View Full Version : Disney buy Lucasfilm, plan Ep7-9

10-30-2012, 06:24 PM
So Disney just bought Lucasfilm and the Star Wars rights off George Lucas.

And have immediatly announed episodes 7-9 will be made, with the first in cinemas in 2015. And once 9 is done, they anticipate a new movie every 3 years.

The franchise is now dead to me. They even contemplated remaking 4-6 to make them "modern"

10-30-2012, 08:22 PM
I had heard that originally lucas wanted 9 films. That said they've milked so much out of the old ones and the new ones lack a certain something that it seems they are just money grubbing now.

White Tiger88
10-30-2012, 09:25 PM
Already been posted go to that thread.

10-30-2012, 09:27 PM
As a Trekkie, I honestly don't get you Star Warriors. You worshiped Lucas for about 20 years, and then hated him for about that long. Now I hear Star Wars fans loosing it because a successful company with a reputation for decent (some great, some horrible, but most are decent) movies wants to rehabilitate the franchise. We Trekkies have had hundreds of television episodes and about a dozen movies and most of us don't think that volume has hurt the Trek world much. Relax. The universe will unfold as it should.

10-30-2012, 11:01 PM
I'm a Star Wars guy and I don't get the hate either. I mean, I can understand JarJar and the Gungans. I don't let it bother me, Star Wars has always had cheesy elements to it, but the prequel hate? Heck, the actual overarching plot for the prequels is much more intelligent and mature than the original trilogy. And the lightsaber fights are way, way, way cooler, which is like half the reason to watch Star Wars in the first place.

10-31-2012, 12:11 AM
I think it could be really good, I just want to know the plot line now :D but the hate makes no sence

10-31-2012, 02:42 AM
As a Communist, I honestly don't get you Star Warriors. You worshiped Lucas for about 20 years, and then hated him for about that long. Now I hear Star Wars fans loosing it because a successful company with a reputation for decent (some great, some horrible, but most are decent) movies wants to rehabilitate the franchise. We Trekkies have had hundreds of television episodes and about a dozen movies and most of us don't think that volume has hurt the Trek world much. Relax. The universe will unfold as it should.

FTFY, It's not the quantity, at least not for me. It's that none will match the quality of the original trilogy.

And we might end up with this


10-31-2012, 07:28 AM
Already being discussed here (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?25955-Noooooooo!).

Asymmetrical Xeno
10-31-2012, 09:15 AM
Seems quite apt to me, Star Wars was always just a light-hearted version of Dune, the first film was afterall the plot of the hidden fortress transplanted into the Dune-verse and lightened up. Disney specialise in exactly that kind of light-fantasy (The Avengers, John Carter) so it seems like the natural place to me. If I was into that kind of thing I'd probably be really happy with this news, and you guys get 3 new films that don't have Lucas involved - That's more than what a lot of science fantasy mythologies get.

10-31-2012, 10:21 AM
One of my favourite activities, reading the comments on BBC articles about things and looking at the lowest rated

On this topci the lowest 2;

This just proves the point that Sci-Fi is and always has been for kids

Star Wars is for people with small brains and that is why Disney bought it, easy money as small brained people have money from the pockets of big brained people who really should know better

Mr Mystery
10-31-2012, 10:32 AM
Comments make my brians angry!!

10-31-2012, 10:49 AM
On the plus side Leia's now a Disney Princess:


Cake from here (http://www.anthonyherreradesigns.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=55:star-wars-disney-princess-cake&catid=34:anthonydesign-blog).

10-31-2012, 10:57 AM
Why are Belle, Aurora and Snow White Sith?

Didn't take someone long to make it

It does also mean that Disney parades att heir parks will now have dancing Gungans....

10-31-2012, 11:05 AM
It was actually made over a year ago for a five year old girl who loves Star Wars and princesses :D

10-31-2012, 11:13 AM
She is clearly a witch.

Asymmetrical Xeno
10-31-2012, 11:29 AM
I don't understand what's wrong with liking "kids stuff" ? SW aint my bag as I just can't get into the light side of science fantasy, but why do people use the fact it's for kids as something derogatory? Seem's kind of snobbish to me. Kids stuff can be smart and imaginative, and theres nothing wrong with adults appreciating that - Personally I love the real ghostbusters, knightmare, Maid marrion and her merry men and a variety of other kids shows, if anything - as an adult I can appreciate those things in a new way.

10-31-2012, 11:50 AM
Many of us 30/40 something's grew up with Star Wars, the original 3 films were an obsession for me and I lapped them up. I think the films offered more and more as I watched them over and over the older I got. I am absolutely stoked that my kids will now have that same opertunities of enjoying a fresh new Star Wars as I did. I hope they get as much enjoyment from the new as I did with the old.

10-31-2012, 12:41 PM
If I remember correctly 7-9 were pretty dark stories...

Disney/Pixar have make a lot of kids movies that many adults enjoy just as much, though they've usually been pretty depressing for the adults.

Mr Mystery
10-31-2012, 12:44 PM
Still not getting the massive pre-judging. All we know is that Disney want to make more Star Wars films. That's it. In it's entirety.

Yet of course interwebs knows best and can see into the future. Either that or it's just people sounding off to appear important.

10-31-2012, 01:10 PM
@ Kyban - what do you mean by 7-9 as dark stories - Timothy Zahn or earlier?

Did no one notice that George Lucas is remaining as a creative director?

10-31-2012, 02:49 PM
@ Kyban - what do you mean by 7-9 as dark stories - Timothy Zahn or earlier?

I can't remember but the rumor a while ago was that he had written them along with the other 6 at some point and we had heard the premise but not the actual story. Probably just a rumor though.

11-05-2012, 04:20 AM
Why are Belle, Aurora and Snow White Sith?

Having a red lightsaber doesn't make you sith. Lightsaber blades are merely coloured by the gem used in their construction.

11-05-2012, 03:55 PM
I don't know of any instance of someone not-Sith having a red lightsaber, though. It's a visual thing.

Another cool thing about lightsabers, Jedi basically always draw their lightsabers first, never the Sith. Go re-watch the films if you don't believe it. I think there's only maybe one or two instances in all six films where the Sith pull out a weapon first.

11-05-2012, 04:52 PM
I'm pretty sure someone does in the books, just can't think who.

11-05-2012, 06:03 PM
I think you're right, I recall a few cases of unusual lightsaber colors, but I'd have to look it up.

Edit: Leia apparently owns a red lightsaber, which may be why I didn't remember it because she doesn't really explore her jedi powers until long after the movies, and even then it doesn't show up too often.

And color is based on the crystal used in the lightsaber. Synthetic crystals create red sabers, so at various points many newer Jedi were forced to use red sabers due to the lack of natural crystals as a result of the Jedi extermination.

11-05-2012, 06:36 PM
Meh, I have no problem with Disney owning Star Wars. They're a bunch of kids' films/adverts for toys, Disney make kids films/toys. It makes sense. I mean, I enjoyed them loads growing up, and have nostalgia for them now, but I'm not about to make any kind of claim that they're sacrosanct Great Art. Because they really, really aren't. Significant? Absolutely. Defined the whole concept of "summer blockbuster" and "toyetic"? Without a shadow of a doubt. Created the "special effects movie" boom of the 90's? Yup. Hugely important, no doubt. Great Art? Not so much.

David Mitchell wrote an excellent column for Observer and The Guardian about it. I think I pretty much agree with every point he makes.


As a final note to all those nay-sayers claiming "ruined FOREVER", I really only have two films to name.

Batman and Robin.
The Dark Knight.

Tell me again how George Clooney's batnipples stopped Heath Ledger's Joker from being awesome?

11-07-2012, 02:56 AM
Apparently Harrison Ford is coming back as Han Solo, but wants a contract clause to be killed off in VII.

11-07-2012, 03:49 AM
Oh God, bracing for nerd rage storm...

David Mitchell is, as always, great. But I disagree that Star Wars has already been ruined, it hasn't. Disliking the prequels doesn't ruin Star Wars, it means you disliked the prequels. The prequels 'ruining' Star Wars is just nerdrage hyperbole.

11-07-2012, 03:51 AM
In your opinion, personally the prequals aren't really starwars, they've just tacked the name on :p

If it's true it does rule out both the new jedi order era and the Thrawn trilogy