View Full Version : ElectricPaladin Feels No Pain! 1500 Points List

11-07-2012, 01:33 PM
I'll be damned if I'm going to let some army stealing sonofa***** get me down. Here's the list I can make with what I've still got - the stuff that was in the bag that didn't get snatched, the stuff I'd left at home, and the stuff in the Dark Vengeance set I'm going to buy this afternoon.

I'm curious to hear your feedback, especially if it involves:
1) Adding a Drop Pod (the only thing I own that's not in this list)
2) What should I buy next?
3) Other ways to rearrange the points I've spent without altering the model list too drastically.

Author's Note: There is no actual Feel No Pain in this list. My poor car clearly failed an armor save, but I'm getting back in the fight, and there's only one USR that lets me do that...

• Terminator Librarian w/Storm Bolter

• 10 Tactical Terminators (2 Heavy Flamers, 2 Assault Cannons, 2 Chain Fists)

• 10 Tactical Marines (Plasma/Plasma), Power Weapon/Meltabombs Sergeant
• 10 Scouts w/Camo Cloaks, 5 Sniper Rifles, Missile Launcher

Fast Attack
• 3 Bikers (2 Meltaguns)
• Stormtalon

Heavy Support
• Land Raider Redeemer

I'm not entirely sure how to play this list, but I don't think it looks half bad. The land raider is a bit of an odd duck in this list, but I haven't got the points for a godhammer. I can put a combat squad of tacs (or even the whole unit) into it and try to use it to assault and claim midfield objectives. Or I can just ram it down my opponent's throat. I've found that land raiders are surprisingly hard to kill, and I can see it surviving, even without rhinos to draw fire.

As far as assembling the bikers, I'm torn about the sergeant. Should I put a power fist on him? I can scare up the points by using the power armor librarian I'll get with Dark Vengeance instead of the terminator librarian I've already got. The biker squad is clearly for vehicle assassination, but everyone tells me to keep bikers out of combat. What do you think?

And, of course, I want your general thoughts on the list.

Thanks in advance.

FWIW, this power fist list would look like this:

• Librarian

• 10 Tactical Terminators (2 Heavy Flamers, 2 Assault Cannons, 2 Chain Fists)

• 10 Tactical Marines (Plasma/Plasma), Power Weapon/Meltabombs Sergeant
• 10 Scouts w/Camo Cloaks, 5 Sniper Rifles, Missile Launcher

Fast Attack
• 3 Bikers (2 Meltaguns), Power Fist Sergeant
• Stormtalon

Heavy Support
• Land Raider Godhammer

11-07-2012, 01:55 PM
Redeemer: If you can't afford a god hammer then ram it down their throat, mid field objectives would be a nice secondary as you can deploy from the side of a land raider you can drop them off and keep the raider facing your opponent. And yes Raider's are a ***** to kill unless you have melta or some extra armor piercing weapon. I know I had 7 lascannons and couldn't kill a raider to save my life (cost me the game, but i did immobilize it in round 3 or something).

Bikes: with only 3 i'd watch out where they are in relation to everything, they sure are not the squishiest thing on your list but they wont stand up to sustained fire. as for the sergeant, unless you can put a chain fist on him to go with your vehicle assassination you're better off letting him alone and use him as an extra wound for the meltas.

Ultimately you are just gonna have to play really smart, You aren't fielding enough troops to warrant losing them, so be sure to make them survivable to claim your objectives. The scouts could win you warlord if you play them right (using precise shot rules from sniper). And if you ram the land raider down their throat you could claim line-breaker if it doesn't die. The terminators would be better deep-striking since they aren't close combat or pack them in the land raider too and just ram them all into your opponent's arse.

Just my 2 cents on what your possibilities are with this list.