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View Full Version : 2.5k Vampire Count Help needed

White Tiger88
10-24-2012, 06:46 PM
Well i have been trying to come up with a good list to counter the oh so annoying large amount of both skaven and dwarf players locally......Plus keep a theme that is fun and interesting to play! I came up with this list however since i am rusty at fantasy what do you guys think of this list? Any C&C is welcome.

Lord 498
Elz Von Zanith 498
lvl 3,Red Fury,Quickblood,Dragonhelm,Ogre Blade,Talisman of Preservation,Heavy Armour,Shield,Barded Nightmare

Heros 354
Saya Von Zanith 184
lvl 1,Red Fury,Enchanted Shield,Sword of Battle,Heavy Armour

Necromancer 75
lvl 1,Biting Blade

Banshee 95

Core 628
40 Ghouls 408

30 Zombie's 90
30 Zombie's 90

5 Dire Wolves 40

Special 560
3 Varghiests 138
3 Varghiests 138

9 Black Knights 284
Command,Barding,Lances,Banner of the Barrows

Rare 460
Mortis Engine 240
Blasphemous Tome

Mortis Engine 220


11-01-2012, 04:08 PM
I think the core of your list is pretty good and if you're dead set on blood knights (and why wouldn't you be), the only suggestion I would make is to drop Konrad and put some more leves and gear on your vampire lord, even with blood knights he should have a 4+ ward. Remember that you can give him 100 points of powers AND 100 points of gear. Konrad is only really great against ogres or minotaurs, against regular infantry he isn't as worthwhile. You may also want to look at taking some small units of Dire Wolves to provide speedy core and cover your knight's flanks. I would also recommend taking shadow on your second vamp and giving a caster that is going into combat the cursed book. I know it looks random, but when opponents have to start wasting dispell dice at the regular casting value, it is great. Those would be my suggestions, I hope that is helpful.

White Tiger88
11-02-2012, 08:10 AM
Changed the list up a bit how does it look now?

11-03-2012, 06:42 PM
The Screaming banner is generally doesn't work as well as you'd hope unless your building a character to reduce leadership with aura of dark majesty or similar powers. And even then it's generally only reliable against low leadership armies. I think that adding a few more ghouls would make that unit a bit sturdier, as they will be a target for a canny opponent. I would still encourage the use of the cursed book and making your second vampire a level two with Lore of Shadow, as it will make your units more effective if you're casting miasma.

The other thing you may want to do is continue with your mounted lord. Black knights are plenty powerful and with character support they will be able to march and recover wounds with Invocation. I think you'll find that adding a vamp to a unit of knights will help them hunt monsters/war machines much more effectively and they will also be able to do more significant damage to larger foot units.

White Tiger88
11-04-2012, 10:16 AM
Hmm Updated the list.

11-04-2012, 01:32 PM
I think that is looking pretty good (not that it was bad before). The thing with vampires is that there are sooooo many good Rare/special options you can always quibble about one thing or another. People will argue between the Terrorgheist and Mortis Engine, but both offer huge utility in their own ways. I think the big thing now is to play 3 or 4 games and then start tweaking. I know some people swear by taking 15 black knights, but I've never had a problem with only 10. My primary opponent is dark elves so that changes the strategy a bit, as I have to really focus on grinding them out. If you are playing skaven a lot, I would definitely recommend taking the Banner of Eternal Flame on your knights either as a bsb or just as their banner. I can't tell you how many times I've murdered hydras without a fuss, A-Bombs will drop to it almost as easily. If there isn't an A-bomb (or god forbid two), you're good to go with BoB.

White Tiger88
11-05-2012, 10:14 AM
I think that is looking pretty good (not that it was bad before). The thing with vampires is that there are sooooo many good Rare/special options you can always quibble about one thing or another. People will argue between the Terrorgheist and Mortis Engine, but both offer huge utility in their own ways. I think the big thing now is to play 3 or 4 games and then start tweaking. I know some people swear by taking 15 black knights, but I've never had a problem with only 10. My primary opponent is dark elves so that changes the strategy a bit, as I have to really focus on grinding them out. If you are playing skaven a lot, I would definitely recommend taking the Banner of Eternal Flame on your knights either as a bsb or just as their banner. I can't tell you how many times I've murdered hydras without a fuss, A-Bombs will drop to it almost as easily. If there isn't an A-bomb (or god forbid two), you're good to go with BoB.

Iv had my vampire lord eat an A-Bombs face a few times funny enough.....And two when i was being a jerk and gave it ........Thats right Skabrith!