View Full Version : Christmas gift help please!

11-11-2012, 02:28 AM
I would like to give my cousin something to add to the box set he received for his Birthday. Could anyone help with some gift suggestions please? He has all the books and paints already and seems to prefer the evil side.

Thank you,


11-11-2012, 04:37 AM
What was the box set he received for his birthday? What he would want to get next depends on what army he's decided to play.

If you're talking about the Dark Vengeance 40k starter set, then if I'm assuming you're saying he prefers Chaos. In which case... Anything from a box of Chaos Space Marines (US$37.25) up through a heldrake (US$74.00) would be appropriate, depending on how fancy you're feeling for the gift.

Here's a list of Chaos broken down by price range:
~US$20: Abaddon the Despoiler ($22.25) or one of the generic HQ units found on GW's site at around this price, depending on how attached he is to the supposed Dark Vengeance one.
~US$30: Chaos Space Marines Raptors/Warp Talons ($33.00)
~US$40: Chaos Space Marines ($37.25)
~US$50: Chaos Terminators ($50.00)
~US$60: Chaos Vindicator ($57.75) or a unit of Chaos Obliterators ($52.00)
~US$70: Chaos Forgefiend ($66.00), Defiler ($66.00), Chaos Land Raider ($74.25), or Heldrake ($74.00)

Any of those options are cool minatures (in my opinion), and will add something tactically new to the miniatures that came in the Chaos portion of the Dark Vengeance set.

Of course, if you're talking about Orks, this list is moot. Or is it?

Hope this helps!

Mr Mystery
11-11-2012, 05:18 AM
Could also buddy it up with a Black Library novel. Cracking good reads and likely to score brownie points with his parents!

If you have a local GW, of a half decent Indy, then this is where they really come in. Find out what he has and what he likes (easy enough, even the newest gamer is going to be happy to froth away for hours!) and talk to the staff. They should be able to point you in the right direction.

In terms of noobiness and practicality, I would recommend plastic models over metal or Finecast. It's resilient and easy to work with.

If his boxed set is Dark Vengence, then a simple box of Chaos Space Marines are a good port of call. Inexpensive and an army essential to boot!

11-11-2012, 03:06 PM
It is the Dark Vengeance box he has and the Chaos Space Marines he likes.

I think I'll get him a box of those then. Even though it's a cheaper box they're still quite a lot of money! :(

Thank you both for your help! :)

Mr Mystery
11-11-2012, 03:09 PM
Other bonus there is that it's a unit not in Dark Vengence!

11-11-2012, 03:11 PM
Other bonus there is that it's a unit not in Dark Vengence!

Oh good thank you! That's a really good gift then :D

11-12-2012, 02:16 AM
A Chaos Space Marine box is a good solid choice.

BUT they are a Troop choice and there are already 2 of those in the Dark Vengeance box.
So you could also consider a box of Raptors (Fast Attack choice) or a Forgefiend (Heavy Support choice) to add some more variety to his Dark Vengeance army.

heretic marine
11-12-2012, 08:23 AM
BUT they are a Troop choice and there are already 2 of those in the Dark Vengeance box.
So you could also consider a box of Raptors (Fast Attack choice) or a Forgefiend (Heavy Support choice) to add some more variety to his Dark Vengeance army.

you need to remember that cultists are squishy, and a stronger troop choice is nice to have

11-12-2012, 09:53 AM
you need to remember that cultists are squishy, and a stronger troop choice is nice to have
I know, that's why I said that it is a good solid choice.

But because the force in the Dark Vengeance box is already a legal Codex army it is much more exciting to get some jump-pack troops (raptors) or a heavy duty daemon engine (forgefiend), no ? (which are both good choices for an army I think)

Mr Mystery
11-12-2012, 10:26 AM
Remember though this is likely for a new hobbyist. CSM expand hobby skills, without overly taxing them.