View Full Version : 1850 Chaos List

11-02-2012, 06:57 PM
I'm playing in a 1850 pt tournament soon and trying to iron out my list, there is unlikely to be more than one flyer in an opposing list.
I plan on running the lord with the mutilators, any ideas on improvements?

137 Chaos Lord Mark of Nurgle, Terminator Armor, Blight Brenades, Lightning Claw, Combi-Melta
110 Epidemius

122 2x Mutilators Mark of Nurgle

252 8x Plague Marines 2 Meltaguns, Melta Bombs, Rhino
247 8x Plague Marines Flamer, Meltagun, Melta Bombs, Rhino
212 8x Plague Marines Flamer, Meltagun, Melta Bombs
120 8x Plaguebearers of Nurgle

Fast Attack
185 5x Chaos Bikers Mark of Nurgle, 2 Meltaguns, Veterans of the Long War, (Champion, Power Sword, Melta Bombs)

Heavy Support
228 3x Obliterators Mark of Nurgle
135 Chaos Vindicator, Dozer Blade, Combi-bolter, Dirge Caster

100 Aegis Defense Line Quadgun

Roster Total: 1848

EDIT: Updated with what I think might be decent, still looking for feedback though.

160 Chaos Lord Mark of Nurgle, Terminator Armor, Blight Brenades, Lightning Claw, Burning Brand of Skalathrax
110 Epidemius

149 3x Chaos Terminators Mark of Nurgle, (Combi-melta, Chainfist), (Combi-melta), Pair of Lightning Claws

252 8x Plague Marines 2 Meltaguns, Melta Bombs, Rhino
212 8x Plague Marines Flamer, Meltagun, Melta Bombs
207 8x Plague Marines Flamer, Meltagun
120 8x Plaguebearers of Nurgle

Fast Attack
185 5x Chaos Bikers Mark of Nurgle, 2 Meltaguns, Veterans of the Long War, (Champion, Power Sword, Melta Bombs)

Heavy Support
228 3x Obliterators Mark of Nurgle
125 Chaos Vindicator Dirge Caster

100 Aegis Defense Line Quadgun

Roster Total: 1848

EDIT 2: Here's another take on the list, is it any better?

11-02-2012, 10:31 PM
Give the Vindicator a Siege Shield instead of the dozer blade. This way you don't even have to roll or even worry about DT at all. You could drop the Meltabombs on the non-rhino squad or the Vindie's Dirge Caster to compensate.

So you'll DS the Lord + Mutilators and hope for the best? If I were your opponent I'd dump about half my army into killing your Lord if needed. A couple of plasma vet squads and that unit is dead or pretty mangled at least. Free Slay the Warlord to the enemy pretty much. :/ What you could do instead is bump him down to PA, and have:
Lord: Mark Nurgle, Sigil of Corruption, Blight Grenades, Lightning Claw, Combi-____ = 135 <-- Have him ride in one of the Rhinos

-OR- Keep the Lord as is and drop him with a Nurgle Termi-cide squad instead of the Mutilators:
Terminators (size = 3): x2 combi-melta, power weapon, Champion: combi-melta, power weapon, all with Mark Nurgle = 130 (If possible, for the power weapons go 1 sword, 1 axe, 1 maul for maximum versatility)
Then find 6 points to drop somewhere.

^This unit would be a halfway decent DS unit. DS in, blast someone right off teleport, then charge in if still alive next turn. You could even run Combi flamers and burn out cover-campers to rack up that tally faster. Plasma works too.

11-02-2012, 10:55 PM
Give the Vindicator a Siege Shield instead of the dozer blade. This way you don't even have to roll or even worry about DT at all. You could drop the Meltabombs on the non-rhino squad or the Vindie's Dirge Caster to compensate.

So you'll DS the Lord + Mutilators and hope for the best? If I were your opponent I'd dump about half my army into killing your Lord if needed. A couple of plasma vet squads and that unit is dead or pretty mangled at least. Free Slay the Warlord to the enemy pretty much. :/ What you could do instead is bump him down to PA, and have:
Lord: Mark Nurgle, Sigil of Corruption, Blight Grenades, Lightning Claw, Combi-____ = 135 <-- Have him ride in one of the Rhinos

-OR- Keep the Lord as is and drop him with a Nurgle Termi-cide squad instead of the Mutilators:
Terminators (size = 3): x2 combi-melta, power weapon, Champion: combi-melta, power weapon, all with Mark Nurgle = 130 (If possible, for the power weapons go 1 sword, 1 axe, 1 maul for maximum versatility)
Then find 6 points to drop somewhere.

^This unit would be a halfway decent DS unit. DS in, blast someone right off teleport, then charge in if still alive next turn. You could even run Combi flamers and burn out cover-campers to rack up that tally faster. Plasma works too.

Thanks, I'll probably switch to the shield though I don't know how much difference it will make, I want to keep the Dirge caster though in case I run into flamers. We're using a comp system so I'm not too worried about running into loads of plasma. The idea is to DS near a vehicle to take out with the lord's melta and I kind of want to try the mutilators, the extra wound doesn't hurt either. I want to put a couple more flamers in but it might be hard to do, I was thinking of putting in the Brand but then my lord would loose his melta, I might go that way and use the termies with the meltas instead but I kind of wanted to use the mutilators...

11-03-2012, 09:31 AM
I put up another list on the OP for comparison.