View Full Version : Stormtalon load out - thoughts and views

11-10-2012, 02:21 AM
Ladies and Gents

I am playing at CANCON (Australia Day long weekend 40K event here in Sunny Canberra Australia in Jan 2013) and I am adding 2 Storm Talons to my vanilla marine list (painted as Red Scorpions). The list is a more or less gunline list - 4 10 Marine Tac squads (missile/plas/combi plas), 2 Predators, Lysander and 10 TH/SS terminators (for go forward ability) and a defence line with a quad gun. I am putting the flyers together now and the question to the audience is simply: which load out for the flyers?

The list is set (so I'm not looking for changes to the list) - but I am looking for the view of which load out is best for the list that I have. My thoughts so far are to go with the assault cannon and Typhoon launcher combo to provide fire power. I'm not sure the skyhammer is worth the investment (given that while the range is excellent - I have to move (mostly anyway) and 2 AP3 STR 8 missile shots are pretty darn handy.

But happy to stand corrected and benefit from the experience of the seasoned aviators out there!

Thanks in advance!