View Full Version : To go with the old, the new, or forget it all together

10-28-2012, 12:00 PM
I used to have a LatD list, it seems that I can make a very similar list again.

The question is should I? I have yet to finish my IG army, so starting a new project would take time and (non existent) money from that.

Then there is the fact that I could do something completely new, think of some new background to build a list around.


10-28-2012, 04:34 PM
I used to have a LatD list, it seems that I can make a very similar list again.

The question is should I? I have yet to finish my IG army, so starting a new project would take time and (non existent) money from that.

Then there is the fact that I could do something completely new, think of some new background to build a list around.


AHH the old "what to do next" syndrome, I know the feeling mate the ideas rattle around in my head and I'm never sure what to do next. for exmple current thoughts are along the lines of.

Dark mechanicus armie using mechanised 1Ksons that look like warp touched Iron warriors. (rune golems, rune lord/priests, warpsmiths, predators)

Slaaneshi renegades (Combine chaos marauder and SM parts, with DE wyche heads to get that real full on 80's metal style of army that make mothers think kinds shouldn't be in this game)

Harpy DE, (Use the baron, helions, scourges and throw in some eldar/swooping hawk allies)

Harlequin list (again eldar pretty simple really but good conversion opportunities)

Wraithwall (whats not to love)

A highlander style marine army complete with kilts painted so that each unit has its own tartan. shiltrons (chain bayonets, using Grey hunter rules) and Highlanders (claymore chainwords using blood claws rules)