View Full Version : Build me a Chapter..... letting a dice decide

10-25-2012, 03:59 AM
This will be my third attempt of getting a Space marine army of the ground. After Starting on a Crimson First army followed by a Blood Raven army, both of which i grew tired of pretty fast because of the sheer ammount of time spend on making a good colour i finally found out i needed to approach my army building from a different angle.

Since i was painting one model at a time, which is not only verry time consuming but also verry boring i decidd to go back to squad painting. Also im going back from layering to the more simple basecoat, wash, highlight, highlight, glaze.

I had a few choices to make on which army i should go for and then filtered it down to 3
* sons of Medusa 1-2
* aurora chapter 3-4
* minotaurs 5-6

So, i rolled a D3 on deciding which army to go for. I rolled a [6] and so the dice decided for me to go for the minotaurs. Now im not much of a fluff bunny But their modus operatus is verry
appealing to me. The wait ill get my battle brother and beat the living poo out of you, the greek style and the colours... (not to mention it will be verry attractive for the ladies all that bronze)

Then it occured to me that im having a slight problem. My wife somewhat demanded from me i cant buy ANY new stuff from forgeworld or GW and i needed a few transfer sheets or even better a few sets of pads The FW pads and transfers are just to expensive to buy them without her knowing it so i needed to fiddle around with a custom made transfer sheet, lucky me there are some transfersheets available on the net made by fans... But those where not the kind i was looking for (reading this back with a really bad jedi impersonanation maks you laugh try it.). Making my own was the sollution and here is the result:



Depending on the decal paper i have laying around i will go for either the colour version or in worst case the greyscale version, Which is alot of extra work but well worth it.
I went for a full A4 complete with Squad markings and greek letters the only problem there is that printing white is nearly impossible for me, got a copyshop around the corner with a printer that is able to do it but they are charging an insane amount of cash for just one sheet, which will get me trough the first 5k of models. So i went for black with the option to "freehand" over the waterslides with white and solving the problem that way.

My only concern is which way of bronze to go...
go the GW way got plenty of pots of bronze and tin bits or go reaper tiad bronze for a final decission i need your help... im my next post ill post one test model painted with GW colours and the other one Reaper triad way and one with a mix of colours.

i also compiled a to do list to make it a bit easier fo me:

Chaplain - 0% done
Librarian - 0% done
Dreadnought with droppod - 0% done
5x Terminators - 0% done
5x Terminators - 0% done
10x Scouts with teleporter homer - 0% done
10x Tactical marines With droppod - 0% done
10x Tactical marines With droppod - 0% done
10x Tactical marines With droppod - 0% done
10x Assault marines - 0% done
1x stormtalon gunship - 0% done
1x landspeeder (thyphoon variant) - 0% done
5x Devatator marines with droppod - 0% done

Im planning on painting "batches" of 2500 points as you can see my first list consists of 5 droppods painting them is a hell of a job so i decided to do them in my first batch and then distribute them over the chapter where needed. If you are wondering why no tanks, well they are going to be in the list after X-mass and my birthday.

Well thats it for now i hope to make an update at the end of the day and show you the models.