199
(2xPsycannon ,1xHammer, 2xHalberd,Razorback+psybolt)

Heavy Support (370pts):

1xDreadknight (H.Incinerator, Personal Teleporter)

1xPsyrifleDread (2x TL autocannon, psybolt)

Coteaz will stick with the henchman unit.He is taken for Prescience and also he is a better warlord than Crowe.Crowe will stay in the home objective and charge anything that comes in his way.Purifiers and henchman is there to take care of the centre board.Nemesis dreadknight will just kill anything it sees.Dreadnought is used for long range fire support.Is there anyway i can improve this list?

Animus Silvanna
11-12-2012, 08:54 AM
This is just my personal opinion but i think you are wasting points by taking Coteaz and only one henchman squad. You could easily dump them both and get something that A) last longer. B) can dish out more punishment. Also again this is my personal opinion i think i would get rid of the dreadnought you only having one is gonna make every anti armor weapon your opponent has target and probly make it go away first turn, Especially since its not even venerable. I would go for another Dreadknight duplicating your current setup. But it's really what your game plan is all about and what you make your opponent do. Hope this helps and not to negative.

11-13-2012, 03:07 AM
Henchmen squads are not particularly good. You get a cheap scoring unit or two, which is an excellent option but not something to go overboard with, but they don't really bring anything else to the list now that light vehicle spam is mediocre. Coteaz, on the other hand, is one of the best HQ options in the game, regardless of the usefulness of Henchmen squads. Every list with a free HQ slot should be taking Coteaz. Every. Single. One. Also, Venerable Dreadnoughts suck now. Dreadnoughts in general are medicore, because they're much more fragile and fewer people are taking aformentioned light vehicle spam, and the Venerable upgrade does absolutely nothing to protect from Hullpoint damage.

11-13-2012, 08:45 AM
If you wanna make good use of Coteaz:

3man acolyte tax with chimera 12 + 55 points iirc

10man purifier squad with 4 psycannons 2 hammers 4 halberds + razorback whit psybolt ~350ish points

Coteaz with 10man purifier squad to the chimera: Cast that primaris power always to the squad itself (wasn't it so that you can still cast psychic buffs inside the same vehicle?)

watch 4 psycannons fire as twin linked, and if enemy drops his reserves within 12" of the Chimera you get to blast it with 4 psycannons (again as twin linked, since the power lasts a game turn) :)

Then give the razorback with psybolts to the 3 acolytes to keep em safe near home objective.

Roughly you are now 70 points richer to invest in another units.

So, your basic loadout with dreadknight should always be: NDK+PT+NGS: 130+75+25pts = 230. Then based on your free points you can add Heavy Incinerator for 30points :)
Never take dreadknight without the sword. Its the best upgrade in the whole book (25points to make 4-5 at str10 ap2 attacks that re-roll armor pens, hits and wounds in close combat).

Psyfleman is 135 points, so we need to find 100-130 points to field another NDK, luckily that swap with the hencmen gave us ~70 points so we are talking 30-60 points in reductions elsewhere..

Depending on your meta (deepstrikers in particular, but works if you are in a flyer heavy environment as well) Coteaz is a really good investment. However, personally he has never been particularly usefull for me. Ordo Xenos inquisitor + power armor+ psyker would give you psyker that gives those re-rolls for 25 + 8 + 30 = 63 total. Or drop the power armor if you feel its not needed.

As i cannot remember exact point costs, its up to you to start tweaking your list. Also, give us some info what you usually play against, do you play with your friends for fun, or do you go to local store and try to beat the **** out of everyone. All these points matter how I can help you build your list around your wishes.

Also please tell if your group are strickt RAW dudes, or is RAI more freely applied in your games (RAW, Crowe is one of the meanest killers, RAI Not so much by alot :) )

11-13-2012, 11:15 AM
If you wanna make good use of Coteaz:

3man acolyte tax with chimera 12 + 55 points iirc

10man purifier squad with 4 psycannons 2 hammers 4 halberds + razorback whit psybolt ~350ish points

Coteaz with 10man purifier squad to the chimera: Cast that primaris power always to the squad itself (wasn't it so that you can still cast psychic buffs inside the same vehicle?)

watch 4 psycannons fire as twin linked, and if enemy drops his reserves within 12" of the Chimera you get to blast it with 4 psycannons (again as twin linked, since the power lasts a game turn) :)

Then give the razorback with psybolts to the 3 acolytes to keep em safe near home objective.

Roughly you are now 70 points richer to invest in another units.

So, your basic loadout with dreadknight should always be: NDK+PT+NGS: 130+75+25pts = 230. Then based on your free points you can add Heavy Incinerator for 30points :)
Never take dreadknight without the sword. Its the best upgrade in the whole book (25points to make 4-5 at str10 ap2 attacks that re-roll armor pens, hits and wounds in close combat).

Psyfleman is 135 points, so we need to find 100-130 points to field another NDK, luckily that swap with the hencmen gave us ~70 points so we are talking 30-60 points in reductions elsewhere..

Depending on your meta (deepstrikers in particular, but works if you are in a flyer heavy environment as well) Coteaz is a really good investment. However, personally he has never been particularly usefull for me. Ordo Xenos inquisitor + power armor+ psyker would give you psyker that gives those re-rolls for 25 + 8 + 30 = 63 total. Or drop the power armor if you feel its not needed.

As i cannot remember exact point costs, its up to you to start tweaking your list. Also, give us some info what you usually play against, do you play with your friends for fun, or do you go to local store and try to beat the **** out of everyone. All these points matter how I can help you build your list around your wishes.

Also please tell if your group are strickt RAW dudes, or is RAI more freely applied in your games (RAW, Crowe is one of the meanest killers, RAI Not so much by alot :) )

If i swap my Psyrifle Dread for another Dreadknight,then wouldnt my list suffer from lack of long range fire support?

I normally play against Eldar and occasionally D.E and B.A.We also play competitively most of the time.Somehow,i always end up losing the match to them.
BTW,what is RAW and RAI?And why is Crowe better in RAW?

11-13-2012, 11:27 AM
BTW,what is RAW and RAI?And why is Crowe better in RAW?

RAW = Rules as Written
RAI = Rules as Intended
The argument is whether his cleansing flame rends or not.

11-13-2012, 03:36 PM
Dreadknights with Teleporters are long range firepower. Unless players in your area still regularly take light vehicle spam, drop the Dreadnought because the only thing it's good at killing is light vehicle spam. Psyfleman Dreadnoughts kind of suck against most everything else. It didn't matter in 5th, because killing light vehicles was absolutely vital to all competitive lists. Now that it's not, a teleporting Dreadknight with an Incinerator and a Psycannon brings a ton of anti infantry firepower, though it's very expensive.

Animus Silvanna
11-14-2012, 10:36 AM
Dreadknights with Teleporters are long range firepower. I second this motion. Also agree with what Wildcard says. Your making better use of Coteaz by abusing his cheap scoring units.

11-15-2012, 04:51 AM
Thanks for reply guys.Mind if i ask another question?About paladins,are they worth taking now that they are no longer characters?

11-15-2012, 05:33 AM
Paladins are only really worth it if you are taking Draigo to make them scoring. At 1.5k, you can't spare that many points on non-scoring units, especially when your lists looks a little light on troops as it is.

11-15-2012, 09:59 AM
Paladins are only really worth it if you are taking Draigo to make them scoring. At 1.5k, you can't spare that many points on non-scoring units, especially when your lists looks a little light on troops as it is.

You'll also need to dump more points for a land raider, it's the only way I've found for getting them to combat quickly and safely and that's exactly where you want them.

11-15-2012, 11:18 AM
Also the use of Paladins comes with the following problems:

- You pay 55-200 points of a model thats major advantages are countered easily (ws5, 2w and 2+Sv fnp) by the most common things found on the battlefield: Lascannons, meltas and demolisher cannons..
- That means you actually have only 5++ inv save to rely on, every other save is a welcome surprise.
- One of their most valuable strenght is that if you take 10 you can get four psycannons. This is 16 shots even on the move. And then the unit is around 800pts if not more. Add Draigo 275 and possibly librarian if you combat squad them. And if they are 5-6 models strong they require transports, stormravens or LRs (crusader or redeemer) and then we are talking about 1750points sinked in one (two) squads..
- You can't get special weapons if under 5man: so to include psycannons its 275 points minimum + psycannons. On a Unit that can be easily taken down (look at the first point about paladins in my post).

Ofcourse, 10x ws5 str5 (or 6) 2w FnP terminators with forceweapons that can decimate any foe and most likely strike first is something that no unit in the game does not fear.. that is, if he forgot to take str8+ ap2 weapons to stop you before you hit the melee..

11-15-2012, 01:07 PM
Actually, Demolisher cannons are easy to deal with, and all three mentioned guns are pretty rare where I come from, even melta now that people are taking lots of plasma. And two psycannons for ~300pts is actually more efficient firepower than four at ~700pts. I've played Paladins in a lot of 6th ed games so far, and they are far from easy to kill. And only Dark Eldar are likely to have enough Dark Lances to have a relatively easy time killing 10 Paladins.

Remember, Paladins survived all of that stuff in 5th ed. Nothing has really changed much about that.

11-15-2012, 01:57 PM
Ofc it could be one of the these possibilities:
a) I just dont know how to play them
b) My local meta still revolves around starcannons, plasma, melta and godhammer landraiders.. Plus those nasty landspeeders with enough multimelta to melt down a battlebarge...
c) The fact that no matter my save, i always tend to roll 85% of the time 1's :P

So odds are not im my favor :D

And those demolishers are fast where i came from.. just fyi :D

Other than that, we mostly play 2v2 games with 1k points per player each, since those do take some time to play. Of not for the time constraints we could pop it up to 2k ish per player (most dont have enough models to go further), so that 1k limit kinda works against paladin spams :)

11-15-2012, 03:32 PM
Spread out, and the Demolisher is only getting maybe 1 guy. You get 2" for coherency, use it.

And I'm not saying Paladins are unkillable, just that you can force your opponent to put so much effort into killing the Paladins that they can't accomplish their other objectives.

11-15-2012, 03:43 PM
Spread out, and the Demolisher is only getting maybe 1 guy. You get 2" for coherency, use it.

And I'm not saying Paladins are unkillable, just that you can force your opponent to put so much effort into killing the Paladins that they can't accomplish their other objectives.

They definitely need a bit of finesse to be effective.

11-15-2012, 05:48 PM
Contrary to popular belief, yes. When you only have a single big expensive unit for most of your army, you can't afford to make a mistake and send them off in the wrong direction or misplace a model. Shoot or charge the wrong unit or something, and you just wasted 1/6th of your entire game.

11-20-2012, 11:32 AM
Give warriors bolt guns, they love it, also if the jokaero manages to roll rending you're looking at a scary scary unit. If you can get a second dreadknight i there, do it. If you feel you lack long range fire support........don't worry. You wont need it.