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View Full Version : Forgeworld in ard boyz??????

10-08-2009, 04:14 PM
In the peliminary ard boyz we had a forgeworld bloodthirster on a forgeworld base-I sent this to GW asking for a clarification, if you agree with it please spread it around or send your own to GW and see if you can get a response.

I know you are allowing forgeworld figures to represent existing models-however- you state word for word(
Forge World models are permitted in the tournament, but they can only be used to represent models from existing Codex list. No Forge World rules are allowed.) If no forgeworld rules are allowed does'nt that mean they have to be on the same BASE SIZE as the model they represent.

Does this mean they have to be represented on their 50mm bases like the blood thirster, or do they get to remain on their 150mm-yes 150mm forgeworld base. This allows a bloodthirster to hit a front line unit and after destroying it and overrunning he has an insanely good chance of hitting something behind the original unit. This takes redirection out of tactics and I severely hope this was not your intention when you allowed these models. However this was used on me in the peliminarys, I am still going to the semi-finals so this is a very important rules clarification that I hope you will correct. I have no problem with them using the models but please at least make them stick to fantasy rules and have them base their models according to fantasy rules.

Well let me know guys-thanks:confused:

10-08-2009, 08:25 PM
FW Bloodthrister is a Greater Daemon Lord (according to IA Apoc), not a normal greater daemon. That is why the figure and base are bigger.

Therefore it should not be used to represent a codex Bloodthrister in the first place.

10-10-2009, 02:19 PM
Thanks I did not realize it was an apoc model-that makes a good argument for the semi's-however if thats the case I find it very strange that GW will not send me a response?

10-12-2009, 08:36 PM
Hey jimmy, people use the FW demons all the time in IGTS and GT's hence they should be fine for ard boyz. This being said, the player must play with whatever base they choose to model the demon on. You have to live and die by that base. You used the base against me to prevent me from fitting in between two units and i played by it. If i had tried to say he was only a 50mm, that would be misrepresentation. GW has no current standard base size chart and many people choose to make fancy bases for their figures that are larger or smaller than the base they come with.

10-15-2009, 03:26 PM
they do for artillery bases mostly and sorry but that base is a gross exaggeration of the base used for the model it represents, it is at least the size of 9 50mm bases combined-representing a single 50mm base-that is extreme. My opinion its like me putting a stegadon on six chariot bases put together-its wrong to play in a tourney and most people agree. Your exploiting GW's desire to sell product to support your oversized base, its B.S. and you know it-friendly games are fine but thats just using every loophole you can.

10-15-2009, 04:37 PM
Can I chime in with another question the opposite direction? I have tons of 3rd ed Terminators on 25 mm circles rather than 40 MM circles. Would my terminators be legal still since they cannont technically be in b2b with as many combatants as they should? They also have a shorter threat circle for range because of this, and cannot be threatened as easily?

My own response is no, they would not be tourney legal as they do not represent the intention of Terminators in the current edition, but in friendly play it would be allowed since that's what friendly play is about. Any thoughts on that one?

I personally agree that an extreme exaggeration shouldn't be allowed, but if it was on a 65 mm over a 50, wouldn't be too much. The 150 is just too much. I was a judge for a couple of tourneys a few years ago, and the worst we encountered was a series of custom ork vehicles that just made play weird since they were "to scale" unlike the vehicles for 4th ed being the much older 2nd/3rd ed plastics. True LOS would have made it much worse for them, but as it was, they could hardly fit in the deployment zones. We ruled that they could be played like their smaller counterparts for purposes of hiding behind terrain, but were subject to being measured to their hull for shots.

John M.

10-18-2009, 09:17 AM
We have a gentleman we that plays all the time and has the same problem-he was told he needed to change the size by the store owner. However since I cannot get a response from GW on the matter of the blood thirster I have to assume they don't care and anything goes?

Also in resonse do the player with the bloodthirster when you charged and did not FIT I was way too sporting and allowed you to redirect your charge...not to mention you attempted to charge the flank of my cavalry. While by doing so you would have landed in extremelly difficult terrain which is what we called the rocks on the side of the hill, and everyone knows FLYERS cannot land in difficult terrain. So you use a grossly oversized base, complained when you did not fit and also attempted to pull off an illegal charge-not to mention I allowed you to redirect which was way too sporting of me especially in the ard boys.......SO YES YOU ARE A GIT IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD.

10-18-2009, 11:32 AM
We have a gentleman we that plays all the time and has the same problem-he was told he needed to change the size by the store owner. However since I cannot get a response from GW on the matter of the blood thirster I have to assume they don't care and anything goes?

Also in resonse do the player with the bloodthirster when you charged and did not FIT I was way too sporting and allowed you to redirect your charge...not to mention you attempted to charge the flank of my cavalry. While by doing so you would have landed in extremelly difficult terrain which is what we called the rocks on the side of the hill, and everyone knows FLYERS cannot land in difficult terrain. So you use a grossly oversized base, complained when you did not fit and also attempted to pull off an illegal charge-not to mention I allowed you to redirect which was way too sporting of me especially in the ard boys.......SO YES YOU ARE A GIT IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD.

1. I placed the model after declaring the charge and realized i couldnt fit and you graciously allowed me to redirect the charge. You didn't like rhat you did, i asked you if it was your intention for your carnasaur(sp?) to not be charged. You said it wasnt, i said i would not charge it than, your response was, " whatever, do whatever." You cant be a good sportsmen and than complain about it later.

2. Flyers can land in difficult terrain, just not woods. Please go reread the rules.

3. I used the base of the model that i was given, its the base the model comes with. That exact model with that exact base is used every year all over the country in IGT's, Ard Boyz, adepticon and when they had them. Official GT's as well.

GW is never going to respond to your question. People change the size of their models bases all the time, and from our game all it did was hurt me by preventing a charge.

10-22-2009, 10:26 AM
1. I placed the model after declaring the charge and realized i couldnt fit and you graciously allowed me to redirect the charge. You didn't like rhat you did, i asked you if it was your intention for your carnasaur(sp?) to not be charged. You said it wasnt, i said i would not charge it than, your response was, " whatever, do whatever." You cant be a good sportsmen and than complain about it later.

2. Flyers can land in difficult terrain, just not woods. Please go reread the rules.

3. I used the base of the model that i was given, its the base the model comes with. That exact model with that exact base is used every year all over the country in IGT's, Ard Boyz, adepticon and when they had them. Official GT's as well.

GW is never going to respond to your question. People change the size of their models bases all the time, and from our game all it did was hurt me by preventing a charge.

I concur. Also, you should be happy he had a gargantuan base. That means you could have played it to your advantage and had more dudes to fight him.

Go ahead and put that steggie on 6 chariot bases. we'll see who's worse off when 6 stone throwers get direct hits because the hole in the template has 600% more space to get a direct hit, dolt.

12-01-2009, 05:52 PM
The real problem is that GW hasn't updated their "official" base size chart for Fantasy in years. I think the copy I have is from 2003 and hasn't been changed since. I always hear "the base it came with", but that isn't a rule. If it was a rule, then what base does a Dragon go on, since a HE Dragon comes on a 50x100 and all the other Dragons on a 50x50? There are other examples out there, and there are plenty of units/characters in the game that don't have a model available yet, so what to do with them?
There are no current 'official' base sizes, so you're stuck fighting the BT on whatever base he's on, subject to whoever was the Tournament organizer.