View Full Version : Thorn Heavy Industries Utility Carapace

11-07-2012, 12:49 PM
Hey all!

We've picked up another great model, the T.H.I Utility Carapace from Studio McVey. Its not a cheap model, but is very detailed and has a great look. It could also be a great base for a 40k converson, we've already been thinking of making our one into a tech-ogryn or some kind of heavy Tau battlesuit. We've taken loads of pictures of all the parts and written a guide on assembling this model which you can find here:


The weapon options:
http://gravengames.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/sedition-wars-t.h.i-utility-carapace-2-300x225.jpg (http://gravengames.co.uk/sedition-wars-utility-carapace-review/)

Size comparison with a 40k terminator:
http://gravengames.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/sedition-wars-t.h.i-utility-carapace-14-300x225.jpg (http://gravengames.co.uk/sedition-wars-utility-carapace-review/)

Check out the article and let us know what you think. Is anyone already using one of these in their army or done any cool conversions with it? we'd love to see them if so! Another option we thought of is that it has a bit of a "squat" feel about it, so if anyone is doing a squat army for 40k, it could be worth looking into.

11-07-2012, 05:12 PM
At first I was like cool I can really do something with these in my army, then I saw that it's £21 for ONE! And there is no way I'm spending over £100 on 1 unit of terminators, never thought I'd say this but I'd rather go and convert GW's meganobz.

11-07-2012, 06:16 PM

and there we have my demiurg/squat for Inquisitor 54mm i've always wanted!
Do you think it scales well enough to be used on the 54mm scale?

11-07-2012, 09:05 PM
Looks like Tau-minator armor......