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11-05-2012, 04:41 AM
Via Darnok 11-5-2012:

the translation of the next eldar codex has started (or so it seems)...

All plastic minis stay the same for the moment including jetbikes
Wraithguards will be plastic with a HtH option (swords)
A new Farseer model (finecast iirc)
a character for Dire Avengers, a new entry "something-seer"

That's all I got for the moment!
Interesting. No new jetbikes might seem like a blow, but it means that eldar could potentially get a full complement of new plastic kits after Wraithguard. Have a hard time believing we won't see plastic jetbikes soon though, perhaps before the codex release?

via Faeit 3-2-2013

- Autarchs take Paths. These represent completed paths they have walked and are tied to the various aspects. By taking a path you make the respective aspect warrior a troop choice (the exception are reapers who just become scoring)

- Overall point cost reduction (guardians see it the most, aspect warriors see it the least, but are instead a fair margin better with only a minor cost decrease for two of the schools).

- new special rule that influence how howling banshees interact in combat. It's current iteration really makes them feel like glass cannons that are amazing at what they're designed to do.

-Seer councils have brotherhood of psykers (the farseers still cast their own abilities in addition, but two farseers together cast more than 2 farseers separately)

- in general, aspect warriors are hyper focused and hyper successful if used properly
- No new aspect
- 2 new flyers
- lots of units get access to skyfire
- new tank (on falcon chasis)
- Avatar is buffed a lot
- Two new special characters
- exarchs are all really good in duels in different ways
- farseers are still awesome psykers
- warlocks improve deny the witch.
- falcon/wave serpent point reduction
- way to make some of the craftworld specific lists
- additional rules for allying with dark eldar
- expanded fluff on the war in heaven

via BoLS 3-7-2013

-New Eldar "large tank" is being worked on (not the same as the new falcon variant)
-Guardian/Storm Guardian combo plastic box
-Guardian jetbikes/Shining Spear combo box

via 75Hastings69 3-24-2013

-Eldar, new flier, characters and a new uber wraith guard thingy.
-Updated jetbikes and/or plastic Wraithguard
-New huge wraith guard construct type thing (similar to Tau Riptide) IIRC it has two builds (shooty & cc)
-Actual Wraithguard have some kind of CC build option.
~Editor's note: multiple sources report a LARGE new model range (larger than normal) for the Eldar codex.

via Faeit 4-18-2013

Path system has been revamped. Autarchs take paths that are now fixed in point cost (before they became more expensive the more you took) but do not make their aspect troops.

Instead it allows corresponding aspects to be taken as compulsory troops.

Ergo, the Path of the Striking Scorpions would allow you to take up to two striking scorpions as troops.

If you also took the path of Swooping Hawks you could take up to two Swooping Hawks as troops or one and one.

Guardians are a lot cheaper and have more options for special weapons.

New transport for dire avengers / weapon platform (with no transport capacity).

And lots of new goodies.

If tau are the long range shooting army, eldar are a mix with potential units in short, mid and long range

Long range comes almost exclusively from heavy support, however so you need to create a mix it seems.

Aspects are still hyper focused and saw a very small decrease in points except fire dragons.

via Stickmonkey 4-21-2013

Eldar were supposedly getting the following:

New tank chassis, 2 builds, between falcon and cobra in size, one build had transport capacity and some type of melta or flame based weapon (fusion cannon iirc) the other build was essentially a flakk cannon, but not the same as the fw firestorm, bigger tl guns.

There was a new avatar sculpt but im pretty sure that ended up being a designer test seen at GD

Wraithguard get a plastic box with new weapon variants. Lots of rumors of dial build, but nothing i've heard enough of to know what's true.

Heavy rumors of new jetbikes, building guardian and shining spears.

However, it seems to be a trend not to release too many rehash boxes. If we got wraithguard, jetbikes, and an avatar all in this release, well Ill be broke and need new shorts.

Rumors have pointed to a new farseer model, and thats all but confirmed by your recent post.

The bomber and fighter do not share a box from everything I've heard. The fighter is "very" similar to the nightwing, except for the wing shape. One of the two is rumored to use some form of distortion weapon, be it bomb or missiles i dont know.

Rumors of a new aspect exist, the word i've heard is this has something to do with wraith constructs, but really even that is too vague.

I know others have said there is a large wraith construct, but none of my sources are backing this now, fwiw.

For the release there are two new aspect exarch or p lord (not sure which) sculpts in finecast, and one named hq, these are all new scuplts, but could be old characters.

Ive been told guardians are getting a new box to make them and storm guardians. Again, i cant believe wed get so many redone plastics. But it makes sense on its own.

So to boil it down, from the new new dept could be 2 flyers, a dual build tank, a new large walker/mc, a few blisters, and a new aspect.

Then on top of that old models getting plastics.

Its just way too much for a release, so what will stick and what wont?

via BoLS 5-5-2013

The Dark Reaper Exarch regains a classic weapon option from the days of yore. HINT, HINT - it involves skulls and chain.

Aspect Warriors are moving to plastic using the "combo-unit" dual-build format GW has moved to of late. We'll leave it up to you to guess which aspects could be paired off into combo-kit boxes with differing heads/weapon options.

The new Eldar flyer is quite curved in nature, with sweeping lines all about. A real head turner.

The new Eldar "big kit" is a wraith construct that shares numerous design cues with the current War Walker - but much larger. A virtual beast...

Eldar keep thier distance from Tau from an overall design theme. They will be the masters of maneuver and outright speed. Look for multiple options and units types for jetbikes including up-armored and even faster versions. Jetbikes as a family may well become the staple hallmark of the army. They will come in multiple flavors with both anti-personnel and anti-armor types.

FOC wise, look for a whole lot of jumping about of units between the HEAVY SUPPORT, FAST ATTACK, and ELITES slots. There will be difficult player decisions to be made in there.

via BoLS 5-8-2013

Stats for the Eldar "Knight" main gun:

"Pulsar Lance"
Primary fire mode:
36" S:8 AP2 Heavy 2, Lance

Overcharge mode (weapon may not fire next turn)
48" S:10 AP1 Heavy 1, Blast, Lance

Interesting. For those that remember, that statline has quite a lot of familiarity with the overall design of the EPIC Phantom titan's pulsar main weapon. Almost an homage in scaled down 40K scale...

Via Blood of Kittens (http://bloodofkittens.com/blog/2013/05/08/rumor-it-eldar-expect/) 5-8-2013:

-Universal Fleet including the Avatar. The Wraith stuff though won't have fleet.
-Old independent character special rules moved to Warlord Traits
-Jet Bikes moved back to Fast Attack (IC to unlock to troops)
-Eldar psychic powers nerfed: some powers disappearing, random table, focus on witchfire
-Warlocks can only use Eldar specific psychic powers
-Runes of Warding Nerfed: No longer board wide
-Farseer 2 wounds
-Eldrad Mastery Level 4, Staff of Ulthamar similar to Ahirman staff
-Almost all Phoenix Lords lose Eternal Warrior have cost reductions
-Exarch's must be included in all Aspects units. (Sergeant Character)
-Don't expect many changes with the Aspect warriors just cleaning up old rules and such
-Dark Reapers, Swooping Hawks, and Banshees see the biggest cost drops and anti-flyer additions
-Guardians 7 points a piece
-Vehicles will have either no cost reduction of very minor reduction (5pts) with Vypers benefiting the most
-Vehicles come stock with shuriken cannons vehicle savings come with cheaper weapon upgrades and wargear
-Eldar Flyers first to get Vector Dancer (minus Forge World of course)
-Don't be surprised to see Giant Wraithlord with T8 and Will not Die

The Eldar codex in essences won't reinvent the wheel this is update to bring them in line with 6th edition units costs and such and with Phil Kelly supposedly once again at the helm expect the changes to be more like Chaos Space Marine codex and less like the Chaos Daemons codex.
Don't expect to see any new Aspect molds with maybe Swooping Hawks getting an update.

via Warseer's Best_Pone 5-9-2013
First look at this:

Common Eldar fighter/bomber features:
- Downward angling of the primary wings (about 30º I'd estimate)
- Canards are very slightly angled down, but near horizontal
- Engines are mounted in pods in the wings
- One weapon mounted centreline under the hull, and one in a pod in each wing

- Has a single vertical stabiliser mounted on the centreline of the aircraft

- Twin "vertical" stabilisers (they're actually about 30º from horizontal), one mounted on each engine pod.

Regarding the "big walker"
it's officially Wraithknight

via Reddit 5-10-2013

I work at a hobby shop and yesterday I was submitting my Games Workshop order. To my surprise my GW rep asked me if I wanted one of the collectors edition codex's ( he knows i'm a huge Eldar fan). I submitted my order for the entire new line of Eldar mini's. Some notable orders were a Wraithguard box set, a new Eldar Avatar box, Jetbikes 3 pack, and the new flier. He couldn't give me names but I can confirm that on May 24th the pre-order for Eldar will be released and they will be released the first week of June.

via Best_Pone 5-10-2013

...the flyers and wraithknight are the new shiny things, so they're going to be what grab the most attention.
You are getting new wraithguard - it's a double pack that also do a close combat version. Both types will also have weapon options.
The Finecast that I've seen are a spiritseer and a ranger, and your new battleforce replaces the warwalker with a viper.

via BoLS 5-13-2013

Word has reached us of two divergent schools of though for the latest codex shuriken family, and the jury is still out on which one was ultimately selected. Both are highly divergent from the short-ranged 12" S:4 AP:5 Assault 2 weapon we have now (oh those poor, poor Guardians). Here we go folks:

OPTION A: The Bane of Flesh

Shuriken Pistol 12" S:4 AP5 Pistol, (Fleshbane or Shred)
Shuriken Catapult 18" S:4 AP5 Assault 2, (Fleshbane or Shred)
Dire Avenger Shuriken Catapult 24" S:4 AP:5 Assault 2, (Fleshbane or Shred)
Shuriken Cannon 24" S:6 AP:5 Assault 3, (Fleshbane or Shred)
Shuriken Shreiker Cannon 24" S:6 AP:5 Assault 3, (Fleshbane or Shred), Poison(4+), Pinning

OPTION B: The Rain of Shuriken

Shuriken Pistol 12" S:4 AP5 Pistol
Shuriken Catapult 18" S:4 AP5 Salvo2/4
Dire Avenger Shuriken Catapult 24" S:4 AP:5 Salvo 2/4
Shuriken Cannon 24" S:6 AP:5 Salvo 3/6
Shuriken Shreiker Cannon 24" S:6 AP:5 Salvo 3/6, Poison(4+), Pinning

via BoLS 5-14-2013

Latest word says Harlequins are unchanged from the Dark Eldar book - so apparently they are the constant link between both Eldar factions.

via Heresy Online (http://www.heresy-online.net/forums/showpost.php?p=1372725&postcount=267) 5-20-2013

There is also an upgrade pack in Finecast to make an Autarch on a jetbike.As far as the actual Codex goes:-You can make Run moves in addition to shooting Shuriken weapons.

-Shuriken weapons have a rule which makes them ignore armor on a to-wound roll of a 6– similar to rending, but it's not actually the Rending rule.

-The Wraithknight starts at about 250 points and caps around 350, and towers over even the Tau Riptide. It's 9” tall. The Wraithknight has the ability for its weapons to become twin-linked if it hits with a scatter laser it comes equipped with, even against airborne targets. It can shoot S9 and 10 small blasts, and has a total of four weapons on it– you have a choice of several, including a huge wraithblade and a lance weapon.

- Wraithguard are cheaper both points-wise and financially speaking, and are now S5 and T6, and have the option to be equipped with Wraithblades as per the current Codex's in place of their guns, making them a dangerous close combat unit.

- Including a Spiritseer as a HQ choice allows you to bring Wraithguard as Troops.

- Expect Guardians to supplant Dire Avengers as the staple Troops choice– they're very points efficient and with the buff to shuriken weapons, they should expect to be in a lot of competitive armies.

-The Fire Prism has been nerfed a bit– basically, they want to drive people back towards Aspect Warrior and Wraith-heavy armies, rather than the mechanized Eldar army literally everyone and their brother played with the exact same list. Can't really say to what extent, but the purchasing advice was to “Not load up on them.”

-The Avatar is “Definitely better.”

-The Iyanden supplement is not a splash release, and will be normally available. Iyanden is strictly a fluff book, and contains no game rules. The rules to play a themed Iyanden army are found completely in Codex: Eldar. This is a move to appease people who want more fluff in books as well as people who would rather just have more game content with the fluff optional. This is an experiment in seeing how this works– if it does well, expect Games Workshop to continue with the release of “chapter-specific” fluff supplements for their Codex releases.

via Dakka Dakka 5-21-2013

- From what I saw all the non Wraith infantry have the run/shoot shoot/run ability (the rule was called Battle something). Avengers definitely do (from the report) and Rangers definitely do (from tiny printed profile in the WD) as well. Not sure if its just for Shuriken weapons (Rangers do have Pistols I guess).

- It looks likes all Eldar have the 'Ancient Foe' special rule, no idea what this does but I suspect its something like Hatred Daemons of Slaneesh (don't think it was Necron related as the report was against Crons) since all Eldar appear to have it (including the Wraith units).

- There are 14 Eldar specific psychic powers from 2 different charts, Runes of Battle and Runes of Fate. However it looks like several of the powers are 2 in 1, i.e they have a buff mode and a debuff mode, so there are actually HEAPS of powers. I.e the Primaris for Battle is Conceal/Reveal (as a single card/roll etc), Conceal gives you Shrouded and Reveal removes Shrouded from an enemy. The 1 on the Battle Chart was Destructor/Renew(?), Destructor being the same as before with Soul Blaze added and Renew allowing you to restore a wound to a friendy model within range (18" I think). Primaris for Runes of Fate was Guide, which is now 24" range but is otherwise the exact same as before. Very surprising to see this as aside from the range it is far worse than the Divination Primaris (although I guess you could take both and effectively Guide two units). The 1 on the Fate Chart was a terrible Focuses Witchfire power. Fortune and Doom are still options (the Farseer in the report had them) and appear to have the same effects.

- The Avatar has Fleet. Also one of the psychic powers increases your movement speed/charge range somehow

- The Wraithknight is insanely huge, it is literally twice the height of a Wraithlord, and the sword option it can take is basically the size of a Wraithlord as well. It can take up to 2 Suncannons, which are S6 AP2 Heavy 3 Small Blast or up to 2 Wraithlances(?) which are presumably the heavy anti tank option. Sword replaces one of the big guns I think (they are arm mounted like the Titans). This is in addition to the two shoulder mounted heavy weapons (I saw Scatters and Starcannons, so presumably the normal range of heavy weapons are available)

- Wraithguard and Wraithblades look good, think scaled down Wraithlords. They looked a bit bigger than the old ones, but I think it was partly just the added range of motion in the poses on 40mm bases (similar to the old 25mm base Terminators vs the newer 40mm base ones, they are bigger but the better poses help as well). Wraithguard can now get either Wraithcannons (which from the fluff descriptions seemed to still be single shot and very powerful) or D Scythes which were described as a multi shot weapon but it could still Pen vehicles on a 6. Wraithblades are only 1A base (sadly) but looked like they could go either 2 CCW(no idea on stats of their weapons, but they appeared to have sword/axe options) or 1 CCW + Shield gen arm.

- Wraithguard are definitely S5 T6, Lord is almost certainly not T6 (a full unit of Destroyers shot one in the report and did nothing, which suggests T8 or some other equivalent buff). No idea on the stats for the Knight.

- It looks like Aspect Warriors have the same base profile, include Exarches with Ld9

- Reapers have Slow and Purposeful

- Rangers have WS4. They also have a character (not sure if he is upgrade or HQ) who has a 120" range Sniper Rifle.

- One of the fliers has 2 Heavy D Scythes on the wings and a psychic based main gun. The other has 2 Bright Lances and a Pulse Laser.

- Saw stats for what looked like special weapons for characters, might have been for Special Characters as well since the 120" range sniper was in there. One weapon was +2S, AP- Melee, Rending, Fleshbane, Instant Death. Another was +1S AP3, Soul Blaze, and if you killed anything with Soul Blaze then every unit within 6" of that unit would become effected by Soul Blaze as well. There was also a one use only piece of wargear, which you could use when the character died. On a 2+ you place a S4 AP3 template over the character, hitting both friend and foe, but if you cause at least 1 wound then the character stands back up with 1 wound. Last one I saw was an item which gave the user Fearless, Shrouded, Stealth and re-roll cover saves but they lose the IC rule, which gives people a way to make a Solitare (the name was something to do with the Laughing God).

Dragons, and Wargear 5-28-2013

Fire Dragon WS 4 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 5 A 1 Ld 9
Fire Dragon Exarch WS 5 BS 5 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 6 A 2 Ld 9
Heavy Aspect Armor (3+)
Fusion Gun
Melta Bombs
Special Rules:
Ancient Doom
Battle Focus
- 5 Dragons 110 points
up to 5 more at 22/model
1 Exarch upgrade 10
Exarch may take Dragon's Breath Flamer for free or Firepike 15pts
Exarch may take up to two of the following exarch powers:
-Iron Resolve 5pts
-Crushing Blow 10pts
-Fast Shot 10pts
May use a Wave Serpent as a Dedicated Transport.

WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W2 I5 A1 Ld8 Sv-
Psyker Lvl 1

Shard of Anabis: combat weapon, +2S Ap- Rending, Vauls Work.
Vauls Work = bearer has fearless, In challenge bearer has Fleshbane and Instant Death

FireSabre: combat weapon, +1S ap 3 Soulblaze, Wildfire
Wildfire; whenever soulblaze inflicts an unsaved wound it arcs to all units within 6 on the roll of a 6

Spirit Stone of Anath'lan: Allows a Psyker to reduce the cost of a power by 1 warp charge to a minimum of 1, If he does it he can't use the Runic armour's Invunerable save.

Long Rifle: 120" Sx Ap 3 Heavy 1 Sniper

Mantle of the Laughing God: IC loses IC rule but gains Hit and Run, Shrouded and stealth and can reroll failed cover saves

Faolchu Wings: Run up to 48" in the shooting phase, can't shoot, charge into combat or cast shooting psychic powers. reroll failed cover saves until the next turn

Phoenix Gem: When model dies roll a d6, on a 2+ place a large blast marker centred over the model, All units take a number of hits equal to the number of models under the template, a S4 Ap5/3, any unsaved wounds and the model gets back up on one wound, this is a one use only thing.

Ghostwalk Matrix (in a squad this one is on all or none)
Spirit Stones
Star Engines
Vectored Engines
Crystal Targeting Matrix (Basically fire one weapon first to get a hit that will twin-link the rest of the models weapons at the target)

Shuriken Weapons
Bladestorm rule - auto-wounds on a roll to wound of a 6 with AP2. Ranges unchanged.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-05-2012, 04:44 AM
Ooooooooooooh! That's an interesting list.

11-05-2012, 07:35 AM
Character for Avengers? In addition to their Phoenix Lord?

Not sure I buy that.

CC Wraithguard could be fun.

11-05-2012, 07:52 AM
Character for Avengers? In addition to their Phoenix Lord?

Not sure I buy that.

CC Wraithguard could be fun.

The last batch of rumors (which I'm not sure are still "valid" or not) had something called a "Xentarch" for all of the major aspect shrines.

Could be what they're talking about.

Also - the fact that there's no new jetbikes isn't cause for immediate concern. We need to see what GW does with the old Chaos minis that are already released and see if they get revamped. I know that all of the "New" units will get models first (because the studio is determining what units go in the books these days) probably to keep people like Chapterhouse from making a model in its stead.

11-05-2012, 07:55 AM
Yup. Or it could be a noted exarch or something. I approve, the Path series showed there was considerble variation in shrine tactics, some mechanism in the codex for allowing that and a character or two to highlight it would be lovely. Probably just going to be a super autarch, I'm fine with that too.:p Just want more pretties to buy...

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-05-2012, 07:56 AM
You've had enough pretties. *takes pretties off of you*

11-05-2012, 07:58 AM
Pfft you don't know where my pretties are and it would take more than one person to take 60,000 points of eldar away. Not to mention you wouldn't survive the attempt.:p

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-05-2012, 08:01 AM
Oh really? Sounds like a challenge to me.

Also, I know where to look. :p

I wouldn't take them away anyway, you can when I kill them. :D

11-05-2012, 08:14 AM
New Eldar jetbikes or ain't buying any thing.

11-05-2012, 08:16 AM
mmmmm eldar titbits

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-05-2012, 08:23 AM
Eldar Boobs.... Maybe ftw?

11-05-2012, 08:32 AM
Eldar Boobs.... Maybe ftw?


Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-05-2012, 08:35 AM
Not sure if want.....

Mr Mystery
11-05-2012, 08:47 AM

Send more Necrons. KTHXPLS

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-05-2012, 08:51 AM
Shooo Mystery, shooo!

Mr Mystery
11-05-2012, 08:56 AM
Shooo Mystery, shooo!

Eldar are like Boybands. Inexplicably popular, despite a lack of substance :p

(Just Trollin' folks!)

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-05-2012, 09:01 AM
*shakes head*

11-05-2012, 09:18 AM
Eldar are like Boybands. Inexplicably popular, despite a lack of substance :p

(Just Trollin' folks!)

Surely Ork lootas are like boybands, ride around on other peoples work...

11-05-2012, 09:20 AM
Nope. Necrons are like boybands

They're ****s

11-05-2012, 09:24 AM
Why is "Hunks" censored?

Mr Mystery
11-05-2012, 09:25 AM
Surely Ork lootas are like boybands, ride around on other peoples work...

Nah. Looting is a talent. Boy bands have none.

11-05-2012, 09:29 AM
Why is "Hunks" censored?

It has an UN in the middle of it, but not a H or a K...

11-05-2012, 09:31 AM
Nah. Looting is a talent. Boy bands have none.

Good point.

11-05-2012, 09:35 AM
Eldar Boobs.... Maybe ftw?

Lets not go there. The last time they came up it was quite the scandal/discussion.

11-05-2012, 09:37 AM
Was there?

11-05-2012, 09:37 AM
Well, there goes my hopes of a new Storm Guardians kit in plastic.

11-05-2012, 09:47 AM
Was there?


Someone made a diorama of a wrecked eldar tank with a female crew amongst the wreckage, with a bunch of IG troopers surrounding her- clearly implying that they were about to rape the crew.

It started a debate about "Whether we need this in our hobby".

11-05-2012, 09:47 AM
Well, there goes my hopes of a new Storm Guardians kit in plastic.

Storm guardians are just a guardian box + the eldar CCW sprues that they sell now.


11-05-2012, 09:51 AM

Someone made a diorama of a wrecked eldar tank with a female crew amongst the wreckage, with a bunch of IG troopers surrounding her- clearly implying that they were about to rape the crew.

It started a debate about "Whether we need this in our hobby".

Oh I remember that, though the thread is labelled TITbits, and Eldar are generally portrayed as slim/flat chested....

Mr Mystery
11-05-2012, 10:34 AM

11-05-2012, 10:39 AM
Storm guardians are just a guardian box + the eldar CCW sprues that they sell now.


I have actually had some great results with the wytch ccw from the DE line but that doesn't fix the horribly static stances.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-05-2012, 10:49 AM

Archon Charybdis
11-05-2012, 11:08 AM
I might believe a named upgrade character/exarch for Dire Avengers, being the most populous Aspect and the only (at least currently) Aspect troop choices.

11-05-2012, 12:14 PM
I might believe a named upgrade character/exarch for Dire Avengers, being the most populous Aspect and the only (at least currently) Aspect troop choices.

Thats remedied by letting Lords take their aspects as trooops.

Or a Autarch ability, similar to the GK one, lets D3 units count as scoring

11-05-2012, 12:17 PM
No news on a Solitare option or anything pertaining to Harlequins? I could've swore that someone or people posted that he (and/or she) was left out of IA 11 because of Eldar codex... :(

11-05-2012, 12:21 PM
That was nearly 2 years ago though....and then the whole IA11 had a massive re-write.

At that point the Eldar dexwas very much a twinkle in Jes and Phils eye (hows that for a creepy slashfic set up)

Ulthwé Guardian
11-05-2012, 01:17 PM
I can envision the possibility a sudden rapid release of a Solitaire model more than ever. With sub-codexes being released in White Dwarf; we should by no means expect a Solitaire to be released, but in the long run it's likely to happen. Since the 6th edition lots of rules, wargear and abilities keep recurring, with this in mind I don't think we should be surprised to see one in future :)

Emerald Rose Widow
11-05-2012, 01:31 PM
I really had hoped they would come out earlier. I am looking forward to seeing new eldar miniatures, and I know my brother wants new eldar stuff so badly, especially wraithguard.

11-05-2012, 08:33 PM
The only thing I want for my Eldar is for the Shuriken Catapult to get back its 24 inch range.

Oh and that the Guardians get a troop section like the Imperial Guard platoon makeup.

11-05-2012, 09:33 PM
The lack of changes to any plastic models and the limited units/models mentioned sound a little like those White Dwarf "just prior to the codex" units to be honest. Excited none the less.

11-06-2012, 02:16 AM
Oh I remember that, though the thread is labelled TITbits, and Eldar are generally portrayed as slim/flat chested....

So is this deliberate mistake by EG or just a Freudian slip I wonder.

11-06-2012, 04:21 AM
...titbits is the correct spelling of tidbits, what is wrong with you people?:p

11-06-2012, 04:47 AM
The only thing I want for my Eldar is for the Shuriken Catapult to get back its 24 inch range.

Oh and that the Guardians get a troop section like the Imperial Guard platoon makeup.

I hear that. Let's try to make Guardians useful again.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-06-2012, 02:16 PM
Let's keep this to some other, smutty, forum. :p

11-06-2012, 11:39 PM
Stickmonkey speaks to BoLS:

Eldar Miniatures (alongside the codex)


2 Aspect Characters

2 other characters (Either HQs or Unit Upgrade characters)

New Aspect (plastic)

Wraithguard (plastic)

New Eldar tank

New Eldar Bomber

Eldar Miniatures (outside the codex)

New Flyer

Guardian Jetbikes - Shining Spears combo-box

2 existing Aspects moved to plastic

Avatar (new model, bigger than a Dreadnought)

Warp Gate (Terrain kit)

Ork Miniatures (alongside the codex)

New Weirdboy


MegaNobs - Tellyportas combo-kit


Grot Gliders - (very odd one, a 40K version of WFB Doomdivers?)

Mega Mork/Gork - (your guess is as good as mine)

Ork Miniatures (outside the codex)

New Buggy - Half-track


Flashgits - Tankbustas plastic combo-kit

11-07-2012, 02:05 AM
...titbits is the correct spelling of tidbits, what is wrong with you people?:p

And so it is. Tidbits is an Americanism (http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/titbit?region=us). I'm ashamed to say I didn't even realise. I feel suitably chastised. My apologies EG.

11-07-2012, 03:08 AM
Apology accepted.:p

Now excuse me while I go bounce up and down and squeal at the prospect of lots of new eldar kits..

11-07-2012, 03:40 AM
I assumed that was what you were doing anyway. I glumly notice a lack of mention of Tau kits.

11-07-2012, 03:44 AM
The Tau don't need new models, well maybe proper human auxilary kits, but apart from that....

11-07-2012, 03:48 AM
This pic is from 2007. If we get this model or similar in the guardian/shining spear box, I will be all in on an all jetbike army.


11-07-2012, 04:18 AM
The Tau don't need new models, well maybe proper human auxilary kits, but apart from that....

The old metal/plastic combi kits need turning into full plastic, but other than that I'd agree. But they can't launch a codex without new models.

11-07-2012, 04:21 AM
Bring back the XV15? stealth suit...in plastic....with weapon options.

There Problem solved.

11-07-2012, 05:42 AM
Personally I prefer the 25, but each to their own. Most likely there will be a flyer and bunch of new aliens. The Vepsid need a new sculpt too, they are horrible. And Greater Knarlocs hopefully.

11-07-2012, 05:57 AM
They never seemed stealthy to me...

11-07-2012, 05:59 AM
Not surprising, those Knarlocs are massive.

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-07-2012, 10:44 AM
Plastic Wraithguard would make me return to Eldar, if one of those existing aspects moved to plastic is Warp spiders, then I'm sold - I always liked the more heavy duty infantry of the Eldar. Would make excellent adversaries for my Necrons and Enslavers alike too. On that note I wonder if the warp gate could be converted to something for my Enslavers too...hrmm

11-07-2012, 10:55 AM
Plastic Wraithguard would make me return to Eldar, if one of those existing aspects moved to plastic is Warp spiders, then I'm sold - I always liked the more heavy duty infantry of the Eldar. Would make excellent adversaries for my Necrons and Enslavers alike too. On that note I wonder if the warp gate could be converted to something for my Enslavers too...hrmm

Plastic wraithguard sound great... until you play a game with them.

I have 20 of the metal ones and the only way I'll run them is 10 max, with a wraithseer and a wraithlord in tow.

That 12" range gun is scary but getting them in positions to be effective while at the same time not getting charged is quite difficult and not always possible.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-07-2012, 11:35 AM
Not surprising, those Knarlocs are massive.

No Tau talk in the Eldar thread! People will get angry. :p

11-07-2012, 02:31 PM
No Tau talk in the Eldar thread! People will get angry. :p

So its for the Greater Good?

11-07-2012, 03:30 PM
This pic is from 2007. If we get this model or similar in the guardian/shining spear box, I will be all in on an all jetbike army.


I'm with you. That is a lovely model!

Emerald Rose Widow
11-07-2012, 03:48 PM
Apology accepted.:p

Now excuse me while I go bounce up and down and squeal at the prospect of lots of new eldar kits..

First, surprised you weren't doing this already

Second, The picture of EG jumping up and down and squealing is oddly humorous to me.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-07-2012, 05:40 PM
It has another effect on me, but that's for another time. :p

11-08-2012, 12:18 AM
Plastic Wraithguard would make me return to Eldar, if one of those existing aspects moved to plastic is Warp spiders, then I'm sold - I always liked the more heavy duty infantry of the Eldar. Would make excellent adversaries for my Necrons and Enslavers alike too. On that note I wonder if the warp gate could be converted to something for my Enslavers too...hrmm

I'd say it is a fair chance, the Warp Spiders are some of the oldest models in the eldar range (c1991-96) and they need a resculpt more than Banshees/Scorpions who are on their third iteration already. Possibly Fire Dragons but they may have just had two in all. Of course what needs a new sculpt from our perspective and what needs doing from GWs don't necessarily match.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-08-2012, 01:19 AM
They should be on rocks. :p

11-08-2012, 03:28 AM
Prefer them straight up myself.


Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-08-2012, 03:34 AM
EldarGal, Master of the Drink Puns! :p

11-08-2012, 03:47 AM
That was about drinks? :D

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-08-2012, 03:49 AM
Either way. :D

11-08-2012, 07:23 AM
Possibly Fire Dragons but they may have just had two in all.

GW is out of control on the Fire Dragons. They have actually had 4 iterations. The original Rogue Trader models by Jes Goodwin, a resculpt with the other Aspects in 3rd edition that were more angular and I think done by Chris Fitzpatrick, test models because they didn't like the 3rd edition ones that were released as bodyguard for the Necromunda Farseer, and the current ones that are a throwback in style to the original with some style cues from the Necromunda ones.

11-08-2012, 07:29 AM
GW is out of control on the Fire Dragons. They have actually had 4 iterations. The original Rogue Trader models by Jes Goodwin, a resculpt with the other Aspects in 3rd edition that were more angular and I think done by Chris Fitzpatrick, test models because they didn't like the 3rd edition ones that were released as bodyguard for the Necromunda Farseer, and the current ones that are a throwback in style to the original with some style cues from the Necromunda ones.

There was a necromunda farseer :eek:

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-08-2012, 07:38 AM
News to me.

11-08-2012, 07:45 AM
There was a necromunda farseer :eek:

Yep. He also had rules. Something like "Roll a dice. On a specific result, one of the characters on the board is the chosen one. If he is alive and rescued by the Eldar, they win and are removed from campaign. If he is killed in the game, every character on the board takes a S10 Multiple Wound hit.

11-08-2012, 07:50 AM
One of my friends hates Eldar so much that he came up with this (popular) theory;

When the new Eldar codex arrives, it will be hailed by power gamers alike and decried by those who fear cheese - for none can withstand the psychic apocalypse!
When you purchase the Eldar codex, the psychic power of the tome means that you need only place it upon the game table; as soon as your opponent gazes upon it, you must immediately roll a D6; on a 1+, the Eldar player wins the game.

If playing against an army that does not have any psykers, the roll is not required; the Eldar player is assumed to automatically win the game through copious amounts of dickishness.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-08-2012, 07:54 AM
One of my friends hates Eldar so much that he came up with this (popular) theory;

When the new Eldar codex arrives, it will be hailed by power gamers alike and decried by those who fear cheese - for none can withstand the psychic apocalypse!
When you purchase the Eldar codex, the psychic power of the tome means that you need only place it upon the game table; as soon as your opponent gazes upon it, you must immediately roll a D6; on a 1+, the Eldar player wins the game.

If playing against an army that does not have any psykers, the roll is not required; the Eldar player is assumed to automatically win the game through copious amounts of dickishness.

Seems legit.

11-08-2012, 08:10 AM
Nah not possible as Matt Ward has a hard-on for Space marines not xenos.

11-08-2012, 08:11 AM
Who says Matt Ward would write it?
It is an Eldar codex, it wouldn't matter if Cruddace wrote it.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-08-2012, 08:14 AM

Not "The Cruddace"...

11-08-2012, 08:18 AM
There was a necromunda farseer :eek:


The staff on mine broke, but in a fixable way. Many of the GW sculptors have done Eldar models as part of their test. My understanding is that this was one of said test models that Specialist Games decided was good enough to release.

11-08-2012, 08:24 AM
Who says Matt Ward would write it?
It is an Eldar codex, it wouldn't matter if Cruddace wrote it.

Instant win sounded like a ward grey knight style rule.

11-08-2012, 08:27 AM
Trust me man. Eldar don't need it.

Jokes aside, yeah as you can tell my friend absolutely hates psykers lol. Surprise surprise, he plays Khorne armies.
Actually surprised he hasn't started a Khornate Knight army, should pester him about it.

11-10-2012, 07:15 AM
Trust me man. Eldar don't need it.

Jokes aside, yeah as you can tell my friend absolutely hates psykers lol. Surprise surprise, he plays Khorne armies.
Actually surprised he hasn't started a Khornate Knight army, should pester him about it.

Out of all the things to hold a grudge against in 40k, the Eldar psychic powers are probably the least rage inducing thing in there whole system.

11-14-2012, 06:31 AM
Can you be bribed to provide more Eldar rumours?

Animus Silvanna
11-14-2012, 10:59 AM
Pffffft. NEXT!

Just kidding in all serious it about time our favorite Space Elves get some codex love. I think I would prefer SOB firstly over Eldar, though SOB's codex is pretty old still very viable though, But you know what ever making me fork over all that money year after year. Sure my brother shall be happy.

03-02-2013, 10:53 AM
Thread Necromancy ACTIVATE

New stuff from Faeit today. Most of which I like the sound of

- Autarchs take Paths. These represent completed paths they have walked and are tied to the various aspects. By taking a path you make the respective aspect warrior a troop choice (the exception are reapers who just become scoring)

- Overall point cost reduction (guardians see it the most, aspect warriors see it the least, but are instead a fair margin better with only a minor cost decrease for two of the schools).

- new special rule that influence how howling banshees interact in combat. It's current iteration really makes them feel like glass cannons that are amazing at what they're designed to do.

-Seer councils have brotherhood of psykers (the farseers still cast their own abilities in addition, but two farseers together cast more than 2 farseers separately)

- in general, aspect warriors are hyper focused and hyper successful if used properly
- No new aspect
- 2 new flyers
- lots of units get access to skyfire
- new tank (on falcon chasis)
- Avatar is buffed a lot
- Two new special characters
- exarchs are all really good in duels in different ways
- farseers are still awesome psykers
- warlocks improve deny the witch.
- falcon/wave serpent point reduction
- way to make some of the craftworld specific lists
- additional rules for allying with dark eldar
- expanded fluff on the war in heaven

The bit on more detail on War in Heaven is interesting. Now the Necrons have been retconned out of it (a good thing) it should be good to re-expand

A lot of its sounds promising. Eldar are decent, just overcosted. Make us cheaper and we're good.

Mr Mystery
03-02-2013, 11:58 AM
Seems a bit generic I'm afraid.

And to be honest, most of it can be reached via guess work.

03-02-2013, 01:09 PM
The new rumours aren't that much. Point cost adjustments, minimal rule changes. The eldar codex already does most of what those rumours suggest. You can already do the major craftworlds in the current book. Perhaps the mighty eldar pyschers get some offensive powers, though how that fits with current fluff might be at odds.

03-02-2013, 01:46 PM
The bit on more detail on War in Heaven is interesting. Now the Necrons have been retconned out of it (a good thing) it should be good to re-expand

Erm...might want to read that Codex again, dude. The Necrons/C'Tan are as interwoven into the War in Heaven as they ever have been. Arguably more so, these days.

I'd be sad to see more of an expansion of the War in Heaven, at least from the Eldar's side of it. Always liked the mystery of the Eldar's ancient history, and the what's real/what's myth part of it.

03-02-2013, 04:53 PM
- lots of units get access to skyfire
- new tank (on falcon chasis)

Well a Firestorm would cover both of those rumors, and could potentially be a combo-kit with an updated Falcon turret sprue, like the Fire Prism was paired with the Night spinner.

03-02-2013, 05:38 PM

Erm...might want to read that Codex again, dude. The Necrons/C'Tan are as interwoven into the War in Heaven as they ever have been. Arguably more so, these days
Er, no. The War in Heaven with the Necrons didn't occur at all, not in the same way as before. The Necrons fought the Old Ones and were so weakened by it that they knew the 'mantle of galactic domination' was passing to the eldar so they went to sleep. The Necrons are no longer the mythological enemies of the Necrons, it all just goes back to the Old Ones which is SO MUCH better. I can't express how offensive to both the eldar and Necrons shoehorning them into eldar mythology was just to give their background some depth. Narrative incest at its worst.

The rumours are nothing particularly new, which either means it is rumour recycling with a few new bits added or things are firming up 6 or so months out from a release.:rolleyes:

03-02-2013, 06:57 PM
Er, no. The War in Heaven with the Necrons didn't occur at all, not in the same way as before. The Necrons fought the Old Ones and were so weakened by it that they knew the 'mantle of galactic domination' was passing to the eldar so they went to sleep. The Necrons are no longer the mythological enemies of the Eldar [sic], it all just goes back to the Old Ones which is SO MUCH better.
Not quite. There's very little difference here between the old and new Necron books - the War in Heaven was always a clash between the Necrontyr/Necrons and the Old Ones, with the Eldar playing an ancillary role as one of the Old Ones' proxy armies. There was just more of a focus on the Eldar/Necron enmity because so much of the book's background was given through in-universe Eldar historical material. The Necrons still (presumably) loom large in the Eldar's racial history - the Eldar were just never that big of a deal to the Necrons.

03-02-2013, 07:21 PM
The Necrons are no longer the mythological enemies of the Necrons

I'm often my own worst enemy too.

03-02-2013, 09:09 PM
- additional rules for allying with dark eldar

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that this will include something to the effect of 'Harlequins taken from either the dark eldar or eldar codex count as being units from both codices (for purposes of psychic powers, etc), but only take up one force organization slot (chosen from either the primary detachment's codex, or the allied detachment).

03-03-2013, 01:32 AM
Not quite. There's very little difference here between the old and new Necron books - the War in Heaven was always a clash between the Necrontyr/Necrons and the Old Ones, with the Eldar playing an ancillary role as one of the Old Ones' proxy armies. There was just more of a focus on the Eldar/Necron enmity because so much of the book's background was given through in-universe Eldar historical material. The Necrons still (presumably) loom large in the Eldar's racial history - the Eldar were just never that big of a deal to the Necrons.
There is a huge difference, actually. The original War in Heavan was one involving just the eldar gods and the eldar, then the Necrons were awkwardly shoehorned in like some eldar equivalent of the legions of Hell. In the new book the two wars have been separated again with the Necrons simply being a very real threat rather than unstoppable legions that shaped the eldar mythos. The War in Heaven between the Necrons and the Old Ones and Eldar resulted in the Old Ones destruction but left the Necrons so weakened that they could not withstand the eldar counterattack so they hid and went to sleep. Which makes a whole lot more sense than the previous version.

The Necrons still (presumably) loom large in the Eldar's racial history - the Eldar were just never that big of a deal to the Necrons.
Not particularly, only Alaitoc keeps an active look out for them. The Necrons went to sleep for tens of millions of years to avoid the eldar, certainly a 'big deal'.

I'm often my own worst enemy too.

Quiet you, it was nearly midnight when I wrote that.:p

03-03-2013, 02:50 AM
There is a huge difference, actually. The original War in Heavan was one involving just the eldar gods and the eldar, then the Necrons were awkwardly shoehorned in like some eldar equivalent of the legions of Hell. In the new book the two wars have been separated again with the Necrons simply being a very real threat rather than unstoppable legions that shaped the eldar mythos.
Think you're making an awful large assumption there - Ward's a poor writer, of course, but even he's not moronic enough to have two separate events called "The War in Heaven" taking place within the Eldar's ancient history. It seems to me that there's a pretty clear implication that the events of the Eldar's War in Heaven are a mythologized account of the Necron/Old One wars, told from an Eldar-centric perspective (because isn't that just like them? :p). It's just not covered in the Necron book, since it's, well, a book about the Necrons, not the Eldar, and GW's long since dropped the use of in-universe material as a primary source of imparting background info. We'll doubtlessly hear more about the Eldar's side of it in the upcoming Eldar Codex.

The Necrons went to sleep for tens of millions of years to avoid the eldar, certainly a 'big deal'.
Well, yeah, but only after fighting a devastating war against the Old Ones, then a second war to destroy the primary architects/arsenal of winning that first war (and their whole motivating factor for showing up on the tabletop in the first place, but that's a different story). To the Eldar, the Necrons were the terrifying force that scoured the galaxy during the distant past. To the Necrons, the Eldar are an embarrassing coda to their own epic rise and fall. It's a perspective thing.

03-03-2013, 04:08 AM
Except there is no assumption:
Note all the sources for the second are the 5th edition codex. In the old background the eldar were created to fight the Necrontyr/C'tan as were their gods. Kaela Mensha Khaine gained his metallic body after fighting the Nightbringer and absorbing some of its necrodermis. The original Necron creation background had them basically being the Big Bad of eldar mythology who were saved (like everything else) only when the Necrons went to sleep for no good reason.

Ward was far from moronic, he fixed the moronic original story. Now there are two Wars in Heaven, on the realm of eldar mythology the other an actual historical event. This is far more satisfactory to both races than the previous abortion which was offensive to all involved as far as I'm concerned.

Well, yeah, but only after fighting a devastating war against the Old Ones, then a second war to destroy the primary architects/arsenal of winning that first war (and their whole motivating factor for showing up on the tabletop in the first place, but that's a different story). To the Eldar, the Necrons were the terrifying force that scoured the galaxy during the distant past. To the Necrons, the Eldar are an embarrassing coda to their own epic rise and fall. It's a perspective thing.
That interpretation is coloured by the old background. In the new background the eldar that still watch for the Necrons are certainly concerned/fearful and think of them as an ancient enemy but they were in the position of strength at their last encounter. The eldar are trying to prevent the Necrons from gaining strength, not living in fear of them. The galaxy scouring stuff is gone, they didn't do that. They just destroyed the Old Ones.
It is true that the Necrons do not have a high opinion of the eldar, but that is because they are too arrogant to realise that their grip on the galaxy was shattered just like the eldar.:p

03-03-2013, 10:31 AM
Hmm... if you thought that was bad, I just saw this on the front page:

*Background being expanded with some sort of connection between the Old Ones and C'tan being worked on.

As in, the TYRANIDS' background.

03-03-2013, 02:23 PM
Except there is no assumption:
Note all the sources for the second are the 5th edition codex.
Well, Unreliable Lexicanum is Unreliable and all, but that second article states quite clearly that "[f]or the Eldar, the War in Heaven has passed into mythology and is now described as a conflict where the Eldar God of war, Kaela Mensha Khaine, waged war upon his fellow gods as well as the followers of Eldanesh." There's only one War in Heaven. The Eldar just tell the story differently.

I'm not necessarily a huge fan of this, mind you - IMO, it was nicer in the old background, where the C'tan/Old One wars were quite possibly just part of the Eldar's War in Heaven. The new book's the first time the whole thing's been lumped into an overall War in Heaven, IIRC. Wish that it were otherwise.

Hmm... if you thought that was bad, I just saw this on the front page:

*Background being expanded with some sort of connection between the Old Ones and C'tan being worked on.

As in, the TYRANIDS' background.
Ugh. I'm hoping that was an editing mistake on someone's part, and that was meant for the Eldar section. I liked the old Necron/C'tan background, but it started to creep into everything too much, what with the Machine God C'tan and the implication that the Tyranid Hive Mind was just a rogue, insane C'tan.

03-03-2013, 06:54 PM
All the arguments about make believe stuff aside,

I think that these rumors indicate that Eldar will follow in the same bath as the other 6th edition books we've seen so far. Some cost reductions and some mild tweaks here and there.

It'd be nice to actually have a reason to take an autarch again. Hopefully he'll have a pre-game buff like he used to in the 4th edition days.

Interested to see what the new tank type is. I don't think its going to be the firestorm. Fingers crossed that its an assault variant serpent.

03-03-2013, 07:15 PM
All the arguments about make believe stuff aside
Man, if you can't understand the vital importance of pretend pre-historic space wizard elf chronology, I ain't even wanna know you. :p

03-04-2013, 02:55 AM
Well, Unreliable Lexicanum is Unreliable and all, but that second article states quite clearly that "[f]or the Eldar, the War in Heaven has passed into mythology and is now described as a conflict where the Eldar God of war, Kaela Mensha Khaine, waged war upon his fellow gods as well as the followers of Eldanesh." There's only one War in Heaven. The Eldar just tell the story differently.
Unreliable Lexicanum isn't unreliable when it sources its claims.:rolleyes: Also you might try actually reading the article on the eldar War in Heavemn rather than basing your rebuttal on an ucited line from Lexicanum:

Khaine tortured Isha and Kurnous, utilizing every cruel art he knew. Many of the gods secretly thought Khaine was going too far and secretly supported Isha and Kurnous, but only one was willing to stand up for them in public. Vaul petitioned for their release, and eventually he and Khaine came to an agreement. In one year's time, Khaine would release Isha and Kurnous in exchange for one hundred swords. Vaul was such a master smith that a single blade of his was of incalculable value - indeed, a single mortal with a Sword of Vaul could stand against a thousand with mundane weapons.
Vaul immediately set to work, rejoicing. Unfortunately though, when the year was up, he had only completed ninety-nine swords, rendering the bargain void. He took an ordinary mortal blade and mixed it in with the others, hoping that Khaine would not notice. Upon delivery, Khaine was so pleased with the weapons that he released Isha and Kurnous forthwith, delighting in the craftsmanship that had gone into the swords. It was only when Isha and Kurnous were long gone that Khaine discovered the one mortal sword.
Khaine roared in anger, calling Vaul a cheat, a liar, and a thief. He immediately set off to track Vaul down and make him pay. The wars that followed polarized the gods, Khaine's faction and Vaul's faction engaging in bloody warfare for an eternity. Gods changed sides, great deeds of heroism and of craven evil were performed on both sides, and the war was mirrored in a struggle between the Eldar in the mortal realms. Asuryan himself never took a side, watching the carnage impassively, slowly coming to regret his impetuosity in sentencing Isha and Kurnous. (Although this is not the only "story" telling of the hundred swords, another consists of the Eldar and Khaine going to war with the Necrons and failing because of the one "mortal" sword).
Vaul reforged the final sword, the one that he had failed to finish for Khaine, the greatest of all, and called it Anaris. Armed with this weapon, Vaul strode forth to do battle with Khaine. It was a long, hard-fought struggle, but even with Anaris, Vaul was no match for the war god. Khaine cast down Vaul, maiming the smith, and bound Vaul to his own anvil.
However, the falcon, Faolchú, consort of the Great Hawk, who had fought for Vaul, took the sword Anaris and delivered it straight to Eldanesh, greatest of the mortal Eldar. With Anaris in hand, Eldanesh of the Red Moon took up the fight and faced Khaine in single combat. Eldanesh fought well, but in the end he too was defeated by Khaine, his body crushed by the god of war. As Khaine slew Eldanesh his hands began to drip with red blood. Forever after he was to become known as Khaela Mensha Khaine, which means "Khaine the Bloody-Handed". Asuryan had seen enough of the slaughter and proclaimed the war over. Khaine had had his vengeance and left the field satisfied.

03-04-2013, 08:54 AM
Im interested in the part about new rules dealing with the DE. maybe they can use each other's vehicles. Banshees suffer right now from the lack of an assault vehicle and the fact that unless you have one you have to sit outside for a turn rather than the old sit in side and dont move for a turn.

its probably that you cant take certain people with the DE (farseers or characters) which would be annoying...

03-04-2013, 11:43 AM
it would be nice to see a harlequin SC. Such as the solitare.

03-04-2013, 11:45 AM
I'm really hoping that the "no new aspects" thing isn't correct since I was enamored with that box art code list that had "Everguard" on there which were supposedly close combat dudes with warp spider jump packs.

I don't know if that box art code list turned out to be a hoax or not but it gave me hope that there would be more than just a "tweak" of the current book (which I would still be ok with)

The only thing that would disappoint me is if they kept guardians the same.

03-04-2013, 12:04 PM
Guardians need to lose 2pts each and gain a 18" range. Weapons platforms need to be cheaper (and maybe able to take more 1 platform for every 10).
If you can take multiples have a squad leader or upgrade that lets them split fire......

Ill stop wishlisting now

03-04-2013, 12:12 PM
I think unless Rangers got nerfed into oblivion, no amount of Buffing would make me take Guardians as troops.

Archon Charybdis
03-04-2013, 02:27 PM
I'm really hoping that the "no new aspects" thing isn't correct since I was enamored with that box art code list that had "Everguard" on there which were supposedly close combat dudes with warp spider jump packs.

No reason to assume they're an Aspect though. From the one picture in the 4E codex, they almost look more like a type of Warlock to me.

03-04-2013, 03:29 PM
That "totally legitimate genuine 100% for realsies product list" was purest stuff and nonsense. Two of the armies have now been released and it barely bore any resemblance to the "leaked product code" list. No new greater daemons, for one.

It was a fabrication, like a lot of rumours. Forget it.

03-04-2013, 11:51 PM
Unreliable Lexicanum isn't unreliable when it sources its claims.:rolleyes: Also you might try actually reading the article on the eldar War in Heavemn rather than basing your rebuttal on an ucited line from Lexicanum:
Well, I think everyone's aware of the Eldar version of the War - it's been around for, what, 20 years now? - but I don't see what relevancy that has here. How exactly the Eldar's tales of Vaul, Khaine, Isha and the rest are reconciled with the C'Tan/Old One war has always been a little murky, but that they're describing the same events was well understood, as you've pointed out. The 5th Ed Necron book used the name "War in Heaven" to describe the conflict, which just makes it even clearer.

That the Necron Codex only tells the Necron side of things without much involving the Eldar doesn't mean they're two separate wars. Again, the book's just describing the event from a single perspective, which will be re-told through a different lens in another Codex, as has been the habit of Codexes for a while now (appropriately enough, in the Necron Codex itself, which re-tells a story from the Blood Angels book, and gains a different meaning). The only way I see you getting to the idea of there being two separate Wars in Heaven is that you really want there to be, and you're taking absence of direct contradiction to be evidence.

03-05-2013, 01:40 AM
Unless you are arguing that either the eldar or the eldar gods are Necrons, then they are two seperate wars. Because the eldar War in Heaven was between them and their gods.

White Tiger88
03-05-2013, 02:29 AM
Why do i have the feeling now "Eldar Rumors" are up that they will release tau first?

03-05-2013, 02:40 AM
'cos Tau are (rumoured to be) coming in April?:p

White Tiger88
03-05-2013, 02:42 AM
'cos Tau are (rumoured to be) coming in April?:p

Yes......that will do nicely due to demons & elfs needing goats to feed upon?

03-05-2013, 02:54 AM
Yes......that will do nicely due to demons & elfs needing goats to feed upon?

Goats? I thought they were cows?

If a cow had a chance, it'd kill you and everyone you care about...

White Tiger88
03-05-2013, 02:58 AM
Goats? I thought they were cows?

If a cow had a chance, it'd kill you and everyone you care about...

No there fish goats.

03-05-2013, 03:12 AM
I'm sure they used to use Bovine when they talked about them, When did this change?

03-05-2013, 03:16 AM
Where everyone gets the "fish" thing from I have no idea. They've always lived on land, don't swim, don't have gills....

They have Hooves

03-05-2013, 03:26 AM
They have Hooves

Aye, that's what I thought...

03-05-2013, 03:40 AM
So, if Eldar call humans 'mon keigh' (monkey), what do they call Tau? 'Cau Ow'?

03-05-2013, 03:41 AM
'Those little blue people whose evolution we guided'.:p

White Tiger88
03-05-2013, 03:46 AM
'Those little blue people whose evolution we guided'.:p

I thought "pets"

03-05-2013, 03:47 AM
I thought "pets"

That is the eldar definition of pet, minus the specificity of 'little blue people'.

03-05-2013, 07:31 AM
That is the eldar definition of pet, minus the specificity of 'little blue people'.

does this mean the eldar created the smurfs too?( not the ultra kind )

Mr Mystery
03-05-2013, 09:56 AM
Where does this theory that the Eldar guided Tau evolution?

Never come across so much as a hint in the general background stuff?

03-05-2013, 10:03 AM
There's been little hints but I can't think where I've seen them

03-05-2013, 10:10 AM
It is in Xenology I believe.

Archon Charybdis
03-05-2013, 10:11 AM
It's an extrapolation from a few details in Xenology, and the fact that the Ethereals appeared out of nowhere to miraculously unify Tau society and kick start a era of technological advancement.

03-05-2013, 10:13 AM
That and Tau, the warp neutral race are a biological weapon capable of defeating chaos

Mr Mystery
03-05-2013, 10:23 AM
Sounds far more like a Necron attempt meself. Perhaps a rogue Cryptek, or indeed Crypteks, seeking to engineer suitable bodies for bio transference?

I did have Xenology, but sadly lent it to a mate who did a bunk, book and all. I remember it subtely suggesting the Ethereal was comprised of various bio thingies seen in the other creatures, but not alluding to who?

03-05-2013, 10:24 AM
Necrons were still dormant when the Ethereals appeared

Mr Mystery
03-05-2013, 10:28 AM
I dunno dude....it's said some cells were up and about during the Heresy. Not being encountered, and not being about are two different things.

Besides, IIRC, the Tau went from Cavemen to Supertechrobotjox in 2,000 or so years? Necrons were defo up and about at that point.

03-05-2013, 10:33 AM
I find the Tau-as-anti-Warp thing very, very interesting. If the rumors are true, it seems like a common fan misinterpretation. The Tau weren't originally anti-Warp, they were just uninteresting to the Warp, difficult for the Warp to percieve, but psychic powers and Daemonic gifts (and, you know, claws) effected them normally on the rare occasion that the Warp decided to bother. The fans misread this as some kind of immunity or resistance to the Warp... and it looks like GW is going for it.

I don't mind. Personally, I think it's a lot neater if the Tau have special anti-Warp powers. But it's interesting to trace the origin of this idea.

03-05-2013, 10:35 AM
I dunno dude....it's said some cells were up and about during the Heresy. Not being encountered, and not being about are two different things.

Besides, IIRC, the Tau went from Cavemen to Supertechrobotjox in 2,000 or so years? Necrons were defo up and about at that point.

Were they?

I thought the Tau were encountered and catalogued for routine extermination in M35?

Mr Mystery
03-05-2013, 10:38 AM
Thing is, they're also ostensiably the only race not messed about with by the Old Ones, or so it would seem.

We know from the Necron background the Old Ones needed psychic races to battle the C'Tan, as the warp proved anathema to them. One could say that the Tau therefore represent the true impact in the warp of a non-tinkered with species.

Tau aren't a 'pariah' species, and do show up in the warp, it's just that they aren't very bright in there, and as such easily missed. And as such they have minimal, if indeed any psychic potential. Therefore Daemons don't really have an in, and if they did possess a Tau, there's precious little there to sustain them.

To be honest, I just don't see what's in it for the Eldar in creating a new species to compete with, particularly one as dynamic as the Tau.

Psycho - 2,000 years thing is a hazy memory. I'm very likely wrong. But even so, Necrons up and fart arseing around by that point. And do remember the Triarch Praetorians never did go to sleep...

03-05-2013, 10:51 AM
Tau are stated to be bovid in the Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer along with tons of other totally true facts about the filthy xenos.

Archon Charybdis
03-05-2013, 10:51 AM
Sounds far more like a Necron attempt meself. Perhaps a rogue Cryptek, or indeed Crypteks, seeking to engineer suitable bodies for bio transference?

I did have Xenology, but sadly lent it to a mate who did a bunk, book and all. I remember it subtely suggesting the Ethereal was comprised of various bio thingies seen in the other creatures, but not alluding to who?

It references the Ethereals having a special pheromone producing gland that seems foreign, and elsewhere in the book it details an Eldar encounter with an insect-like race and them asking for biological samples from the Queen. The other thing is that the primitive Tau homeworld was saved from exploitation by Mechanicum explorator fleets by sudden and massive warp storms, which rather rules out the Necrons.

03-05-2013, 11:03 AM
According to this story, this puts the Tau book around June (not April, sorry) and then Eldar in September.


03-05-2013, 11:31 AM
According to this story, this puts the Tau book around June (not April, sorry) and then Eldar in September.


To be fair that article contradicts itself a little bit which it does refer to. Dark Angels in Jan and Daemons on the 1st weekend of march isnt 3 months. Only GW know for sure :)

03-05-2013, 11:46 AM
To be fair that article contradicts itself a little bit which it does refer to. Dark Angels in Jan and Daemons on the 1st weekend of march isnt 3 months. Only GW know for sure :)

I guess it means to imply "every three months on average" as a metric to guide the "all the armies done in 3 years" directive.

03-05-2013, 12:37 PM
It references the Ethereals having a special pheromone producing gland that seems foreign, and elsewhere in the book it details an Eldar encounter with an insect-like race and them asking for biological samples from the Queen. The other thing is that the primitive Tau homeworld was saved from exploitation by Mechanicum explorator fleets by sudden and massive warp storms, which rather rules out the Necrons.

this^. Its in the codex if i remember right. You must remember that time passes differently in the warp. To the imperials it was 2000 years but to them it could have been millions of years. In the ultramarine omnibus it talks about how the tau afected by the eths. It also yalks about how they can control men and woman.

Mr Mystery
03-05-2013, 12:46 PM
Yet the Eldar wouldn't be able to whip up a Warp Storm. Otherwise they'd do it more often.....

I reckon it's just plain old convenience.

03-05-2013, 12:52 PM
Yet the Eldar wouldn't be able to whip up a Warp Storm. Otherwise they'd do it more often.....

I reckon it's just plain old convenience.
I think you might be right on that. I dont remember anybody messing with them except the imperials before the storm. If i remember correctly they just thought they were cavemen not worthy of note.

03-05-2013, 05:36 PM
According to this story, this puts the Tau book around June (not April, sorry) and then Eldar in September.


Hastings says April and he predicted both Dark Angels and Daemons accurately (amongst many other things) in August of last year, so I'll go with what he says personally.

Yet the Eldar wouldn't be able to whip up a Warp Storm. Otherwise they'd do it more often.....

I reckon it's just plain old convenience.

Well we don't know enough to say. They may do that sort of thing all the time, they may do it rarely. They may never do it and it was a coincidence in this case. But the implication is strong that the eldar have guided Tau evolution regardless of whether or not they caused a warp storm.

03-05-2013, 05:45 PM
Psycho - 2,000 years thing is a hazy memory. I'm very likely wrong. But even so, Necrons up and fart arseing around by that point. And do remember the Triarch Praetorians never did go to sleep...

Were they? I thought they didn't appear back on the scene till post Hive fleet Behemoth in extended background universe terms. The Sanctuary 101 massacre so what's that m39/40?

I know nothing about Triarch praetorians.

There's nothing to say the Eldar can't whip up a warp storm, they did build the blackstone fortresses remember... and understand the webway even if they only inherited it.

Archon Charybdis
03-05-2013, 06:17 PM
The Triarch Praetorians are also a new invention, and the Xenology/Warp Storm bits predate them by a good 8 years.

03-05-2013, 06:37 PM
Seems a bit vague and generic but I wouldn't complain if they are coming fairly soon. I don't believe or like the part about Autarchs allowing multiple aspects to be troops depending on their chosen paths. Not only would it make it possible for almost every unit to be troops, which I just can't see happening, it wouldn't make any sense fluff-wise. An Autarch wouldn't make certain aspects central to his battle plan just because he happens to have been one of them before. It would be fair enough for a Phoenix Lord to make a single squad of their aspect troops, but Autarchs are masters of strategy, they wouldn't be so foolish as to have favouritism for one of their old aspects and make them central to the plan out of sentimentality. There's just no reason for it. Also I don't want Guardians to be cheaper, they should just be better. Make Shuriken Catapults 18" range and give them 4+ armour because that full suit of armour is definitely going to protect them more than the few pieces of armour an Imperial Guardsman is wearing. You can then make Avenger catapults 24" range and give Dire Avengers something other than 'we're just better Guardians'.

The other stuff sounds nice though. I have high hopes given the quality of the 6th ed codices so far, so here's hoping for goodness which also remains fluffy.

Power Klawz
03-05-2013, 08:23 PM
Allowing troop unlocks with HQ choices is pretty standard fare nowadays and I don't see any legitimate reason to oppose it for Eldar. One could consider it to be an intimate familiarity with that particular aspect which allows the Autarch to better utilize its adherents rather than petty favoritism, which honestly doesn't make a lick of sense given the overall mentality and culture of the Eldar as it has been described through the literature.

Game mechanics-wise its just an obvious decision. It also helps add some legitimacy to the Autarch who, as it stands right now, is basically just an elf in an EVEN FUNNIER suit, having long since lost any real reason to exist with the changing of the seasons (and rules editions.)

Honestly if you give me points normalization to the current standard, some beastly flyers and an Autarch that can do more than arm wrestle a squad champion I'll be a happy camper. Being able to kit out an Autarch for HQ assassination would be way more wonderful than I dare imagine.

03-06-2013, 07:51 AM
Hastings says April and he predicted both Dark Angels and Daemons accurately (amongst many other things) in August of last year, so I'll go with what he says personally.

Well we don't know enough to say. They may do that sort of thing all the time, they may do it rarely. They may never do it and it was a coincidence in this case. But the implication is strong that the eldar have guided Tau evolution regardless of whether or not they caused a warp storm.

Fair enough on the timeframe.

As for warp storms... they did whip up quite a storm in that Iron Hands short story where they abducted Ferrus Manus.

03-08-2013, 03:26 AM
Were they? I thought they didn't appear back on the scene till post Hive fleet Behemoth in extended background universe terms. The Sanctuary 101 massacre so what's that m39/40?

One of the characters in Hammer & Anvil (the techpriest, I think) notes that Sanctuary 101 was not the first contact between the Necrons and the Imperium, just the first to become widely known.

03-08-2013, 03:41 AM
I must have missed that bit.

03-08-2013, 01:50 PM
I must have missed that bit.

Its at the end of page 289 & on page 290 in Hammer & Anvil
Date of the fall Sanctuary 101 was in the year 897. The tech priest says the humans first saw Necrons more than two centuries before that.

Questor Tegas, the tech priest, then goes on to name 4 other worlds that were attacked by the Necrons before the fall of Sanctuary 101.

Power Klawz
03-08-2013, 02:00 PM
Autarchs opening up aspects as troops and scoring units makes perfect sense. Game-wise its just an obvious evolution, chaos can do the same thing with non-named characters. I don't think it disagrees with the background either, its not so much the Autarch "playing favorites" as it is his extensive knowledge of that particular aspects allowing him to better implement them into his overall battle plan. Being intimately familiar with their abilities and tactics it would only make sense that he could get more mileage out of them than someone not so familiar.

Scoring scorpions sound like pretty much the best thing ever, dark reapers are just lulz. Park them in some ruins near an objective on your table half and be a missile launcher toting space elf jerk forever.

This post could easily devolve into codex wishlisting so I'll just leave it at that.

03-08-2013, 02:12 PM
Autarchs opening up aspects as troops and scoring units makes perfect sense...

That would get me into using an Autarch as an HQ so damn fast. I approve.

Power Klawz
03-08-2013, 02:29 PM
I'm pretty sure that the next iteration of Autarch is going to be a lot better in all ways, since right now they're practically useless.

I'm imagining the most versatile HQ unit ever basically. Kit him out as a jetbike riding heavy weapons specialist and make Sammael cry, or make him a combat monster HQ assassin and drop Chaos Lords before they get a chance to hit back. Of course all this is going to be on a toughness 3 platform that will disintegrate with massed flashlight spam.

03-08-2013, 03:02 PM
You can already do things like give them a jetbike and reaper missile launcher. I occasionally bring one along to my UFLGS' Herohammer events (where we put a bunch of non-named characters under 200pts on the table and THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE it up), though I don't think I'd use him as part of an army.

03-11-2013, 03:31 AM
Its at the end of page 289 & on page 290 in Hammer & Anvil
Date of the fall Sanctuary 101 was in the year 897. The tech priest says the humans first saw Necrons more than two centuries before that.

Questor Tegas, the tech priest, then goes on to name 4 other worlds that were attacked by the Necrons before the fall of Sanctuary 101.

That still makes them a M41/M40 occurrence, they were mentioned in terms of an unknown attacker with no survivors, akin to how tyranids are described before they were named by Kryptman. Sanctuary 101 was possibly where they first left proper evidence?

03-11-2013, 03:58 AM
If Eldar or tau are out in the next few weeks shouldn't we start seeing the silly videos that GW like to post?

03-11-2013, 04:13 AM
If Eldar or tau are out in the next few weeks shouldn't we start seeing the silly videos that GW like to post?

They do those in the week before the WD. So wouldn't see em for 2 weeks

Power Klawz
03-12-2013, 04:11 PM
If Eldar or tau are out in the next few weeks shouldn't we start seeing the silly videos that GW like to post?

Instead of the usual moody music and flaming skulls, it will be a video of two people dressed up as an eldar farseer and a tau ethereal. They will be sitting in a garden having tea.

Ethereal: Isn't it wonderful to have plasma technology that doesn't spontaneously explode in your face?

Farseer: Quite, although in your case it would explain the horrible facial scarring.

Ethereal: This is what my face has always looked like.

Farseer: Indeed.


Power Klawz
03-12-2013, 04:12 PM
accidental double post

03-17-2013, 04:39 PM
Ethereal: Isn't it wonderful to have plasma technology that doesn't spontaneously explode in your face?

Farseer: Quite, although in your case it would explain the horrible facial scarring.

Ethereal: This is what my face has always looked like.

Farseer: Indeed.

Made my day!


03-24-2013, 04:46 AM
Eldar, new flier, characters and a new uber wraith guard thingy.

Hastings, thanks for your rumours, any chance we will see updated jetbikes for the Eldar release and/or plastic Wraithguard?

Cheers mate!

Yes. (Words for the word god)

So are Eldar Flyer, Jetbikes, Wraithguard and Uber Wraithguard Thingy? Or are the Wraithguard and the Uber Wraithguard Thingy the same thing?

Not the same thing, there's a huge wraith guard construct type thing (similar to tau) IIRC it has two builds (shooty & cc), also IIRC the actual wraith guard have some kind of CC build option.

Squee? Squee.

03-24-2013, 06:44 AM
Yeah I think that those "Wraithguard Cataphracts" are the close combatty WG that we've heard about and the uberlord is something with 4 legs like that old epic steed titan.

Asymmetrical Xeno
03-24-2013, 06:45 AM
That sounds like a good solid release. Wraithguard not being in plastic is what's kept me from going back to Eldar. It wouldnt be unsurprising and too much of a guess that the jetbikse made shining spears and the flier made 2 variants too - so that could be potentially 4 duel-kits.

03-24-2013, 07:02 AM
Also hastings said this isn't necessarily the full release, just what he has heard and he's lost interest in GW stuff so his info is starting to run out. In other words, we might see a bunch more stuff, or we may not.

03-24-2013, 01:54 PM
I am so looking forward to a new Eldar Codex. Plasic Wraithgurd would be welcome, as would new Jetbikes. A new Wraith Construct (the old Ghost Warrior from RT era?) would be awesome. The Riptide looks cool so I cannot WAIT to see what the could do with Eldar!

03-24-2013, 05:31 PM
A new Wraith Construct (the old Ghost Warrior from RT era?) would be awesome.

I dunno. I'm a bit sick of "giant walker, but bigger!" as a design direction. Dreadnoughts are cool. Where will they be if every Marine faction gets a dreadnight? Similarly, wraithlords are cool, but what's the point if the Eldar get an even bigger, even better wraith thing? I mean, it's cool as a thing to introduce to the game - the Riptide is neat, for example - and I also get why every faction needs a flier. But does every faction need a big giant dude? I don't think so.

Tactically, I'm concerned about the board getting cluttered. I mean, 40k already suffers from everything being so close together, which seriously harms some firepower-based armies (Tau - should hurt the Guard, too, and I'm not sure why it doesn't). It's going to get worse if every faction can field a riptide or two.

03-24-2013, 05:41 PM

This pretty much sums up how I feel on the matter.

I find the rumours about Eldar getting a big wraith-thing and SM getting some sort of between-terminator-and-dreadnought kind of off-putting.

I appreciate for the most part why some unique things are spread across some or many armies, but I really hope big armoured dudes or monstrous creatures don't get diluted any more than they already are. Just because there's a cool new toy doesn't mean every army needs some sort of equivalent, otherwise you run the risk of homogenizing the different factions.

That being said, I generally trust GW as far as this goes - typically when a new unit is added to an army the justifications for its existence and the presence of the model both on the table and in the army list are well thought-out enough that it works in the end. That coupled with how far out these rumours are leaves me cautiously optimistic.

03-24-2013, 06:34 PM
I'd be happy with having no giant dudes. (My Wraithseer totally makes up for that.)

What I would like to see are some new units. The autarch was a nice idea, but one new unit since 2000 is not acceptable.

03-24-2013, 09:08 PM
I dunno. I'm a bit sick of "giant walker, but bigger!" as a design direction. Dreadnoughts are cool. Where will they be if every Marine faction gets a dreadnight? Similarly, wraithlords are cool, but what's the point if the Eldar get an even bigger, even better wraith thing? I mean, it's cool as a thing to introduce to the game - the Riptide is neat, for example - and I also get why every faction needs a flier. But does every faction need a big giant dude? I don't think so.

Tactically, I'm concerned about the board getting cluttered. I mean, 40k already suffers from everything being so close together, which seriously harms some firepower-based armies (Tau - should hurt the Guard, too, and I'm not sure why it doesn't). It's going to get worse if every faction can field a riptide or two.

At least the new Giant walkers are fitting into the Knight range, or sub-Titan level walkers. Tau have the new Riptide, and larger they use the Tigershark and Manta aircraft. Orks have the Megadred and then get into Titans with the Stompa. Eldar in epic had the Towering Destroyer, Bright Stallion, and IIRC one other, so this new Wraith Knight thing is just a reimagining of that, just like the Nids basically say things like the Exocrine and Haruspex turn into Tervigons and Tyrannofexes.

03-25-2013, 06:59 AM
I'd rather have a new giant walker thingy than a new worthless aspect warrior tbh.

(Although we might be getting one of those too

The autarch was a nice idea, but one new unit since 2000 is not acceptable.

You forget the night spinner and the wide variety of units available to us on forgeworld. Had it not been for FW's extensive boost to Eldar recently, I might have shelved them permanently.

03-25-2013, 11:38 AM
Every army needs a great big model to put on the table. Didn't you all get the memo. Just take a look at WHFB. Every army has some huge gaudy thing you can buy that may or may not be worth taking in your army list. Gotta sell the masses their plastic crack.

03-25-2013, 12:23 PM
If Eldar or tau are out in the next few weeks shouldn't we start seeing the silly videos that GW like to post?

Ask and you shall receive.

03-25-2013, 05:44 PM
I'd rather have a new giant walker thingy than a new worthless aspect warrior tbh.

(Although we might be getting one of those too

You forget the night spinner and the wide variety of units available to us on forgeworld. Had it not been for FW's extensive boost to Eldar recently, I might have shelved them permanently.

I specifically thought of FW, but didn't count them as they are a side business (though awesome) and not the main part of GW.

I did forget about the Nightspinner. I haven't bought WD in years, so that slipped my mind.

03-26-2013, 12:13 AM
But does every faction need a big giant dude? I don't think so.

If Fantasy is anything to go by then Its likely every army will get a "big giant dude" kit. Beastmen got the Ghorgon/Cygor, Orcs & Goblins got the Arachnarok Spider, Vampire Counts have the Coven Throne/Mortis Engine, Ogre's got the Thundertusk/Stonehorn, Tomb Kings got the Warsphinx/Necrosphinx, Empire have the Celestial Hurricanum/Luminark of Hysh and WoC got the Slaughterbrute/Mutalith. All were completely new and are there for something big and impressive to attract people to reignite old shelved armies.

So far 40k has escaped this with Dark Angels and Daemons not getting any huge kits but the CSM Forgefiend/Maulfiend and the new Tau suit look ominous.

03-26-2013, 08:23 AM
I disagree. 40k's huge kits have been fliers.

03-26-2013, 09:16 AM

Rumours abound, not Space elves after the blue commies, but SPACE MARINES. This year I am destined to have no money but lots of plastic kits. ;)

Power Klawz
04-04-2013, 09:30 AM
Just wanted to kick this thread in the nurts a bit. I think the consensus is that the "rumor" that ultrasmurfs are coming before space elves is "nope." so hopefully Eldar are in the batters box taking a few extremely elegant power weapon swings.

Tau are almost fully in focus now as the codex sees wider dissemination, so I wonder if we can glean any tidbits on possible eldar directions from that enlightening tome. It seems like they kept the core of the tau playstyle about the same while adding new functionality to some under-utilized units (ethereals) and introducing some more options for both flexibility (Fireblade, whatever those flying toilet paper rolls are) and mandatory OMGWTFBBQ (Riptide.)

What do you think the candidates from the Eldar 'dex will be for these treatments? I think we will see a fairly across the board re-normalization of point values (especially guardians.) I'm quite certain that Autarchs will receive the ethereal treatment and become much more useful (my money is on them being able to open up aspects as troops). We will definitely see eldar flyers and I pray that they live up to the fluff with incredible maneuverability and star-shattering weaponry. As far as new over the top madness goes however I don't really have any ideas. The flyers might fit the "must have one giant new model at release, must be priced over 70 dollars" paradigm, but there's going to be something new and exciting that doesn't have star engines in my opinion.


04-04-2013, 06:29 PM
I want to know if Warp Spiders are one shoting Keepers of Secrets again.

04-08-2013, 06:26 AM
News from Nottingham, at Warhammer world for the open day

All the Eldar aspects and all the dark Eldar were missing from the hall of minatures bit, as were some Orks, Nids and a few ultramarines.

All of these were the rumoured next armies to see models, be it new book or just models.

Might mean nothing, but Tau did disappear from the hall just before release

04-08-2013, 07:08 AM
Methinks the Eldar and Dark Eldar were missing as Eldar are next and Dark Eldar are the obvious choice to fight them in a battle report.
We know Space Marines, Orks and Tyranids are all after Eldar in some order, so that is no surprise there.
It is also pertinent to note that the Fantasy section had missing High Elves, Lizardmen and Dwarves; as we all know from Hastings' release schedule and the recent White Dwarf leak, High Elves are next with Lizardmen expected to be the subsequent Fantasy army. Dwarves have been rumoured for a while, though they too may very well be out for the battle report.

Of course, none of this is confirmed but it seems likely going off of what we know.

04-08-2013, 07:29 AM

Working from the Eldar point of view. If it was the aspects missing, that suggests they were needed for the game, so no new models for the aspects. Its potentially the models that were left that are being redone....

04-08-2013, 07:30 AM

Working from the Eldar point of view. If it was the aspects missing, that suggests they were needed for the game, so no new models for the aspects. Its potentially the models that were left that are being redone....

Yeah, much like how the Daemon models that were missing were the recent ones; the ones left on display were the metal Furies and current Greater Daemons.
It wouldn't surprise me if Daemons get another wave in between the codex/army book releases. From what I can tell, there are two more army books and two more codices coming this year, which leaves a few months open for such a release.

04-08-2013, 01:35 PM
News from Nottingham, at Warhammer world for the open day

All the Eldar aspects and all the dark Eldar were missing from the hall of minatures bit, as were some Orks, Nids and a few ultramarines.

All of these were the rumoured next armies to see models, be it new book or just models.

Might mean nothing, but Tau did disappear from the hall just before release

They were missing on Thursday last week as well.

04-08-2013, 02:12 PM
They were missing on Thursday last week as well.


They weren't there.

What I want to know are what we'll be seeing at the end of next month. A man has to plan his expenditures.

04-08-2013, 03:07 PM
One thing that my friends and I are having a healthy debate on is whether GW will make war walkers twin linked if they buy two of the same gun since apparently the tau book did something similar to battlesuits.

I personally don't see a reason why they would do something stupid like that - they would have to nerf the vyper in the same fashion if they did to make the war walker even considered in lists.

However I have no less than three friends not only firmly convinced that it will happen, but actively hoping for it (as if War walkers were broken in the first place).

I've already informed them that if they do something stupid like that to war walkers, I'm just going to start using Wasps from IA11 instead :P

04-08-2013, 03:42 PM
I wouldn't worry about that - the twin-linked thing with Tau battlesuits is how they've always worked.

04-08-2013, 05:10 PM
Thanks to Hastings, and other pieces of information, we have a pretty good guess on what the Eldar will be getting:
Large Wraithknight construct with shooty and cc options- the big $85 kit most likely.
Flier with fighter and bomber options- probably priced like the Tau plane at $65
Wraithguard with shooty and cc options. I'd think 5 models for $60
Jetbikes/Shining Spears, 3 pack for $50 or so.

Plastic character minisprue, perhaps an autarch or farseer
3-4 Finecast characters and/or units. Maybe phoenix lords for Shining Spears and Scorpions?

Again, guesses, but based on what Hastings has said, and current release patterns and price points.

04-09-2013, 12:15 AM
I hope they include rules for the nightwing and phoenix fliers in the codex, as I have those and have no intention of getting whatever fliers they will release with the codex. Otherwise I'm stuck settling for copies of a couple pages out of the FW book for 2 models.

04-09-2013, 01:37 AM
Maybe phoenix lords for Shining Spears and Scorpions?

The scorpions have a phoenix lord.
Edit: The warp spiders dont have one. Would be cool for them to get one.

Mr Mystery
04-09-2013, 01:38 AM
I wouldn't worry about that - the twin-linked thing with Tau battlesuits is how they've always worked.

Indeed. War walkers are unusual in that they aren't twin linked.

04-09-2013, 03:46 AM
Rumours will be confirmed or denied when GW Denver accidentally posts a picture of it as their fb banner before it's announced lol

04-12-2013, 04:33 AM
My hopes for a June eldar codex realease are vanishing really fast...

Only 6 weeks to June and there is not any sing of eldar rumors or news. Im so dissapointed, do you think we will see them in june?

Also im working on a re-paint (i painted them like 20 years ago) of my eldar army, and now im preparing two 12 guardian squads whit platform, that had 1cm dust layer because I really expect shuricat range boost to 24".

04-12-2013, 05:23 AM
My hopes for a June eldar codex realease are vanishing really fast...

Only 6 weeks to June and there is not any sing of eldar rumors or news. Im so dissapointed, do you think we will see them in june?

Also im working on a re-paint (i painted them like 20 years ago) of my eldar army, and now im preparing two 12 guardian squads whit platform, that had 1cm dust layer because I really expect shuricat range boost to 24".

I really wouldn't be losing hope of a June release because of the lack of rumors. I know that Natfka is sitting on some but he's waiting until a few more sources corroborate the rumors before he posts them.

I wouldn't expect cats to be range extended to 24" honestly. I'm pretty sure that most everything will be the same as it is now with some points adjustments.

04-12-2013, 05:26 AM
I wouldn't make assumptions one way or the other when it comes to rules changes.

Mr Mystery
04-12-2013, 05:42 AM
To be honest, I reckon we will see Shuriken Catapults finally increase in range, but likely only to 18".

Pour quoi? Themeatically, the punchy units are meant to be your Aspect Warriors, with Guardians to hold objectives, allowing the Aspect Warriors to go mince face.

Right now, 12" is....to be honest pretty much worthless. Most often at that range it would be used for Overwatch and nowt more. So an increase makes good sense. 24" changes the use of guardians, as they effectively become armed with Storm Bolters (yes yes, 2nd Edition, well done, welcome to 2013, 1998 was 15 years ago, where have you been?). Wow. That's a seriously, disgustingly shooty unit. And that would need a significant points increase to redress the balance.

But 18"? Remains predominantly defensive, but can be used offensively should you wish. It creates a blissful little interdiction zone few enemies will happily wander into without a care in the world, and even fewer will leave, but it's not insurmountable for the enemy. Just takes a concerted effort. HURRAH! GRAUNIADS WORK AGAIN!

And that my fwiends, is why I think we'll see 18" Shuriken Catapults.

04-12-2013, 06:26 AM
I'm fairly certain that there will be a June Release for Codex Eldar.

On a completely unrelated note.

I played in an Apocalypse Campaign at Easter.
Playing close by was a guy that I know, who used to work at a local gaming shop.
He now works for a Gaming Magazine/Catalogue that I believe is quite popular...

Mr Mystery
04-12-2013, 06:28 AM

I've shared a smoke with Jes Goodwin, and he played tight mouthed larry. Apart from telling me he was working on Dark Eldar. Which he told everyone. Except that time it was true (June/Julyish 2010)

04-12-2013, 07:22 AM
Actually it was always true, DE were being worked on since around 2006. Possibly earlier.

04-13-2013, 02:20 AM
And that my fwiends, is why I think we'll see 18" Shuriken Catapults.
That would make Dire Avengers slightly less good then, having the same range as guardians. Guardians getting a second heavy weapon in a 20 man squad would be interesting though. Heavy weapons will prob get cheaper bringing them into line with more recent codexes. 40pts for a Bright lance is a joke and Dar Eldar get Dark lances (same stats) for 15-25pts.

Mr Mystery
04-13-2013, 04:08 AM
Depends if Dire Avengers get a further skill or boost. Rending seems a little too obvious, but not unlikely.

But hey, this is all just supposition and not based on anything.

04-13-2013, 06:32 AM
Looking at Dark Eldar for precedent it's feasible we could see all shuriken weapons gain rending as the DE weapons have poison. It would give masses shuriken fire a nice bit of punch without being over the top, one can't guarantee 6s afterall.

Mr Mystery
04-13-2013, 07:02 AM
True. But the points would be high.

I reckon we might see DA gain placed shots. A useful, pokey ability which doesn't make them ridiculously hard to the point of being an utter no brainer.

Though its hard to say for certain. Just as likely they'll get a special rule all their own.

Now, what is more interesting Inthink is what might gain Skyfire? Are we looking at a tank, or a unit upgraded? I can think of any Eldar infantry that would benefit from it other than Weapons Platforms in guardian squads, and to be honest that would be a waste.

War Walkers perhaps? Skyfiring Scatter Lasers sound fun, but then, Bright Lances would be the natural choice.

I suspect a distinct new unit opportunity. And everyone else has had new units.....


I guess Swooping Hawks could get a Flier interception assaulty type rule. Would definitely give them a solid reason to be taken. Still reckon we'll see something spangly new for AA.

04-13-2013, 09:27 AM
go go gadget Firestorm

Mr Mystery
04-13-2013, 09:36 AM
Quite possibly, but somehow I think it'll be something new.

I really can't think of the last time Eldar got a new unit. Model wise, Shining Spears. Actual unit? Warp Spiders and Shining Spears.

They need some creative loving!

04-13-2013, 09:52 AM
I'm actually so intrigued by how this codex will turn out that I've tried to rewrite it myself as a fun diversion in my spare time.
To spare the details, it is basically what I think should happen (but probably won't) in no particular order;

*Boosted range for Shuriken Catapults and Avenger Shuriken Catapults by 6" a piece.
*Heavy weapons brought into line with Dark Eldar pricing.
*Swooping Hawks become a more versatile unit with the ability to latch Haywire Grenades onto Zooming fliers.
*Warp Spiders as typical Jet Pack Infantry.
*Mini rules for representing a Craftworld or Exodite army - Exodites get a new special character but not Eldrad/Yriel/etc and vice versa, army-wide rule for each to represent their "dedication" and foreboding extinction, with Craftworld Eldar having Heroic Morale and Exodite Eldar automatically passing Fear tests. Didn't want them to be too disparate or have major abilities based on army choice. Differences aside from those are minimal.
*All aspects given points drops or buffs where necessary.
*Guardians brought into line to actually be viable.
*A fix for Eldar psychic defence (both ways) shenanigans.
*An upgrade for transpots to be Assault Vehicles.
*Phoenix Lords for Warp Spiders and Shining Spears.
*Wraithguard slightly cheaper, boosted range.
*I expect flak, but more expensive Wraithlords - every other army looks at how cheap they are and shakes their head.
*Fix War Walkers so we don't have massed Scatter Laser cheese everywhere without breaking the unit.
*Lots of other stuff.

The codex is in bad need of a revamp, and a lot of units need a lot more than a simple points drop to be viable. So long as (Avenger) Shuriken Catapults have the ranges they do, Eldar Troops - particularly Guardians - will forever be at a disadvantage. Also, how are we supposed to use Howling Banshees if we don't have Assault Transports?

04-13-2013, 10:50 AM
Looking at Dark Eldar for precedent it's feasible we could see all shuriken weapons gain rending as the DE weapons have poison. It would give masses shuriken fire a nice bit of punch without being over the top, one can't guarantee 6s afterall.
*Trying to overcome the urge to wishlist*

I've always thought that dropping the catapult to str 3 but getting them rending would be great. Cannons drop to strength 5 - this would also give us the ability to actually do damage to AV13 with our own version of the autocannon.

As for Eldar anti air - just invest in some forgeworldery.

Get two nightwings - and just laugh as your make your opponent's airforce disappear.

Mr Mystery
04-13-2013, 10:54 AM
*Trying to overcome the urge to wishlist*

I've always thought that dropping the catapult to str 3 but getting them rending would be great. Cannons drop to strength 5 - this would also give us the ability to actually do damage to AV13 with our own version of the autocannon.

As for Eldar anti air - just invest in some forgeworldery.

Get two nightwings - and just laugh as your make your opponent's airforce disappear.

I'm pretty certain Eldar players would like a non Forgeworld flier to depend upon...

04-13-2013, 11:27 AM
I'm pretty certain Eldar players would like a non Forgeworld flier to depend upon...

Whatever comes out for the codex isn't going to be nearly as good as the flyers we already have.

Mr Mystery
04-13-2013, 11:30 AM
Probably because money wise they're more expensive, resin is harder to work with than plastic, and some (myself not included) are funny about allowing Forgeworld.

If its in the codex, you can field it in any given game.

Power Klawz
04-13-2013, 12:03 PM
Going to make a wild flaming guess right here and say DA's will get AP3.

Everyone and their mother seems to be getting a dedicated close range MEQ killer squad, don't know why DA's couldn't be the stormtroopers of the eldar list.

I mean yeah, dark reapers are still pretty crazy MEQ killers too so that might throw my guess out the window, but still...

04-13-2013, 12:32 PM
12 year old me demands Warp Spiders get their templates of doom and rad teleporter rules back. 32 year old me knows it would lead to much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Mr Mystery
04-13-2013, 12:50 PM
32 year old me also remembers how bent Warp Spiders were, and feels their current state is karma's child.... :p

04-13-2013, 02:53 PM
32 year old me also remembers how bent Warp Spiders were, and feels their current state is karma's child.... :p

What exactly is their current state?

Completely usable just a bit overpriced?

Mr Mystery
04-13-2013, 02:55 PM
Nowhere near as hard as they used to be.

Right now, they're just an odd little unit, without a well defined role, compared to existing Aspects. The strike and fade remains fun, but the unit just seems undefined. Though to be fair, I don't play Eldar, and its been ages since I encountered an Eldar player.

04-13-2013, 03:20 PM
Nowhere near as hard as they used to be.

Right now, they're just an odd little unit, without a well defined role, compared to existing Aspects. The strike and fade remains fun, but the unit just seems undefined. Though to be fair, I don't play Eldar, and its been ages since I encountered an Eldar player.

The fact that they're undefined is actually quite nice in an army where each unit is good at one thing but horrible at everything else.

Warp spiders actually can fill several roles.

Light armor slayers. They can easily drop in behind enemy tanks or transports and with their mass str 6 fire, pop almost any tank.

Heavy infantry killers. With str 6, they're damn good at puttlng a lot of wounds on heavily armored infantry, and since the best way to kill terminators is still massed fire, these guys can do it really well.

Horde Control - not the best, but still pretty damn good at it - especially in a squad of 10.

04-13-2013, 11:33 PM
What exactly is their current state?

Completely usable just a bit overpriced?
Pretty much. One of the better Aspects now though.

I do miss the double template flamer Warp Spiders of second edition though, lol.

04-14-2013, 11:39 AM
Hi all!

First ever post on BoLS!! I've been playing Eldar on-and-off for about 5 years, and am super excited about the upcoming release.

Anyways, with all the speculation going on as to rule/points changes, I thought I'd throw in my two cents.

Regular shuricats getting bumped up in range to 18" seems like a no-brainer. With the current rules for movement, the chances of you getting to get a volley down at an assaulting unit (not including Overwatch) is super slim with 12". Also saw someone's comment that 2 weapons platforms for 20 guardians, and that seems highly likely.
I could definitely see the DAs getting Rending from their shuricats, and maybe getting a bit beefier in cc so that they remain the more potent troop choice.

I'm very eager (like many) to see how they're changing Wraithguard. What I've got my money on is this: (if the rumors of a CC-Wraithguard unit are true) shooty-Wraiths get a small range increase to their guns, but have lowered WS and Initiative, while the "Cataphracts" as they've been referred to take over the slow-yet-relentless assault hammers. That way the current shooty-wraithguard are actually able to do what they do, without getting OP.

Those are the only ones that I would be willing to bet money on. Given the current trends, we will see points reductions, but honestly that's not even a big deal for me, I'm much more excited and hopeful about getting the rules updated so that Eldar get back in touch with the times.

I know this is technically wishlisting, which is a no-no, but right now this is all we have to keep ourselves focused till some pics get leaked :p

Mr Mystery
04-14-2013, 11:58 AM
Not convinced about the CC wraith guard rumour.

First up it did the rounds last time, and people swore blind they'd seen the models. All they got was a fleeting codex reference. And the name? Cataphract? That's very much an Imperial monicker, what with it being an Ad Mech robot classification, and a Terminator variant.

We might see them though, but I wouldn't holdy breath.

04-14-2013, 12:54 PM
A good point, but concerning the name: the batch of rumors that one came with also had german and spanish names for units, so if the unit is legit, then that likely won't be the english title, probably be more along the lines of 'Wraith Knights' or something.

Mr Mystery
04-14-2013, 01:08 PM
A fair point. Though I suspect if they're coming, they'll just be Wraithguard.

Though you mentioned about them being a 'slow hammer' unit. That worries me, because its not exactly Eldar. Granted Wraithguard aren't typically Eldar, in that they are built for endurance.

04-14-2013, 03:46 PM
Exactly, and that would help to bring back some of the ability to create Craftworld-specific armies, like the Craftworld Eldar supplement back in 4th. It would allow for Iyanden armies to cover many different roles with an army composed almost entirely of Wraith-constructs, which, gameplay and fluff wise, would be AWESOME :D so an Iyanden army should/would play far more different than other craft worlds, even mores than they do already, which excites me greatly (even though I am an Ulthwe player)

04-14-2013, 04:27 PM
I'm thinking either War Walkers or the Wraithlord will have an option to get skyfire as well as whatever our big new thing is. Maybe have an option to by it for Guardian platforms to bring make it like Dark Angels who can take it in Tactical Squads

I can see CC Wraithguard happening. They are already rather durable so making a version that can pack a punch makes a lot of sense. Also if they are going to be a new plastic kit for wraithguard there is a high chance of a dual kit. Essentially it'll be just different arms and maybe a different back.

I'm interested to see how they adjust some units. Scorpions got hit with the changes to outflank and reserves. Point costs on all 3 Fast Attack aspect warriors need to be adjusted. Someone mentioned it early but I would like to see Warp Spiders be Jet Pack Infantry.

This might be wishlisting but I would also like to see the way Exarch powers work completely redone. Paying points for something like Bladestorm only to lose it if the Exarch dies is a little insane. Also most of the Exarch powers seem like things these solders should have learned when in training. For example Defend for Dire Avengers seems like something they should know. You mean to tell me you need the Exarch to tell you how to dodge or disarm an opponent while in the heat of combat? Striking Scorpions' job is to Infiltrate enemy lines and yet they can't do that without someone telling them? If that's your job you should be learning this in training and not while gunfire is going off around you. Honestly I think there should be maybe 1 power the squad gets (Skilled Rider for Spears, Defend for Avengers, etc) and 1 an Exarch can buy that is more of a situation based/judgement call (such as Bladestorm).

That's just my thoughts though.

04-15-2013, 07:05 AM
I'm thinking either War Walkers or the Wraithlord will have an option to get skyfire as well as whatever our big new thing is. Maybe have an option to by it for Guardian platforms to bring make it like Dark Angels who can take it in Tactical Squads

I agree. But I also think it will be an upgrade to all vehicles that can be bought, old named crystal target matrix anyone?

04-15-2013, 08:21 AM
That seems highly likely, and very exciting, just picturing my Fire Prisms and War Walkers absolutely demolishing my friend's Dakkajets :D
On that note, I'm interested to see how they change the current vehicle upgrades, or if they completely get rid of some as virtually all of them got rendered useless with the shift to 6th: Holo-fields for 35 points and only mattering on pen-hits? For those points, I'll gladly run my Autarch on a jet bike, thank you very much.

04-15-2013, 08:27 AM
Holofields I see becoming similar to Tau disruption pods. 15pts +1 to cover save.

Roll 2 dice and piock the lowest for Pen rolls could be interesting for 35pts.....kinda reverse Ordanance.

Also Fire Prisms won't hurt fliers....blasts can't even with AA (well they can....but they need a 6 to hit.... so why bother)

Archon Charybdis
04-15-2013, 03:15 PM
Given that our existing book is two editions and 7 years out of date, it wouldn't surprise me to see many units and wargear options get a complete retooling, and I don't expect the Exarch powers or Warlock powers will be there in their existing form. Also, given how radically different Daemons were from their last book, I'd hesitate to even guess at what specific changes there will be, other than a lot of stuff being pretty different.

One thing I dare to hope for is I would love to see shuriken weapons changed besides just upping their range. There seems to be a trend away from everything having MEQ stats, and I would love to see that extend to Eldar guns too--I'd love some actual differentiation in the guns instead of being assault bolters. It's probably too much to hope for, but Eldargal's suggestion of Rending would be really cool, and other people have suggested the Shred rule which seems fitting as well (and more likely).

04-16-2013, 09:31 PM
One things that has me worried about the new eldar codex ( aside from probably no new rules for shadow spectres :( ). Is harlequins how will they be handled in a new eldar dex ?

Since due to them being exactly the same for dark eldar how will the harlequins acts as a potential spanner in the works for the internal cohesion of a new eldar codex ?

Archon Charybdis
04-16-2013, 09:45 PM
Since due to them being exactly the same for dark eldar how will the harlequins acts as a potential spanner in the works for the internal cohesion of a new eldar codex ?

Yeah, it's one of those things they should have just bit the bullet with the DE dex and made them useful even though it meant two different sets of rules or prices--which is what they do every time a new marine dex rolls out. And at least in this day and age you could take the as allies in a DE army so it's not as though they're totally unavailable.

04-16-2013, 11:14 PM
It would be nice if they FAQed the DE codex to follow a new set of rules laid out in C:Eldar.

04-17-2013, 01:50 AM
I don't know much about Eldar to be honest, but if they release new models with various changes to their equipment and rename them as ....... Harlequins. Would that solve the issue ?

04-17-2013, 02:33 AM
"I don't know much about Eldar to be honest..."

Well, at least part of the post made sense.

04-17-2013, 02:43 AM
I don't know much about Eldar to be honest, but if they release new models with various changes to their equipment and rename them as ....... Harlequins. Would that solve the issue ?

Like maybe codex harlequins?

04-17-2013, 06:51 AM
They'd have to explain how they got daemon jacked in the new daemons book. I think that's the first I've heard of them getting possessed and I thought they were given some kind of fluff immunity.

Mr Mystery
04-17-2013, 07:40 AM
Nah. They trust to The Laughing God to protect them.

The fools.

04-17-2013, 09:16 AM
People need to stop updating this thread unless there are new rumors :P

Every time I see that there are unread posts my heart skips a beat in anticipation.

Not as young as I used to be - the ticker is a bit on the dodgy side :P

04-17-2013, 09:21 AM
"I don't know much about Eldar to be honest..."

Well, at least part of the post made sense.

It all made perfect sense. Ie new models to differentiate between the Harlequins the DE have and the ones Eldar could get. Oh I get it you were being factitious.

04-18-2013, 04:21 AM
It all made perfect sense. Ie new models to differentiate between the Harlequins the DE have and the ones Eldar could get. Oh I get it you were being factitious.

Well, no. There's no difference between the Harlequins that visit the Craftworlds and the Dark Kin. They are the same Troupes.

I'd be for updating them properly then simply letting the Dark Eldar players use the new rules, going so far as to either FAQ the rules in or print them in the Dwarf.

04-18-2013, 05:19 AM
In the same vein as Harlequins being shared allies, I'm remembering 2nd Ed listings for Pirates and Exodites in the codex (who were basically just guardians by their stats), but having read Path of the Outcast am thinking that it would be cool to be able to represent an Eldar pirate squad having a mix of Eldar and DE crewmembers, rather than just falling back on 'counts as'.

Yet more wishlisting though, rather than new rumours, so apologies to your ticker Defenestratus!

04-18-2013, 05:20 AM
You can mix eldar and Dark eldar with the IA11 corsair list.

04-18-2013, 05:26 AM
You can mix eldar and Dark eldar with the IA11 corsair list.

In the same unit? I will have to have another look! Which may then lead to further model expenditure... :S

04-18-2013, 05:27 AM
Well there is nothing stopping you using different models in the same unit, rule for weapons would have to be the same though.

04-18-2013, 05:41 AM
Well there is nothing stopping you using different models in the same unit, rule for weapons would have to be the same though.

Yeah, so really it's going to end up as a 'counts as' rather than being a distinctly different unit.

04-18-2013, 05:44 AM
well you wouldn't really want an army where every unit contained a mix of stats and weapons, that would just be a pain, and very slow. A mix of kits to make same stat/weapon models is the only way to do it frankly.

04-18-2013, 05:54 AM
well you wouldn't really want an army where every unit contained a mix of stats and weapons, that would just be a pain, and very slow. A mix of kits to make same stat/weapon models is the only way to do it frankly.

I agree, it would definitely be a pain in the *** on a big scale, however Necromunda was a lot more complex yet on a small scale and (I thought) worked great. (Edit) I wouldn't be thinking a massive load of mixed units, just either 1 unit in a large battle, or a very small scale battle that was purely a pirate force (1000 points max). (/Edit)

Also, where you have a SM tactical squad, you would already have x number of bolters firing, 1 heavy weapon, and 1 special weapon, so that's already 3 different things going on, whereas if you had a pirate squad that was, say, 50% Eldar, 50% DE, weapons then you're only rolling 2 things and it's easily done in one go with 2 colours of dice.

I just feel a little off about taking DE as allies even though they're supposed to be 'battle brothers' according to the ally array, whereas I could see outcasts from Eldar and outcasts from DE getting together as pirates in a more 'true to fluff' sort of way. Maybe I'd just being over-picky :D

04-18-2013, 05:57 AM
Well yse proper Necromunda was awesome, but you rarely fielded more than a dozen models...

04-18-2013, 06:53 AM
I don't remember pirates in ye olde Codex Eldar and I have a frighteningly strong recall of it.

04-18-2013, 07:17 AM
I don't remember pirates in ye olde Codex Eldar and I have a frighteningly strong recall of it.

Page 76, 77. Exodite Dragon Knights and Pirates. Dragon knights were 36ppm and pirates were 9ppm.

I actually used DE Cold Ones to make my dragon knight models.

04-18-2013, 09:31 AM
Dragon Knights? Bleh.
Dragon Princes? Sweet.

Power Klawz
04-18-2013, 09:44 AM
Dragon Knights? Bleh.
Cold One Knights? Sweet.

fixed that for you

04-18-2013, 10:19 AM
Page 76, 77. Exodite Dragon Knights and Pirates. Dragon knights were 36ppm and pirates were 9ppm.

I actually used DE Cold Ones to make my dragon knight models.

Now I've got to know, what made them different from Guardians? I really miss that book.