View Full Version : Space Marine Bikes and i need help.

11-06-2012, 11:38 AM
Hey everyone it has been a while since i posted anything. I have been having way too much fun with X-Com and WoW. I finally got around to putting together my bikers and i'm wondering how i should put them together. Without further adue i guess i will get to what i got.

18 Dark Vengeance Bikes
3 Scout Bikes
3 Thunderwolves
3 Landspeeders

Here's my idea i guess...

I was going to make a command squad with 2 full units. Now to implement that it's going to be a bit tricky and needs all of the above to work it out.

Command would go like so....
HQ choice on a thunderwolf holding two bolters and his weapon of choice strapped to his back or side.... so that's him
(HQ if Master of Forge would be riding a Thunderfire Cannon i know i know stupid idea but it works with the limited amount of parts i have)

The command squad on bikes would all be sgts from my 6 dark vengeance units, of course converted.

The two troop squads would be 8 bikes (2 using plasma guns), and an attack bike (landspeeder with wheels w/ Multi Melta)

I guess all i'm asking is does this work in an army? Do i need more bikes? Should i change anything or magnitize. There are probably more questions i have but for now this is the help that i need. Thank you for any help or advice you can give.


11-08-2012, 07:00 PM
Oh we'll had this up for a few days no ideas I will therefor assume my theory is correct and continue onward thank you.