View Full Version : Color Scheme Help - Robes and Tabards for Blood Ravens?

11-09-2012, 04:20 PM
My original Blood Ravens were mostly made from generic marines and Blood Angels kits. Now that I'm rebuilding my army and starting with Dark Angels bits, it seems that my Blood Angels have picked up the habit of wearing robes and tabards over their armor. The only problem is that I never really gave any thought to what color that cloth should be.

For context, my army is pretty uniformly Khorne Red, darkened with Carroburgh Crimson. The trim and weapons are all Leadbelcher darkened with Nuln oil, and I use Ushabti Bone for the shoulder pads (on infantry I darken that with Angarax Earthshade, but that doesn't look as good on vehicles, so there I leave the bone bits white).

Anyway, now I've got to do some robes and tabards. What color do you think would look good with the colors I described above?

White Tiger88
11-09-2012, 04:37 PM
Bone would be your best choice again i would do

Base Rakarth flesh
layer ushabti bone
Wash Sepia Wash
Highlight Screaming Skull
Edge Highlight Screaming skull\white 50\50 mix

11-09-2012, 04:38 PM
If you're sticking strictly with the chapter colors, I think the only examples we've seen are a standard 'drab-white' color to fabric


Complimenting the existing colors you are working with would probably have either black or greens, although to be honest color selection has always been my weakest suit.

Maybe something like this?

11-09-2012, 05:10 PM
I think matching your existing scheme would be best, so either black or bone. You could always do black on basic units that have robes and tabards, maybe a stripe of bone on there for sergeants, and then do bone on your 'Veteran' type units including characters and Terminators, and you could always do a black stripe or Blood Ravens symbol on the squad leaders and such.