View Full Version : Death Guard Legion -2k

11-02-2012, 09:14 AM
I've been having a lot of fun with this list:

Legion Death Guard

Praetor Terminator armor, PF, Iron Halo, Digital lasers, Combibolter 170

Death shroud x4 170

Tactical squad x20 (bolters) 275
-Serg Artificer, Powerscythe

Tactical squad x20 (bolt pistol - CCW) 275
-Serg Artificer, Powerscythe

Land Speeder Squadron x4 (dual heavy bolter) 260

Heavy Support Squad x7 (las cannons) Augery scanner 320

Heavy Support Squad x7 (multi meltas) Augery scanner 250

Legion Predator (auto cannon, las cannon sponsons, dozerblade) 130

Aegis defense line 50

Apothecarion X2 (Augery scanner x2) 100


The Praetor leads the death shroud moving up with the Tacs on foot. Heavies man ruins or the Aegis. Speeders maneuver as needed to kill small key units or go for backfield strikes on enemy light armor. The pred usually hides and emerges late game to take pressure off where it is needed. Apothecaries join the Tacs, and the scanners give the army help versus deep strikers.

It's a fairly lean and mean build that rolls buckets of dice and can take a punch and keep coming - just like I like it!

11-02-2012, 10:01 AM
Are you playing this list against regular 40k lists or against other HH lists ? If its the former how does the list fair against the regular 40k stuff, especially flyer heavy lists ?

Either way I bet it looks awesome on the table :) thx for sharing.