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View Full Version : Wound Allocation

10-11-2009, 05:05 AM
I've recently played against a guy that had a squad of 3 Obiliterators and I ended up wounding the squad w/ 5 bolter and 1 MG wounds...he brought up wound allocation and how it ends up being two hits each...he then failed the MG invul save insta-killing on of them...thus discarding one bolter wound...after this he failed one on each of the remaining two Oblits. I know this can't be right...

1. When he failed the MG wound, does that actually discard the extra wound by the bolter?
2. What happened to the remove full models rule?

I'm fairly certain this whole thing would be legit if he had 3 differently equipped models in the unit (eg. if my SWs had Arjac (the 2 wound WG) and two HQs...or now that I think about it, even a Sgt w/ Pf, a MG, and a regular marine...all differently equipped models)


10-11-2009, 08:53 AM
You've got it right... unless the Obliterators were all unique (and I'm pretty sure Obliterators have identical statlines, but I don't play Chaos) your opponent would have lost one to the failed invulnerable, and then another whole one to the two failed armour saves. There's no need to allocate wounds because the Obliterators all have the same statline.

The situation should only play out as it did if you were shooting at three totally different models (say, a nob with klaw, a nob with choppa, and a nob with 'uge choppa). Two bolter wounds would be allocated to the first two, and the meltagun wound and the fifth bolter wound would be allocated to the third.

10-11-2009, 11:01 AM
as above, models must be different for that to be valid

10-11-2009, 11:17 AM
You're right; he's wrong. The thing about wound allocation that people forget is that it only matters for determining how many different save "buckets" you're rolling for - and within a bucket, it doesn't matter any more which wounds have been allocated to which model. Within a bucket, you're right, you have to cause the maximum damage allowable by the saves you've failed. Since obliterators are identical, they form a single bucket, and it no longer matters which obliterator got allocated which wound. If that bucket failed one meltagun and two bolter wounds that bucket needs to remove two obliterators.