View Full Version : Cataphractii Terminator Armour

11-03-2012, 05:00 PM
Now that I finally got my hands on my copy of Horus Heresy: Betrayal I will be building myself a crusade/heresy Death Guard army. I LOVE the Cataphractii Terminator models so I will be using at least one unit of them. What I am struggling with is whether to give my Praetor a suit of regular terminator or Cataphractii armor. On one hand it's a slightly cheaper way to get a 4++ save (plus looks AWESOME), but at the expense of being able to run and a slightly shorter charge and consolidation. I don't often find myself running my characters as it is (I'd rather shoot for some extra damage potential) but do the penalties to mobility out way the protection? Is Cataphractii armor a viable option from a tactical perspective for characters who can get the 4++ other ways?

11-03-2012, 10:03 PM
If he's going to be joined to the Cataphractii squad, wouldn't he have those limitations anyway? So you'd be losing nothing by just going for Cataphractii armour.

11-04-2012, 08:10 AM
You make an excellent point. The Slow and Purposeful rule applies to all models in a unit if one has it and attaching the Praetor to a Cataphractii unit or Cataphractii command squad would make a very durable hard hitting unit. Plus they would look really cool while doing it...