View Full Version : Bunkers

11-02-2012, 10:18 AM
Someone brought a Fortress of Redemption to a recent game, he mentioned that the dudes in the building cannot be assaulted! That the building must be destroyed to get to the guys inside.

This correct?

11-02-2012, 10:21 AM
Buildings are basically immobile vehicles, with a unique damage chart and a few other minor differences. So no, you can't assault them.

11-02-2012, 10:28 AM
Unless the building is connected to another building, and you have a unit in that other building. For instance, if you got a unit into the central tower of a fortress of redemption and an enemy unit was in one of the adjoining bunker annexes, you could assault from the inside. See page 114.

11-02-2012, 11:04 AM
Flamers and Grenades do hilarious things to them, though. Read and re-read those rules and try not to cackle too much.

11-02-2012, 12:50 PM
somebody's got to dooooeeett!

cf. http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?21435-Tynskel-s-Guide-to-Interpreting-Rules&highlight=

11-02-2012, 12:57 PM
My version:
1) Post while you're at work, away from your 100 pound rulebook.
2) Have your well-versed 40k friends on BoLS to answer for you.
3) ??
4) Profit!

11-02-2012, 04:34 PM
wait, why ask this question at work, unless you are playing the game... and if you are playing the game, why don't you have the rulebook?

11-02-2012, 04:36 PM
I ask questions on this forum at work all the time, because I have a job that includes a fair amount of downtime, and I'm bored.

11-03-2012, 03:15 PM
I suggest bringing the minirulebook to work!