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View Full Version : Didn't you ever wonder what happened to good ol' "Sev"? - Project Enclave

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-22-2012, 03:53 AM
Hello all,

Today I unveil the list for my new Chaos army, the Enclave.
This is a concept that I have been talking about for a while, the Tzeentchian Mechanicum, a small quote to explain the theme of this army:

“Combine the flesh, let us not forget
Combine the machine, perfect our form
Combine the daemon, let it burn in us
Take the three and bind them to our souls
Embrace the Infinity Machine”

The Infinity Machine is Tzeentch, for those who wish to know. I thought that it was finally time for Tzeentch's Dark Agent to have a Tzeentchian army, so here it is!

Techno-Sorcerer XVII Silas Kane (Warpsmith)
Aura of Dark Glory
Gift of Mutation
Mark of Tzeentch
150 points

Jago Sevatarion, the Agent of Tzeentch (Chaos Lord)
Sigil of Corruption
Gift of Mutation
Mark of Tzeentch
Murder Sword
150 points

20 Cultists
2 Flamers
100 points

20 Cultists
2 Flamers
100 points

9 Chaos Marines
1 Flamer
Melta Bombs on Champion
Mark of Tzeentch
190 points

10 Chaos Marines
2 Flamers
Melta Bombs on Champion
Mark of Tzeentch
210 points

9 Chosen “The Atramentar”
2 Pairs of Lightning Claws
2 Meltaguns
Mark of Tzeentch
Gift of Mutation
Power Axe
Dirge Caster
Daemonic Possession
340 points

170 points

170 points

8 Havocs
4 Autocannons
Mark of Tzeentch
170 points

125 points

125 points

2000 points

So there you have it!
I am very pleased with the list, feel free to point out any mistakes.
Any suggestions for any other Gods shall be ignored. There is only Tzeentch.


Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-25-2012, 12:15 AM
Hahahhahahah! This forum is full of Khorne fanboys. Wimps.

Has no one got anything to say? :p

White Tiger88
10-25-2012, 01:12 AM
Drop one of the terminator lords and the chosen for a Unit of Thousand sons (Kiss power armor good bye!) and a Tzeentch Demon Prince since chosen are in all honesty completely useless as are your lords marks with out cult troops.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-25-2012, 03:54 PM
Terminator Lords? One's a Warpsmith and the other is a Power Armour Chaos Lord...