View Full Version : Fellblade, Realm of Battle and more from the Frog World

11-02-2012, 12:19 PM



New stuff here (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/New_Stuff).

11-02-2012, 12:26 PM
Have I complained enough about the slab tracks yet? No? Ok, let me continue then:

They are HIDEOUS! How's that thing supposed to go up hill? Rocket thrusters? Winch?

You'd think the boutique that is FW would be able handle a smidge of detail, even just some grooves. No?

11-02-2012, 12:36 PM
It's a retro throwback to the original Land Raider's tracks.

11-02-2012, 01:01 PM
Have I complained enough about the slab tracks yet? No? Ok, let me continue then:

They are HIDEOUS! How's that thing supposed to go up hill? Rocket thrusters? Winch?

You'd think the boutique that is FW would be able handle a smidge of detail, even just some grooves. No?
I like this, simply because it shows what breaks you out of silly time. It's not the smoke stacks letting the rain in, the slab of side armor begging for a missile hit. It's the lack of treads on the tracks in a universe where anti-grav stuff is ubiquitous. Nothing wrong with that, it's just fun seeing it.

In the interest of full disclosure mine are the magazines on new GK stormbolters and turbine intakes on hardware designed for use in a vacuum. They're silly I know, but I can't stop staring at them like "huh?"

11-02-2012, 01:22 PM
I like this, simply because it shows what breaks you out of silly time.

I just realized that those side hatches look like they go right through where the track wheels run on the other side of the armor plating.

Either way, this is a neat throwback to the old Rogue Trader-style vehicles, and since we play a game set in "the grim darkness of the far future", I try not to let realism get in my way of enjoying things.

11-02-2012, 01:27 PM
I think what bothers me a little more is they look so thick and plain. You've got little details all over, and then the tracks look like something a hobbyist doing their first real kit bash did when they couldn't find a track piece to use. It's a change in level of detail that jumps out at me and whacks me over the head with a power maul. Compare the main guns. they've even got sprockets on the elevation pivot.

I realize it's retro, but not retro-good.

11-02-2012, 01:49 PM
Biggest problem I see with those tracks is functionality...they'd never drag that behemoth across a battlefield let alone get if off the landing craft...FAIL FW

11-02-2012, 01:51 PM
It's a retro throwback to the original Land Raider's tracks.

An excuse for laziness.

11-02-2012, 01:53 PM

11-02-2012, 04:11 PM
An excuse for laziness.

I really think they are trying to keep with the style of the Original Rogue Trader Vehicle kits on these Horus Heresy Vehicles. It's supposed to make older 40k Gamers like me want to pony up the outrageous money they want for this crap.

The Madman
11-02-2012, 06:47 PM
I've just realised that they cocked up on their Legion rhino doors, they've made them for standard rhino and not the MKIC Deimos Rhino (the one with the round side doors). also £280 for 4 2'X2' is a rip off compared to the £175 6 2'X2' for the stanard Realms board. the only model i would consider from this heresy range is a Lorgar model, otherwise way too expensive for my blood.

11-02-2012, 08:51 PM
I've just realised that they cocked up on their Legion rhino doors, they've made them for standard rhino and not the MKIC Deimos Rhino (the one with the round side doors). also £280 for 4 2'X2' is a rip off compared to the £175 6 2'X2' for the stanard Realms board. the only model i would consider from this heresy range is a Lorgar model, otherwise way too expensive for my blood.

You say that now. I for one am extremely excited to begin my heresy era wolves.

I'm also very glad I don't know enough tanks and treads to be bothered by these things; I can just enjoy the models.

11-02-2012, 10:31 PM
I've just realised that they cocked up on their Legion rhino doors, they've made them for standard rhino and not the MKIC Deimos Rhino (the one with the round side doors). also £280 for 4 2'X2' is a rip off compared to the £175 6 2'X2' for the stanard Realms board. the only model i would consider from this heresy range is a Lorgar model, otherwise way too expensive for my blood.

I'm actually really tempted by the board. My RoB gets a heap of use, and these are cheaper for Australian's then the RoB.

11-02-2012, 11:12 PM
I couldn't give a **** about whether slab tracks wouldn't work, it looks great and its bloody scifi for gods sake. Going to order a fellblade and 6 city board sections.

Remember the FW game board tiles are resin, not plastic like GWs. They are produced in small quantities and don't have the kind of economy of scale that the RoB set has, so they are more expensive as a result. Comparing the two without taking that into consideration is just stupid.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-03-2012, 02:06 AM
You say that now. I for one am extremely excited to begin my heresy era wolves.

I'm also very glad I don't know enough tanks and treads to be bothered by these things; I can just enjoy the models.


I'm actually really tempted by the board. My RoB gets a heap of use, and these are cheaper for Australian's then the RoB.


I couldn't give a **** about whether slab tracks wouldn't work, it looks great and its bloody scifi for gods sake. Going to order a fellblade and 6 city board sections.

Remember the FW game board tiles are resin, not plastic like GWs. They are produced in small quantities and don't have the kind of economy of scale that the RoB set has, so they are more expensive as a result. Comparing the two without taking that into consideration is just stupid.

And this.

Seriously, can't anyone be happy in this hobby?

"oh no, tracks don't work"

It's sci-fi, anything is possible, chill the hell out!

11-03-2012, 08:28 AM
The problem with the treads is just that they are so obvious and they certainly don't have to look that way. The Thunderhawk not being able to fly is forgivable. Space Marines having to very awkwardly reload is forgettable. But the treads on this tank are the same as a car with no tires. We are cool with motorcycles flying and bugs growing to the size of houses, but a tank using treads that doesn't have any actual treads is just too close to the line.

Regarding prices, unless there is child labor, radiation dumping, or war crimes, why they are more expensive is really irrelevant to the vast majority of consumers. The simple fact is that it costs more without offering enough. For such a hefty tag, the sections that they have right now are really nothing special. I am all for over-the-top, extra-expensive Forgeworld goods, but I had better be able to look at it and say 'wow.'

The jet-penises in the picture are always good for a laugh, though.

11-03-2012, 08:34 AM
Have you actually looked at the pictures? There is a great deal of detail and city boards are surprisingly difficult to make well, these are well worth it.

Spikey McTorture
11-03-2012, 08:54 AM
I think the slab tracks look great!

Spikey McTorture
11-03-2012, 08:59 AM
I've just realised that they cocked up on their Legion rhino doors, they've made them for standard rhino and not the MKIC Deimos Rhino (the one with the round side doors). also £280 for 4 2'X2' is a rip off compared to the £175 6 2'X2' for the stanard Realms board. the only model i would consider from this heresy range is a Lorgar model, otherwise way too expensive for my blood.

They actually did that so people would't convert regular rhino's into MKI rhino's with the kit. They want people to buy the stupidly expensive Demios Rhinos.

11-03-2012, 09:48 AM
The problem with the treads is just that they are so obvious and they certainly don't have to look that way. The Thunderhawk not being able to fly is forgivable. Space Marines having to very awkwardly reload is forgettable. But the treads on this tank are the same as a car with no tires. We are cool with motorcycles flying and bugs growing to the size of houses, but a tank using treads that doesn't have any actual treads is just too close to the line.

Apparently you have no idea how tank treads work. They don't have to have any sort of recesses or spikes to make them work. Go check out the standard treads for the M5A1 Stuart. See any recesses or spikes on the treads? No? The tank tread mechanism is there to provide the traction for the wheels that run over the top. This allows them to traverse rough terrain since the treads keep the wheel surface roughly flat and smooth. Going uphill is no different as the weight of the tank is what would keep it from slipping. If you think that little 1" spikes or recesses would keep the tank from slipping then I urge you to check out the mechanics behind a tread assembly, the purpose of said assembly, and the basic physics involved.

As others have said, it's a sci-fi game. The fact that you are willing to allow for the existence of malicious aliens, laser weapons, travel through another dimension (the warp), and other such things but for some reason a lack of unnecessary recesses/spikes on a fictional tank's treads is too much for you is baffling. To each his own, I suppose.

Back on topic now though. I like the aesthetic of the Fellblade, but to me it's just another large tank. Since my gaming group doesn't do many large games, I'll pass. The table is beautiful though. If I had the cash on hand then I'd pick up 6 tiles in a heart beat. Maybe after I get my bonus in January.

11-03-2012, 02:18 PM
I did actually look at the pictures. I just can't see spending that much on an insanely detailed floor. I think they would have been better if they weren't designed to be compatible with any building. Something permanent and unique would let the sculptors raise the quality of each tile quite a bit. But, that would also be contrary to general terrain placement and the new fortification rule. If I had a million dollars I would buy them, but I just don't see the value.

Apparently you have no idea how tank treads work. They don't have to have any sort of recesses or spikes to make them work. Go check out the standard treads for the M5A1 Stuart. See any recesses or spikes on the treads? No? The tank tread mechanism is there to provide the traction for the wheels that run over the top. This allows them to traverse rough terrain since the treads keep the wheel surface roughly flat and smooth. Going uphill is no different as the weight of the tank is what would keep it from slipping. If you think that little 1" spikes or recesses would keep the tank from slipping then I urge you to check out the mechanics behind a tread assembly, the purpose of said assembly, and the basic physics involved.

You should get in touch with Pentagon. Apparently, the US Army is wasting a ton of resources putting anything other than oiled steel on their tanks (see http://www.sfsa.org/tutorials/ice_cleat/default.htm).

11-03-2012, 02:34 PM
You should get in touch with Pentagon. Apparently, the US Army is wasting a ton of resources putting anything other than oiled steel on their tanks (see http://www.sfsa.org/tutorials/ice_cleat/default.htm).

Beyond the fact that the Pentagon does waste an absurd amount of money on useless or redundant equipment, I have no need to get in touch with them over how their tanks are outfitted.

The link you posted was for Ice Cleats. If you can't figure out that those are intended for a special purpose, then you are missing the obvious. Tanks moving across most rough terrain do not need recesses, spikes, cleats, or anything else on the tread as the weight of the vehicle creates substantial surface friction and downward force that it shouldn't slide backwards.

Ice reduces that surface friction which ordinarily prevents the tank from backsliding. That is why things like ice cleats exist. Read the first paragraph of your link... it likens the ice cleats to snow chains for a car. Do you use snow chains every day of the year? Hopefully not.

11-03-2012, 02:37 PM
I don't know what your deal is, but this is literally the first sentence, "The M1 Abrams tank uses rubber pads on the track to provide traction and reduce track noise." The emphasis is mine. The point is that tanks are not 'so heavy that they can go up anything.' Traction assistance, other than their weight, is used.

My car has rubber tires. For an obvious reason.

11-03-2012, 02:42 PM
Chronowraith is completely right, and I say that having spent years in M2 Bradley mech infantry so I know a thing or two about tracked vehicles. The Fellblade has some glaring problems as a "real-world" armored vehicle, but not having little ridges on the outer surface of the tracks isn't one of them. Rubber pads on the tracks of M1, M2, M113, etc family of vehicles is to prevent wear on the metal components of the tracks (otherwise you have to break track much more frequently and it is a backbreaking and time consuming task), and to allow tracked vehicles to drive on roads without completely destroying the road surface. I didn't learn this stuff from a website, I learned it from my tracked Bradley Fighting Vehicle and all the training required to drive it, fight it, and maintain it.

11-03-2012, 03:04 PM
3187 3188

I am not a tracked vehicle engineer, so I can only go off of what I have seen and read. Being that this is the internet, you will understand why something more than you word is required. Especially in light of the fact that tank treads, as seen in the attached images, have very specific designs that obviously have more than road safety and wear-and-tear in mind (especially the one with the metal protrusions).

11-03-2012, 03:07 PM
For everyone who hates the treads -

You can't have it both ways. Either the models reflect the background material and artwork or are something new entirely. In this particular instance Forge World have followed the design aspects of the Fellblade from the Horus Heresy Collectible Card Game artwork almost perfectly.

They could have gone with a conversion kit for the plastic Baneblade but no doubt purists would complain about that as well, so it's probably for the best they went with the literal translation.

11-03-2012, 04:08 PM
The problem with the treads is just that they are so obvious and they certainly don't have to look that way. The Thunderhawk not being able to fly is forgivable. Space Marines having to very awkwardly reload is forgettable. But the treads on this tank are the same as a car with no tires. We are cool with motorcycles flying and bugs growing to the size of houses, but a tank using treads that doesn't have any actual treads is just too close to the line.

Regarding prices, unless there is child labor, radiation dumping, or war crimes, why they are more expensive is really irrelevant to the vast majority of consumers. The simple fact is that it costs more without offering enough. For such a hefty tag, the sections that they have right now are really nothing special. I am all for over-the-top, extra-expensive Forgeworld goods, but I had better be able to look at it and say 'wow.'

The jet-penises in the picture are always good for a laugh, though.


Cpt Codpiece
11-03-2012, 04:10 PM
They could have gone with a conversion kit for the plastic Baneblade but no doubt purists would complain about that as well, so it's probably for the best they went with the literal translation.

is the tank not just the plastic baneblade and resin parts?
"The mighty Space Marine Fellblade is a huge multi-part resin and plastic kit"

11-03-2012, 04:22 PM
I've just done a quick comparison with my plastic Baneblade and the images of the Fellblade on FW's site. I think, and could be massively wrong, that the majority of the kit is resin with some additional plastic bits, like the fuel drums (which, being overly picky, I feel they could've made more of an attempt to disguise the joins on the painted product) and maybe the doors. Check out the unpainted shot.

I like it, treads and all. Would've preferred a Stormhammer though. I'm loving the RoB sections as well. A definite future purchase.

11-03-2012, 04:51 PM
Hai! I knew the most about tanks at my high school/game store so I'm totally an expert at how treads work in a universe where gravity is mutable. Seriously, gravity is mutable in 30k. Things can stick to whatever they want, and crude methods of traction might not be what goes into super tank. Oh, and no one makes tanks on this scale in the modern world so any of the previous examples don't hold much weight. How can you guys care so much about a minor detail when its primary armament can be stopped by fog?

11-03-2012, 05:22 PM
Did Rapture say he's going to trust pictures on the Internet over someone that's actually had tank training? Facepalm.

11-03-2012, 05:33 PM
Seriously, can't anyone be happy in this hobby?

Not on the internet.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-03-2012, 06:46 PM
I sometimes hate the internet.

11-03-2012, 07:25 PM
I sometimes hate the internet.

Sometimes? Ever the optimist I see.

Every time I try and come back and post here and every time it takes me almost no time at all to remember why I stopped posting.

Did Rapture say he's going to trust pictures on the Internet over someone that's actually had tank training? Facepalm.

Yes... he did.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-03-2012, 07:30 PM
Awwwwwwwwwwh! Chrono!
I value your posting. :D

11-03-2012, 08:55 PM
Yeah. Just come hang out with the usual crew in the Obliette.

11-03-2012, 10:08 PM
Haha, c'mon this is a universe where troops use melee weapons and giant bright banners for no good reason other than it's AWESOME. When I first saw a space marine bearing a chainsaw-sword I thought that's pretty ridiculous. But it's ridiculously great also.

The tanks in this universe often have cool factors that go well beyond anything that makes realistic sense.


11-03-2012, 11:37 PM
I sometimes hate humanity.


Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-04-2012, 02:23 AM

Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiii!!!

11-04-2012, 03:09 AM
Ok, I may not be some internet tank crewman, but some things just bug me about this $130 toy. For starters, sure the treads don't NEED cleats (they're called grousers), but when my Landraider has more attention to detail than this Forgeworld joke tank, I can't help but feel a little gypped. The lamest part is that the tank rides on its hinges, not on the plate itself, but the damn hinges! Really? Some jerkoff got paid to sculpt this BS and didn't even look at a couple pictures of real tanks to get even the slightest inkling of how they work? Don't get me started on how the hatches open right into the road wheels! If Forgeworld shows so much disdain for their customers that they can't even be arsed to make the thing look marginally like a tank that might work, I sure as hell won't drop well in excess of a hundred bucks on the ridiculous looking PoS! Not when Tamiya can make models that piss all over FW's best like a German dominatrix for $20! Look, you guys can use the excuse that in la-la land realism isn't important, and that's fine. I won't put you down for it. But by the same token, if someone does not feel the desire to pay a ridiculous amount of money for a model tank that looks more ridiculous than anything GI Joe had in the nineties, keep your condescending tone to yourself.

11-04-2012, 03:44 AM
What is it with people signing up just to b*tch like little girls lately? This place is turning into Warseer.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-04-2012, 03:59 AM
Oh gods! Noes!

11-04-2012, 05:42 AM
What is it with people signing up just to b*tch like little girls lately? This place is turning into Warseer.

Yeah, linking to threads from the front page certainly lowers the quality of discussion in here, doesn't it?

Don't like it, don't buy it. It's not a hard concept to grasp :rolleyes:

Cpt Codpiece
11-04-2012, 06:27 AM
so much moaning about the tracks........
not a mention of recoil from the TWO big donkey cannons on the turret.

come on people this is a fantasy sci-fi game, do we have power armoured super gene modified soldiers that run around shooting RPG's on full auto? oh and can fly thanks to two hair driers attached to their backs (1 if you are a BA or in mk IV plate)
too far fetched? how about a race of fungus men that live only for war, and grow through beating stuff up? did i mention that their gear only works because they believe it works?

OMG, the hinges are bigger than they should be, and the tracks wont work, the doors are in the wrong place, why cant FW just give everyone in the world 4 for free as £150 is too much for a cool, large centerpiece tank that fits in my (really expensive hobby) toy army.

come on people suspend belief for a second, enjoy the goodies that are coming. buy them if you like it or walk on by.

11-04-2012, 07:46 AM
Apparently giant walking fungus that will cut your balls off as soon as look at you is fine but god forbid you design a tank that doesn't meet the internets well known stringent standards for combat operations.

11-04-2012, 09:38 AM
The internet is srs bzns.

I do find the tank tread argument(s) baffling, though; it's obviously a throwback to the ooold style models GW had back in RT days.
And those tanks were based off of pretty old real-world tanks like the British Mark V (looks a lot like a Land Raider), which did have flat treads because, you know, they were some of the first tanks! Imperial tech isn't exactly cutting edge by real-world standards; their vehicle designs in particular tend to top out in this weird zone between the 1920s/40s and now. The Leman Russ, for example, has a terrible hull design based on what we know about modern tanks; meanwhile the Valkyrie looks a lot like a relatively modern helicopter gunship.

Ultimately, this is Warhammer, and it's not all going to make perfect sense; just look at how many bolter designs have ridiculous methods of feeding munitions into the weapon. The rule of cool applies first, and in this instance they were attacking that rule via nostalgia.

...Which is not to say that anyone's sense of cool has to match what we're given with the models - but pages of moaning back and forth about flat tank treads just looks silly.

11-04-2012, 09:38 AM
I have a solution! Use it as an excuse to convert/model WHATEVER YOU WANT on the treads. Honestly I figure any artist out there should be glad at being given a blank slate with which to work their magic. Green stuff your chapter icon over and over again so that as you roll over your enemies, they are covered in your chapter's proud (but whiney) icon!

11-04-2012, 11:00 AM
It's supposed to make older 40k Gamers like me want to pony up the outrageous money they want for this crap.

This +1. Though I am not generally in favor of the style, some folks are nostalgic about it and apparently it sells. Personally I'd just replace the tracks with something else, but that's me.

Mr Mystery
11-04-2012, 11:54 AM
I just want to add it's horrendous firepower to my army.

Plus, it'll look cool in Purple and Gold!

11-04-2012, 12:48 PM
What is it with people signing up just to b*tch like little girls lately? This place is turning into Warseer.

Or what is it with people that make a whole post with absolutely nothing of substance to b*tch that someone b*tched about a toy that apparently made their panties moist?


Funny that you resort to personal attacks rather than try and defend your sycophantic sucking up to GW. I guess in homely bint-land pointing out the ridiculousness of a $130 model is "b*tching like a little girl." You do know, feminists don't actually say things like that, right? Misogynist males that have no idea how to react like the woman they're are pretending to be on the Internet do.

And Gotthammer, cyberstalking the forum and blog posts of what may or may not be a chick on the Internet like a horny terrier won't get you laid. Just stop, it's pathetic

I made one post pointing out that F-World wants $130 for a tank that would make Tamiya execs commit seppuku in shame. And yes, I created an account for that sole purpose. Do I have better sh*t to do? Hell yes! But that tank is serious bullsh*t. Anyone that is defending that PoS is guzzling the diseased Kool-aid flavored lactate directly from the tainted, diseased, teat of that hoary b*tch Games Workshop herself.

Seriously? You can look at that pile and tell me that it is worth more than about $40 bucks with a straight face? What planet are you from? And I am the guy with 4 Landraiders just because I didn't feel like magnetizing them. That's right, I bought two LRs to be Crusaders because I couldn't be arsed to use a few magnets.

This is a discussion forum. That by definition means that everyone's opinions have validity. Stop trying to shut people down that disagree with you with personal insults or derision. Unless, of course, you think that insulting people is somehow a valid method of disagreement. Just because I say that I do not like the piece of crap does not mean I:

a) Can't afford it.
b) Can't distinguish fantasy from reality.
c) Am a b*tch (I may be one, but in this context that is irrelevant).

The tank looks pretty sweet at first glance, but after two blinks the super-awesome Voltron mega-Saiyan baddassery of two giant, phallic guns and eight Lascannons wears off, and I am left staring in disbelief that a toy that even Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors would be ashamed of is priced upward of $100.

But all hope is not lost in BoLS-land. There are a number of cooler heads in this thread that have rightfully pointed out that it is meant to be a nostalgic centerpiece for a pre-Heresy army. And in that respect I can definitely see the point. IIRC, the old MKI LRs had tracks like that. So yeah, if you have a bunch of those, then this tank will fit right in. Funny how my rant got derailed by cool, simple logic. It's almost like there is a better way to disagree with someone than implying that they're stupid, or a b*tch. There is a lesson there, I am sure of it...

Mr Mystery
11-04-2012, 12:57 PM
For those who saw the above, and figured TL/DR, here is Mr Mystery's summing up....

'I don't like it, nor should you'. For those with second sight, I have elaborated this through interpretative dance.

Now, this isn't to say Hiroshi's opinion is wrong per se. Just that he seems incapable of discussion sans hyperbole, so is best read with tongue in cheek. Or otherwise ignored.

11-04-2012, 01:26 PM
And Gotthammer, cyberstalking the forum and blog posts of what may or may not be a chick on the Internet like a horny terrier won't get you laid. Just stop, it's pathetic

Made me lol. A for effort, but severely lacking in research.

IIRC, the old MKI LRs had tracks like that.

Best part is I pointed that out in post #3.

For thoose of you without psychic powers, here's Monsieur Mystery in action:


"let me show you the dance of my people"

Mr Mystery
11-04-2012, 01:30 PM
Ah, the old 'obvious troll is obvious' dance. My ancestors were wise! And farseeing. And to think, great great great uncle jebediah o'bunghole was mad for developing the routine.

11-04-2012, 02:27 PM
Welcome to BoLS. You will find that being reasonable is not the fashion here. Expect thoughtless remarks, frequent insults, and a healthy supply of sycophants.

Mr Mystery
11-04-2012, 02:36 PM
Particularly if you define 'sycophant' as someone with the temerity to not only hold a less than entirely negative opinion of their rather expensive hobby, but even go so far as to actively enjoy it. If so, we're ten a penny round this way.

Though you will note we tend to use puerile insults as defensive measures, rather than just wading in flailing madly at anyone who happens to disagree.

The Sovereign
11-04-2012, 03:21 PM
Good Lord! Are people actually arguing about tank treads?! Stop that at once, and come freak out with me about the price of 2x2 Cityscape tiles!!! They're so beautiful and amazing and I can never have them!!!

11-04-2012, 03:36 PM
yeah I might be in the same boat over the city tiles too, I would love to have some, but I might just have to see about making my own instead. I think the realm of battle board is great, but buildings do tend to look a bit out of place on them in my opinion, certainly 40k buildings anyway. Personally I have always wanted a big board with a storm drain running down it so I can do scenes like terminator 2, but that is something I will never get round to :P

Mr Mystery
11-04-2012, 03:41 PM
I am tempted, but not yet for the following reasons. Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin...

1) at present my finances are subject to fiscal juggling, and are likely to remain so until the new year
2) current flat is too small. But should be moving in with a friend in the next few months, and should end up with sufficient space
3) I need to get more buildings to go with them.

Other than that, afore long I may just have a 6x4 comprised of them.

And no, the price doesn't concern me, even if it concerns you!

11-04-2012, 03:46 PM
Warning.... I am getting my troll on for the foolish
I just want to note that the doors on the side of the Fellblade everyone keeps *****ing about are just there so you can place legion iconography not to allow for exit. The Fellblade is not a transport, please stop *****ing about the doors placement and have the intelligence to look up the vehicle information long enough to realize they made it where you can personalize the tank to your army you baseless ****s... Sorry just very tired of stupid getting aired without the temerity of checking first.
Troll off

11-04-2012, 05:00 PM
Likes; no rivets, SM don't need no stinking rivets, like my old one I made when the Baneblade first dropped, see below.

Dislikes; everything else about it;

TRACKS-no they are not like the old LR-the flat could have been the hinge on the MK1, whereas this idiot designed vehicle went out of its way to make hinges... derp, there are better Indy kits for tracks out there...

Fuel tanks instead of bateries, SM have NO fuel tanks, stoopid.

No cool engines that are mounted inside the side of the tracks (like the Rhino, lol, rofl, hahahaha)

Big stoopid mostist powerfuls ultra mega vortex cannons.

SM sitting inside a sundries box, I guess he was really hungry?

The front wheels held up by magic.


rant end (for all the haters that will say I cannot afford it, etc; own my house outright, drive a CTS)


11-04-2012, 06:13 PM
One of the funnier points of this whole mess is that there were a few people out there making custom MK1 LR-type tracks for use to convert MK1 Rhinos and Baneblades. They were custom order resin pieces. The original creator is on this site sometimes, and posts projects. But now that a near-identical part is on a FW kit... boom.

11-04-2012, 06:33 PM
I like it personally, and as others have said, the argument is simple, if you like it and want one, get one, if you don't like it and/or don't want one, then don't get one. Discussion about its' merits are fine, but there is no need to argue. I like it, but wont get one because I have a baneblade I have never done anything with, so I just set about converting that.

11-04-2012, 07:02 PM
As I said earlier, I like the Fellblade. The more I look at it, the more I like it and the more I crave it.

I've just read it's history on the 40k wiki (I know, I know, but there's not much about it on Lexicanium) and I'll be getting one to sit alongside my soon to be recommissioned Baneblade and Shadowsword... :D

11-04-2012, 11:49 PM
Made me lol. A for effort, but severely lacking in research

Pretty much my reaction too, especially at the bit about feminists not using words like 'b*tching'. Clearly he has never spent much time on any feminist blogs and forums.

11-05-2012, 12:23 AM
Pretty much my reaction too, especially at the bit about feminists not using words like 'b*tching'. Clearly he has never spent much time on any feminist blogs and forums.

OMG Eldargal stop stalking me!!!!

11-05-2012, 12:58 AM
But you're so stalkable.:(

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-05-2012, 01:54 AM
Hahahahaha! Oh dear. :p

Mr Mystery
11-05-2012, 02:02 AM
Likes; no rivets, SM don't need no stinking rivets, like my old one I made when the Baneblade first dropped, see below.

Dislikes; everything else about it;

TRACKS-no they are not like the old LR-the flat could have been the hinge on the MK1, whereas this idiot designed vehicle went out of its way to make hinges... derp, there are better Indy kits for tracks out there...

Fuel tanks instead of bateries, SM have NO fuel tanks, stoopid.

No cool engines that are mounted inside the side of the tracks (like the Rhino, lol, rofl, hahahaha)

Big stoopid mostist powerfuls ultra mega vortex cannons.

SM sitting inside a sundries box, I guess he was really hungry?

The front wheels held up by magic.


rant end (for all the haters that will say I cannot afford it, etc; own my house outright, drive a CTS)


Space Matine tanks have batteries? Since when? Rhino is noted for the flexibility of it's engine. Land raider has exhausts. And the tank in question has an Atomantic Reactor.

You actually read Betrayal?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-05-2012, 02:02 AM
Whatever this guy said

What you just said was 50 SHADES OF WRONG.

Seriously dude, sort your facts out. If anyone's stalking EldarGal here, it's me, and she is okay with this. :p

Quit yo jibba jabba and go find somewhere else to moan pliz. KTHXBYE.

11-05-2012, 02:24 AM
Whilst I did chuckle at the idea of Tamya execs committing seppuku in response to a poor model, nobody but nobody has any right of complaint about ergonomics and design in the 41st millenium, unless they have already pointed out that a Leman Russ turret does not have room to hold the breach of a cannon in that calibre.

That is all.

PS I like the big shooty tank and diamond encrusted floor tiles.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-05-2012, 02:31 AM
Big shooty tanks are the bestest.

11-05-2012, 02:39 AM
rant end (for all the haters that will say I cannot afford it, etc; own my house outright, drive a CTS)

Owning a house and driving a terrible car doesn't mean you can afford this stuff. In fact, normally it means you can't.

11-05-2012, 02:59 AM
Whilst I did chuckle at the idea of Tamya execs committing seppuku in response to a poor model, nobody but nobody has any right of complaint about ergonomics and design in the 41st millenium, unless they have already pointed out that a Leman Russ turret does not have room to hold the breach of a cannon in that calibre.

That is all.

PS I like the big shooty tank and diamond encrusted floor tiles.
Or that rhinos can't fit ten marines in them physically, or that they are too small in scale with most infantry models etc. etc. If you start nitpicking then you will never stop, 40k isn't supposed to be an accurate representation of warfare, it is pulp fiction for the tabletop.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-05-2012, 03:04 AM
Or that rhinos can't fit ten marines in them physically, or that they are too small in scale with most infantry models etc. etc. If you start nitpicking then you will never stop, 40k isn't supposed to be an accurate representation of warfare, it is pulp fiction for the tabletop.


If it was an accurate representation then no one could afford it. :p

11-05-2012, 03:08 AM
The board looks pretty, I wonder if I can trade my new gear box for a couple of tiles...
I'm not so keen on the Fellbalde, I don't like the rounded top turret you see, I didn't like them on my old preds but ho hom. As for the tracks if I were to make one I would probably put some of the new style Land Raider ones on it as I prefer the look to them, but you can see that it's heritage is from the old land raider so that makes sense

11-05-2012, 03:28 AM
Less talk, I'm trying to spy on Gotthammer and you're making the binoculars wobble.
Blast, forgot the tub of yoghurt.

11-05-2012, 03:29 AM
Don't worry about the yoghurt, I prefer cream...

11-05-2012, 03:32 AM
I'm just glad I have very little attraction to Imperial models in general, let alone over-priced 'retro' versions. :P I think people's problem with the treads and whatnot isn't that it wouldn't work very well, but that it just seems like they're cashing in on the 'retro' thing as an excuse to be lazy with their sculpting and make a lot of money out of it, and well, they probably are. Personally I would like to see them as retro, but with an up-to-date flair to them, which in some respects they are, and others they aren't, which makes it look a bit patchy. Having the rest of the tank fairly detailed but the tracks blank and smooth is a little off-putting I must say. Nothing a knife and file can't solve though. (and many painful, bloody hours.)

I would be interested in the Realm of Battle... but I agree that it is ridiculous money. I don't care what anyone says, it's unreasonable to ask that much for pieces of a terrain board which you could make yourself for not that much money and effort.

Forgeworld can't justify their prices, but because they're the only ones that make the stuff, they don't need to. I still forked out a lot of money for the FW Avatar and a load of FW Battlesuits. That much for a terrain board is just plain prohibitive though. They would make so much more money by lowering the cost. Rather than only a few people buying it but paying a lot for it, they would have a lot of people buying it and paying moderately high for it. Resin is no excuse, resin is cheap. The fact that they have to try multiple times on each piece until they get a clean cast still doesn't justify it. There's no point in going on about it though I suppose, because it isn't going to change.

11-05-2012, 03:32 AM
Really, I go away to the BL weekend and this is still going. 5..4..3

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-05-2012, 03:37 AM
Don't worry about the yoghurt, I prefer cream...

Hold up, this is getting kinky. Let me get MY binoculars.

11-05-2012, 03:45 AM
Hold up, this is getting kinky. Let me get MY binoculars.

Optics fail, Gott in Australia, Eg in UK, light doesn't bend like that...

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-05-2012, 03:46 AM
You're talking physics in a conversation like this?

Get out.

11-05-2012, 03:51 AM
It links rather nicely to the hinges being wrong, and the treds not working....

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-05-2012, 04:05 AM
True that. :p

11-05-2012, 04:06 AM
Obviously though it is an engine access panel rather than entrace point after all transport capacity 0

11-05-2012, 04:09 AM
Obviously though it is an engine access panel rather than entrace point after all transport capacity 0
Take your logic and common sense elsewhere, sir. In order to be 'reasonable' one has to assume you know everything, be an obnoxious twit and whine incessantly and never, ever stop criticising GW for a moment or you will become a sycophant.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-05-2012, 04:10 AM
Take your logic and common sense elsewhere, sir. In order to be 'reasonable' one has to assume you know everything, be an obnoxious twit and whine incessantly and never, ever stop criticising GW for a moment or you will become a sycophant.

Seems legit...

11-05-2012, 04:26 AM
Forgot my sarcasm tags again, damn it.

... In order to be 'reasonable' one has to assume you know everything... Sounds a fair assumption to me...

11-05-2012, 05:14 AM
Space Matine tanks have batteries? Since when? Rhino is noted for the flexibility of it's engine. Land raider has exhausts. And the tank in question has an Atomantic Reactor.

You actually read Betrayal?

And SM dread has exhausts also, so, if it has a fluff atomic reactor, as you say, why does it have stoopid fuel tanks sitting on it?

Rhino runs on garbage?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-05-2012, 05:18 AM
Because Space Magic.

11-05-2012, 05:23 AM
Owning a house and driving a terrible car doesn't mean you can afford this stuff. In fact, normally it means you can't.

Exactly, an attack from a hater; yoose dunt be likin FW, yoose just cant afford it... derp

I will be in Vegas for the Cigar Aficianado Big Smoke, Marine Corps Birthday, Veterans day, and my Birthday... and I will not be driving my terrible stimulates the economy car, but flying, I am flying business class because I do not see the value in first class, like I do not see the value in most FW models that are shipped in a plastic bag, have numerous mold flaws, and look like they were designed by a monkey playing with its own shat...

Mr Mystery
11-05-2012, 05:23 AM
And SM dread has exhausts also, so, if it has a fluff atomic reactor, as you say, why does it have stoopid fuel tanks sitting on it?

Rhino runs on garbage?

If rubbish burns, then the Rhino can run on it.

As for Dreadnought exhausts, nuclear power stations often have cooling towers. Why not a Dread?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-05-2012, 05:25 AM
I'm going to go right ahead and close this thread....