View Full Version : thoughts on the 2nd and 11th primarchs

10-23-2012, 08:14 PM
In my personal thought i think the one of the primarchs might have gone rouge like the soul drinkers did when they saw thr flaw of the imperium. maybe the one who went rouge could have been gifted like the blood angels primarch and had a vision that saw how corrupt the imperium could have been. and probably went on some mass genocide killing those who he saw as those who were the corrupt. Which i think the other lost primarch went to go stop him along with Russ and brought the first conflict of brother vs brother. Which brought the death or banishment of the psych one and drove the primarch of the 2nd crazy of guilt and left on his ownto continue the hunt for his lost brother along with maybe some of his legion and the majority might have joined the 13th legion. thats what i think might have happened you never know.

Tell me what yall think?

10-23-2012, 08:30 PM
I think this is a dead horse.

Also, there a sizeable thread in the background section about this very topic.

Limey El'Jonson
10-23-2012, 09:16 PM
Dan Abnett told me it was done that way because they couldn't think of any more names for the Primarchs so left it at that

White Tiger88
10-23-2012, 09:25 PM
Dan Abnett told me it was done that way because they couldn't think of any more names for the Primarchs so left it at that

Sure he did.....Sure..... O.o

Chris Copeland
10-23-2012, 09:33 PM
It's pretty clear that they left two mystery Primarchs so that we, the players, have some freedom to create background information that fits OUR games and OUR gaming universes... Cope

10-23-2012, 10:10 PM
Sigmar is obviously one of them.

10-23-2012, 10:52 PM
I thought GW closed that door a few years ago :) No more tie ins with the other system. Which is contradicted by some thing in the deamon codex of both systems, because its chaos after all.

10-24-2012, 12:55 AM
My personal theory is that one of the Primarchs (the Lost) was killed shortly before the Emperor arrived on planet with his legion. That Legion was subsequently absorbed into the Ultramarines as per the rumours about their increased number compared with the other legions.

The Other Primarch (the Fallen), is the one Russ was sent after with orders to destroy him and his Legion. He must have done something like rebelled against the Emperor and had already been influenced by Chaos before the Emperors arrival. Thus after he was joined with his Legion, he kept it as secret as he could until the Emperor found out, and ordered his destruction.

The Lost Primarchs legion would have had slightly different gene seed to that of the Ultra Smurfs, and this may account for the Ultramarines having a higher percentage of sub founding chapters falling to chaos and becoming Renegade.

I made a joke/ fun army project designed to annoy the Fluff Purist gamers The theory for the Lost Legion (The Daughters of Helena) is that the Lost Primarch (Helena) was in a love triangle with the fallen primarch (who had fallen for her) and RG the Ultramarines Primarch. RG killed the fallen primarch who we can call Romeo, absorbing his legion, while the lost primarchs (Female) declared war on the Ultramarines, and the Emperor sent Russ's wolves after her Legion in order to stop a civil war between his remaining sons. Since her Geneseed was incompatible with his male heir Primarchs geneseed, they could not be absorbed, and had to be destroyed.

A secret sect of Mechanicum on Earth (Terra) fled to a remote corner of the Galaxy with several STCs and the last of the Female Legion's geneseed, after making it look like they had destroyed the geneseed as order. From this remote planet they started the Legion up again, backed up by the local populace, who millennia later formed an Adeptus Sororitus convent with applicants secretly indoctrinated from orphanages that backed the Lost Legion.

I love the flexibility the 2 lost Primarchs have provided for creating Chapters/ Legions or your own design.

10-24-2012, 08:26 AM
thats pretty cool with your idea.

12-27-2015, 05:15 AM
no one took the 'gone rouge' joke?

12-29-2015, 08:03 PM
Dan Abnett told me it was done that way because they couldn't think of any more names for the Primarchs so left it at that

i frikkin KNEW Dan Abnett was THE Emperor!!! ....or at least a lost primarch.

- - - Updated - - -

Sigmar is obviously one of them.

Holy crap, i never thought of this. Yes, this is a very dead horse, long since turned to dust and discussed repeatedly in other threads, BUT: what if one of the lost primarchs not only got shunted through space, but also TIME - to land in Warhammer Fantasy Battle/Age of Sigmar.

Jack Marsh
12-31-2015, 08:07 AM
One of them joined the eldar. That blue skinned fu*#er

12-31-2015, 08:27 AM
In my personal thought i think the one of the primarchs might have gone rouge like the soul drinkers did when they saw thr flaw of the imperium. maybe the one who went rouge could have been gifted like the blood angels primarch and had a vision that saw how corrupt the imperium could have been. and probably went on some mass genocide killing those who he saw as those who were the corrupt. Which i think the other lost primarch went to go stop him along with Russ and brought the first conflict of brother vs brother. Which brought the death or banishment of the psych one and drove the primarch of the 2nd crazy of guilt and left on his ownto continue the hunt for his lost brother along with maybe some of his legion and the majority might have joined the 13th legion. thats what i think might have happened you never know.

Tell me what yall think?
He went rouge? I hope he brought eyeliner to go with his rouge!

- - - Updated - - -

no one took the 'gone rouge' joke?

Taken care of fam.

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-03-2016, 03:12 AM
I like to think one of the two got litterally lost and ended up in another galaxy and created their own empire, improving imperial tech and power armour ect. Mainly cos it's interesting to think "what if" the imperium evolved and improved rather than devolved/dying and what "future" power armour evolutions might look like. The other I like to think just had degrading/bad gene seed and died out or went rogue and got wiped out by the SW.

I def hope they never bring out official backround on it, as it allows us all to keep the awful backround that's only cool in our heads. I doubt the hype of revealing them would ever match our expectations and thoughts on how they should be.