View Full Version : BA vs. Eldar and SW & Eldar vs. BA

Lost Vyper
10-24-2012, 01:18 AM
Hello everybody,

Lost Vyper back again, with few new experiences. No BATREPīs this week ( :mad: ) , but we played a couple of games in the beginning of this week. On monday i took on BAīs again on that (Emperorīs will?) mission, where you defend your objective (3p) and try to get opponent of his. It was around 2500p and it was a TIGHT combat. Pity, that my friend is so strict about the quality of his army and PROXIES NEVER ON CAMERA, so he wouldnīt want me to film the match (due to proxing that is). Any-hoo, i lost the match in the BEGINNING of the 5th, due to a 3 & a 2 roll from difficult terrain, and couldn't get around the corner to shoot Doomed assault squad with Bladestorm. On the bottom of the 5th, he jumped my Pathfinders and got my objective and i lost 6-1. I was very happy with the performance of Fire Dragons + Quad Gun. QG in the hands of a dude, who has Crack Shot and Tank Hunters? Lovely...WWīs outflanking Whirlwinds is like a dream come true, puff, out of the table goes one, puff, there goes the second. And the Hornet...it dont matter what weapons you put on that pesky little bugger, it always delivers. I can see the hurt in my wallet from miles away, cos i think i need to buy three of those models (here comes the pain!)
On tuesday, i joined ranks with the Space Wolves (2 x 1750p / 3500p) in The Relic -mission. It seems to be advantage, if you use just 3500p in one FOC, versus 2 times 1750p in two FOCīs (Homer Simpson says...?) No one had the Relic in the end, but BA had all of the extra points (3p) and won the match. But once again, Hornet was the shiznit! I knew BA-player loves to use his over 500p GK CC-unit, so i mounted Pulse Lasers on my Hornet, and Doomed them and BLASTED!! (Ok, there might have been some supportive fire from WWīs and DRīs and Quad Gun) AP2, no FNP...ahhh...a sight for sore eyes...Space Wolves CC-unit didn't hold the candle for BAīs Hammernators, of course, the dice wasn't AT ALL with my friend yesterday, but double oneīs, triple oneīs, multiple times dampens anyones spirit.
So, just thought to give you an update, cos thereīs no BATREP (:mad:) this week...

What do YOU think? Should i go for the three Hornets? (Wallet says NOOOOO, i say YESSSS!) :D