View Full Version : Alternate Greater Nurgle Daemon model?

10-23-2012, 12:52 AM
With the new Chaos Marine codex it's got me thinking of doing an army that I've wanted to do for a long time, a Nurgle themed Marine/Daemon list. I really dig the Forgeworld model but came across this while browsing through Kickstarter (damn that site, I've spent a ton of money on there in the last few months).

What do you guys think? It's kinda tall and I'm not sure how tall the Forgeworld model is (haven't seen one in real life). When I saw this though I instantly thought of the Soul Drinkers novel Phalanx. In the novel the ship is overrun with daemons and the Imperial Fists have to grudgingly side with the Soul Drinkers to fight off a horde. There's a greater daemon that's described that seems to match this model (not sure if it was the inspiration or not).

https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/000/213/883/f73418615d7476cee429b676f38150cb_large.jpg?1350503 300

I'm not affiliated with Scary Beard Productions or Adam Richards (the company and guy doing the Kickstarter). I don't want anything to think I'm a shill for the company. I just thought it was a pretty cool model and wanted some opinions on it.

Here's a link for the Kickstarter page: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1889075604/the-great-squid-demon-of-chaos-miniature

10-23-2012, 07:01 AM
I think this would make a great Nurgle Greater Daemon. You dont often see the tentacles on Nurgle (more on slaneesh, obviously) but I really think it's cool looking. Quite frankly, I wouldn't be too concerned with size. Hopefully rule of cool will outweigh any douchy size beefs someone may have.

10-23-2012, 07:43 AM
Wow, I'd have no issues with that thing taking the field against me. It's never in cover or has LoS blocked so whatever 'advantages' it gains from base size are pretty moot.

10-23-2012, 09:23 AM
Very nice. I use the Ultraforge Lord of Pestilence which I can swap in a pair of wings to make it a daemon prince.


Once the kick starter site gets up and running, and starts allowing people to take orders, I might order one.

10-23-2012, 09:34 AM
Reminds me of the villain in The Little Mermaid.

10-23-2012, 10:17 AM
Overall, looks nice. But, there's what look to be rough spots on the rear tentacles. Not sure if that's a photo artifact masking some other detail or a real rough spot. It just looks a little awkward towards the rear.