View Full Version : 1k Tzeentch Demons Tournament report

10-29-2012, 05:58 PM
So after a roller coaster week. My pregnant wife sent me off out of the house to play 40k.

This is the first time I've actually played at the Hobbytown in Chat. They had cleaned up their RC work section and set up four 4x4 tables. with 1 additional table set up near the train section.

With only 1k lists, I didn't mind the 4x4 tables. They are scheduling their next 40k tournament on November 17th, 1500 points, and promised 4x6 tables for that event.

My list

Great Unclean One

5 Flamers

5 Flamers

4 Flamers

5 Horrors w/ Bolt of Change

5 Horrors w/ Bolt of Change

4 Screamers

4 Screamers

5 Screamers

We played 3 games, missions straight out of the rule book. You got +1 victory point each round for having a fully painted army.

Game 1 Relic

Opponent Orks


10 Shootas, 1 Big Shoota and Nob


10 Slugga Boyz, Big Shoota and Nob
Started game in Trukk

20 Boyz 1 big shoota, 1 Rokkit and Nob


3 Deathkoptas

The Deathkoptas, used their Scout move and since Orks got 1st turn to rush and get the relic on turn 1.

Ghaz stole an empty Trukk and both trukks moved up the right side of the board,

Demon turn 1, saw my GUCO drop infront of the trukks, 2 Units of flamers dropped next to the Death Koptas, 1 Flamer Unit scattered on the Orks and got put into ongoing reserves. 5 Screamers dropped in front of the 20 Ork unit.

Whoosh, flamers vaporised the Death Koptas earning me First Blood. The screamers Boosted over the 20 Ork squad ending up between the Orks and the board edge. 5ish Orks died to the fly over.

Ork turn 2, Ghaz Waaghs.

10 Shootas on left move up, Supported by dread, Large 15 Ork unit turns around to point at 5 screamers. Ghaz jumps out of trukk to assault GUCO. Other Ork Trukk is stuck with Ghazs trukk and some terrain preventing it to get into a good position.

10 Orks and Dread Kill 1 Flamer, Large Ork Squad Kills 1 screamer with shooting. Trukks wreaking Ball misses GUCO, Ghaz misses his shooting.

The 10 Orks declare charge on Flamer Unit. 5 die to flamer Overwatch and charge fails. Dread Fails charge also. 15 Orks charge Screamers. Ghaz charges GUCO

Screamers kill 7 Orks, loose 5 wounds in return, Orks auto pass morale. Ghaz and Guco fail to hurt each other. Mainly due to Ghaz having a 2++ save on his Waaagh turn.

Demons turn 2: FLamers show up near Ghaz former trukk, 1 flamer unit moves towards its small Ork unit, 1 flamer towards Dread, 2 small screamer units fail to arrive from reserve. 1 Unit of Horrors drops on Relic. 2nd Horror unit drops between relic and the Ork unit in combat with Screamers.

Flamers wipe the small 5 orc unit, Horrors both bolt the dread, 1 hit, 1 miss, 1 penetrate and shaken dread, flamers finish off dread. Screamers kill 3 Orks, Orks reduce me to 1 screamer with only 1 wound remaining. Flamer unit #3 kills Ghazs Trukk. Guco misses all 4 of his attacks VS Ghaz, Ghaz only manages to hit once and thats saved by FNP so another stand still.

Orc turn 3 - Orks drop out of trukk and move towards Ghaz/Guco fight, Ork unit is back kills last screamer.

Ork Player conceeds, He has 6-7 Orks at the back of the board, Ghaz, 1 Trukk, 10 Orks, VS my entire army minus 1 unit of screamers.

I score max points, 7 points, 3 Relic, 1 1st Blood, 1 Line Breaker, 1 Slay Warlord.

10-29-2012, 05:59 PM
Game 2 - The Emperor's Will

My Warlord Trait - reroll reserves rolls

Opponent Tau

Crisis Commander - Plasmagun, Air Bursting Frag something and FNP - warlord

Crisis Commander - Flamer/ plasma and Shield Drone, deployed with Broadside in a unit.

6 Fire Warriors and Devilfish

6 Fire Warriors and Devilfish

Hammerhead with Railgun

Hammerhead with Ion Cannon

1 Broadside

My opponent had never fought Demons, so for some reason he kept both fire Warriors w/ Devilfish and his warlord in reserve.

Tau won the ability to go first. The commander and Broadside were guarding his objective. Ion Hammerhead advanced to mid field.

I got my second wave instead of my preferred wave.

So 2 Screamer units and 2 Horror units dropped down. 1 screamer unit boosted over the Broadside unit. inflicting 1 wound on the Broadside.

Tau turn 2, 1 Devilfish and his Warlord arrive. Fire Warriors pop out

Devilfish, broadside, fire warriors and crisis suit all shoot at the Screamers that did the drive by on them for 3 wounds removing only 1 model, ( opponent not happy to find out all my screamers and Flamers have 2 wounds each)

Both Hammerheads and his Warlord target and remove 1 unit of Pink Horrors scoring First Blood for Tau player.

Demon Turn 2 - 3 Flamers, GUCO, and last screamers come in.

5 flamers knock 2 hull points off Ion Hammerhead
5 Flamers Kill the Railgun Hammerhead
Surviving Horrors take my home objective.
4 Flamers BBQ all 6 Fire warriors

Screamers assault the Broadside/shield drone/crisis suit unit, Tau fail fear check, resulting in WS 1. Screamers proceed to Kill shield Drone and Broadside. Screamers run down the crisis suit.

Tau turn 3 - last Devilfish comes on board, pops out Fire Warriors in nearly exact same place where previous fire warriors died.

Ion head, fire warriors knocks 3 wounds off GUCO. Tau Warlord kills 1 flamer.

Chaos Turn 3

Flamers knock 2 wounds of Tau Warlord and then assault, they inflict 1 more wound and the Tau commander does hit and run (an amazing 15 inches) out of the combat

Screamers wreck 1 Devil Fish, GUCO wrecks second devil fish, Flamers BBQ Fire Warriors.

Tau turn 4 All the Tau player has left is Warlord with 1 wound remaing and 1 hullpoint left on Ionhead.
Tries to kill Guco and fails.

Chaos Turn 4 - something kills commander and the Tau player conceeds because all he has left on table is Ion Head which is surrounded by 3 units of flamers, 3 screamers and a GUCO.

Max points - +6 for the 2 objectives, +1 Linebreaker, +1Warlord, +1 painted - 9

10-29-2012, 06:00 PM
Game 3 - Mission Purge the Aliens - Victory/Kill Points

Opponent - Blood Angels

Commander in Terminator Armor

5 Terminators

5 Assault Marines with Priest

10 Tactical Marines

5 Scouts

Dreadnought in Drop Pod

Demons deploy first so deploy nothing.

Opponet sets up Tactical squad in ruins, Assault marines next to them and scouts next to them. Reserves Commander, Terms and Dread

Demons botch and secondary wave drops in. 2 Horror units drop mid field. 1 Screamer unit drops near tactical marines, 2nd drops near assault marines.

Both horror units ope up on scouts and kill 4 out of 5 ( <3 AP 4 on horrors) Scout passes morale test.

1 screamer unit boosts over Tactical Squad and kills 1 marine.

Other Screamer squad boosts over Assault Marines killing 3 our of the 5. Opponent failed both armor and FNP saves.

Marine Turn 1

Tact Squad moves out of ruins, opens up and kills 1 Screamer, Assault squad does nothing with pistols on same unit of screamers.

Tactsquad and Assault sqaud jointly assault screamer unit, wiping it out, but 1 assault marine and 3 tact marines die in process. First Blood to Blood Angels

Chaos turn 2

Everyone else shows up. 3x Flamers, GUCO and last Screamer Squad

Horrors Melt last Scout

Flamers burn Tactical Squad into ash

2nd Flamers burn Priest and last Assault Marine into ash

Blood Angels tabled. No models left on table.

I'm awarded 6 points for Kill points, +1 Warlord, +1 Linebreaker, +1 painted for total of 9

Game took 30 minutes. So I get to watch the other 3 games for the rest of the time

The Ork Player I beat game 1 is fighting a Tyranid force with 12 Kill points, he nearly tables his opponent, 11/12 kill points.

At the end my total points 25
The Ork player due to that Tyranid list came in at 23 points.

So while I did come in 1st place with my shiny $20 gift card. I do think something needs to be adopted so all missions are worth same points. In this series for example heres the primary objectives and the max they are worth

Relic 3 points
Emperors Will - 6 points
Purge the Alien - ?No cap?

All 3 games had the following 4 secondary objectives
Slay the Warlord +1
Linebreaker +1
First Blood +1
Fully Painted +1 - defined as models covered with 3 colors and something done to bases paint/flock/gravel.

There was a Chaos Player with an army only worth 4 Kill points. (Chaos Lord, 2x Troops and 1 unit Obliterators)