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10-09-2009, 12:40 AM
Can you fluff fans help?

Mortis - twin weapon arms
Hellfire - two weapon arms
Furioso - 2 power fists
Ironclad - Siegy thing?
? - Assault cannon and power fist
? - Multi Melta and power fist

Abominable Plague Marine
10-09-2009, 01:07 AM
Smurf Codex STC - Multi Melta/Powerfist
4th Edition Cheese - Assault Cannon/Powerfist

Seriously, I dont think they have names.

10-09-2009, 10:43 AM
Thought that a Hellfire Dreadnought had Lascannon and Missile Launcher?

10-10-2009, 10:57 AM
The first Dreadnoughts in Rogue Trader had names. They were not so much shock and awe as just shock. Chuck, Eddie, and Fury. They were short for Furibundus and two other names I can't remember at the moment. It was also implied they were just larger suits of armor. For example, there was a bit about a Guardsman wearing a suit of Dreadnought armor and reporting that one of the leg joints was acting up to a Tech Priest.

For 2E things changed a bit and each Chapter got one Dreadnought. The new Dreads were still in metal but had the familiar size and appearance of the current Dreads. Huge improvement in my opinion. They were also now just for Marines and entombed a fallen soldier within the armored shell. The Dark Angels got the twin-linked lascannon and missile launcher. The Blood Angels got the multi-melta and power fist; the multi-melta had two firemodes as well, the normal template and 24" range and it could also be fired as a heavy flamer. The Ultramarines got the assault cannon and power fist. The Space Wolves got the assault cannon and lightning claw but the fluff stated there were very few Space Wolf dreads so their Dread was the only Special Character Dreadnought, Bjorn the Fell-Handed. He was given a lightning claw because that had been a favored weapon of his in life.

Near the end of 2E going into the beginning of 3E, GW released the Falcon grav tank, Baal Predator, and you could special order the Furioso Dreadnought for the Blood Angels. I think that was the only class-named Dreadnought until the Dawn of War video game came out. There was also a storyline and game theme where the Blood Angels were fighting the Orks at the Third War for Armageddon wherein Captain Tycho succumbed to the Black Rage and his golden armor was painted black as he was inducted into the Death Company. He fell in battle but not before slaying many, many Orks and finally, in death, healing his facial rictus. However, death was not the end for Tycho as he was interred inside a Furioso Dreadnought and now lives on as the second Special Character Dreadnought.

Around the time of Dawn of War, some names began to float around and be used for describing certain weapon loads on Dreadnoughts. This naming convention has been expanded from time to time to denote either weapon load-outs or a new class of Dreadnought design. By class, there are Dreadnoughts and Ironclad Dreadnoughts. The Ironclads are more heavily armored and armed with two hunter-killer missiles in addition to the normal configuration of one ranged and one close combat weapon.

The designations by weapon configuration are less common but are getting more fleshed out as time goes by. The standard Dreadnought is a Dreadnought. Simple enough. The Hellfire is armed with a twin-linked lascannon and missile launcher. The Furioso is armed with two power fists. The Mortis is armed with two twin-linked autocannons (imagine a Rifleman Mech from Battletech or the Raider mecha from Robotech).

I am not sure of any other names at the moment since this is from memory and I don't recall seeing a Chapter Approved or Imperial Armour official list of designators. The names have come from the advertising of the various weapon combinations or entries in Codicii.

Oh, yeah, a couple of additional things. The close combat arms all had either a storm bolter, heavy flamer, or a meltagun. The Rogue Trader era Dreads were much smaller and could probably fit inside a Rhino. Chaos Marines also had a Dread but it was never type-standardized and had different weapon configurations. Ranged weapons were the plasma cannon, twin-linked autocannon and twin-linked heavy bolter. Close combat arms were the thunder hammer, power claw, and power scourge. Unlike the Loyal Dreads, all six weapons were included in the kit. They were always crazy, though.

Back in the day, all of the close combat arms for Loyal and Traitor Dreads had special rules attached to them; Parry, bonuses for fighting multiple models at once, automatic penetration, Tearing attacks and the like. The power fist was possibly the most powerful of the lot because of the Tear attack. The idea was that the power fist grippers were mounted on a powerful servo which allowed the fist to spin so when it grabbed something, as well as punching into it and pulling back, it could twist it at the same time and tear great chunks free, say a whole sponson. Pretty nasty when it worked.

11-03-2009, 05:15 AM
Chuck = Contemptor Class Close Assault Dreadnought (4 bolters)
Eddy = Deredo Class Attack Support Dreadnought (bolter and missile launcher)
Fury = Furibundus Class Destroyer Dreadnought (2 bolters and lascannon)
p63-4 Warhammer 40,000 Compendium

11-03-2009, 08:42 AM
Naming every single possible combination of weapons is a stupid Tau fetish for Crisis Suits. There's not any point in doing it for Dreadnoughts. The left arm is always either a powerfist or missile launcher, and the missile launcher only gets used on Hellfire dreadnoughts, one of the few named pattens. Furioso Dreadnoughts are a specific unit entry. Pretty much everything else is a Dreadnought with "X" weapon and a powerfist.

11-03-2009, 11:29 AM
With the exception of DA dreads. They can have twin link lascannons on both arms, heck twin link all ranged weapons on both arms. Thats the Mortis dreds ability.

11-11-2009, 08:41 AM
Furioso comes from the name printed in the Banner of the 2nd ed BA dread.


11-11-2009, 09:44 PM
Regular ol' vanilla SM can have TL autocannons as well. Mortis Pattern: Not just for Dark Angels anymore.

11-11-2009, 09:52 PM
Smurf Codex STC - Multi Melta/Powerfist
4th Edition Cheese - Assault Cannon/Powerfist

Seriously, I dont think they have names.

the only dreadnoughts that have names are the ironclad and venerable dreadnoughts well thats what i thought

Mike X
11-11-2009, 10:55 PM
Thought that a Hellfire Dreadnought had Lascannon and Missile Launcher?

The Hellfire Dreadnought has an assault cannon and a missile launcher. The only time I've ever seen this name is in Dawn of War.