View Full Version : Modeling Captain Silas Alberec

11-11-2012, 06:06 PM
Now that I've made the decision to turn my surviving Blood Ravens into Exorcists, I need to decide how I'm going to model their special character, the enormous Silas Alberec. The pertinent information from IA 10 is:

• He's huge (like, Ogryn-sized, almost Primarch-sized), but is still wearing power armor and still fits on a standard marine base.
• His WYSIWYG equipment includes: two-handed thunder hammer, bolt pistol (could be ignored), and iron halo.

So, here are the questions:

1) What can I do to huge up a standard marine commander kit appropriately.
2) Does the standard marine commander kit come with a thunder hammer?
3) Any other ideas for the creation of a Silas Alberec model?

Thanks in advance.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-11-2012, 06:15 PM
1) Green stuff or faux tru-scale?
2) No
3) As per 1. :)

I've wondered about the Exorcists, they seem very cool. Love their background.

11-11-2012, 06:19 PM
1) Green stuff or faux tru-scale?

Luckily I've got a spare thunder-hammer lying around. I'll have to extend the handle to make it properly ginormous, though... More like a polearm, I think. I'll noodle about.

How is faux-true-scale done? Do I just use a blob of green stuff to lift the torso up off the legs, or is it more complicated than that?

11-11-2012, 06:26 PM
personallyI would consider using terminator legs, and a grey knight terminator torso (so that the head is vertical and not jutting forward) fill in the lettering on the torso with green stuff and slap an imperial eagle over it, if you are realitvely confident with green stuff, cut the back of the torso to remove the obvious temrinator venting, form a cloak, put a standard marine backback on. you could trim or cover the details associated with terminator armour

Cpt Codpiece
11-11-2012, 07:27 PM
Kirsten hits the nail on the head there, remember exorcists have ties to the Oreo malleus, so the odd I here and there is ok.

I'd say try to get the GK bits either online or via a gaming group, all you would need is 1 guy from a pack maybe chip in with a friend who will use the leftovers. Legs torso thunder hammer arms and the cape from the chaos term lord and a backpack sorted

11-11-2012, 07:49 PM
I like Kirsten's idea myself.

I'm also reminded of Haegr in the Space Wolf series, who was massive and so the Iron Priests used wrecked terminator armour to fashion him battle plate that would fit.

11-11-2012, 09:06 PM
Will terminator legs fit on a small base?

If I use a Grey Knights terminator torso, I'll also need to use some greenstuff to beef up the neck area. The distinctive head-on-level-with-shoulders look is silly enough on terminators - it will be absolute hell on a model that's supposed to be in power armor.

A nemesis force hammer will make a great base for the Hellslayer. The haft is just long enough to scream "this weapon is freaking massive." I just need a head that is - to quote IA 10 - "barbed and sigil-etched."

11-11-2012, 10:12 PM
If you are making Silas Alberec, why are you using a Thunder Hammer when Hellslayer is a mace?

11-11-2012, 10:30 PM
If you are making Silas Alberec, why are you using a Thunder Hammer when Hellslayer is a mace?

Because power maces are derpy. They look very "hand-held," rather than "two handed and so heavy only the superhuman S5 marine can wield them."

I think I'm going to use the nemesis force hammer as a haft and replace the head with something macier.

Ok, so, at the moment I'm inclined to use the Space Marine Commander kit as a base, with a greenstuff blob to make him taller and tru-scale-er. The end result should be a cross between:




with a macier head on the two-handed hammer.

Cpt Codpiece
11-12-2012, 03:57 AM
i have to admit Lamentor (from B&C) does some fine conversion work, and his artscale work is truly amazing.
but maybe take a look before jumping in with both feet :D



11-12-2012, 04:50 AM
I'd use terminator legs (they're great for giving height) plus a blob of greenstuff between the legs & torso. They will fit on a standard base, they'll just look big - which is what you want!

11-12-2012, 10:26 AM
id actually use a GKT, shave down the collar, remove the GK icons add a cape, add a backpack and a hammer and make the legs look like vanila marine! and then some plasticard between the legs and torso.