View Full Version : ElectricPaladin's Various and Sundry (40k)

10-21-2012, 10:07 PM
I refuse - flatly refuse! - to be left out of this delightful new trend of posting threads for finished and WIP photos. It's neat, and I want to be a part of it.

I hope you enjoy what I have to offer. I'm no Kirsten, but I think I'm pretty good. I'm eager to read all your responses, from adoring complements to questions, comments, and criticism.

This thread is for all my 40k stuff. That's going to be Tau, Blood Angels, and Blood Ravens.

Here it goes with my first few photos:

My furioso dreadnought, sadly unlikely to see much use in 6th, but still pretty:




10-21-2012, 10:08 PM
My non-winning entry to a recent contest. The backpack originally had only a single servo-arm; I built the other arm out of spare bits and watch pieces.


And, for the same army, some tacs and a terminator:



More to come as more is either completed or reaches a striking state of non-completion.

10-22-2012, 01:55 AM
Great to see someone sharing :)
I like the "pop" on the claws of the furioso. I personally think "the dread is dead" thoughts in 6th are a little short sighted. I recently took down a couple of big blobs of plague marines with mine no problem.

Back to the critique. Well I like your painting and I can see you have used washes but you could take that one stage further. On red I use purple washes not black, personally I think purple gives a more subtle shade and it blends well with the red. On the Dread you could even add a drop of wash around the bolts and rivets on the armour.
I like your Banner very much, that's something I struggle with and have never managed to pull off.
The Tech marines backpack is awesome, and looks stock.
Not too keen on the eyes of your marines, but I don't paint eyes in general, only on Libby's for me. I find yours a bit intense. Maybe a wash on the face to calm it down a little. All in all though you have some nice stuff :)
When you feel adventurous you should look into oil washes, especially as you have an airbrush to apply your varnish.
Keep up the good work matey.

10-22-2012, 03:19 AM
I do my best never to have to paint faces lol.

Which Red are you using?

10-22-2012, 07:38 AM
I like the "pop" on the claws of the furioso. I personally think "the dread is dead" thoughts in 6th are a little short sighted. I recently took down a couple of big blobs of plague marines with mine no problem.

Yeah, those claws are my favorite. As you'll see on my Blood Ravens librarians, I've duplicated the effect for my force weapons, more or less.

Back to the critique. Well I like your painting and I can see you have used washes but you could take that one stage further. On red I use purple washes not black, personally I think purple gives a more subtle shade and it blends well with the red. On the Dread you could even add a drop of wash around the bolts and rivets on the armour.
I like your Banner very much, that's something I struggle with and have never managed to pull off.
The Tech marines backpack is awesome, and looks stock.
When you feel adventurous you should look into oil washes, especially as you have an airbrush to apply your varnish.
Keep up the good work matey.

Thanks, and will do!

Not too keen on the eyes of your marines, but I don't paint eyes in general, only on Libby's for me. I find yours a bit intense. Maybe a wash on the face to calm it down a little.

I normally don't argue with feedback - I think it's trollish - but I do want to note that the eyes really don't look like that in person. I think it's a camera thing.

Which Red are you using?

For the Blood Ravens? Primed black, basecoated Kharn Red, washed Carroburg Crimson.

For the Blood Angels? :D Primed red, touched up with Mephiston Red, then dipped in Armypainter Quickshade...

10-22-2012, 07:40 AM
Army painter quickshade?

10-22-2012, 08:43 AM
I've never seen the power/force weapon effect on Blood Angels in green. I really like it.

10-22-2012, 10:25 AM
Army painter quickshade?

Oh, man. It's awesome. It's like this magical genie that lives in a can, and when you let it out, it makes your minis awesomer.

More seriously, it's basically this toxic brown cr@p. You brush it on your minis (or dip the mini in the can - but I prefer brushing) and leave it alone for 24 hours. When it's all over, the gunk has crept into all the crevasses and clung to the underside of all projections. It's translucent, so the original color shows through, but with a bit of a tint.

In other words, think of it as a wash on steroids. It automatically shades your model for you.

Unfortunately, it can be unreliable, so it's best to then go over it with a brush to re-highlight the brightest parts in the original color. Also, quickshade leaves a very bright gloss varnish effect, so you probably want to follow it up with a squirt of Testor's Dullcotte.

10-22-2012, 10:58 AM
Army painter quickshade?


I used quick shade on this army last year. There are 3 shades with various strengths of "shade" basically it's a varnish :)

10-22-2012, 11:02 AM
What I love about blood ravens, is you vould really justify using either the vanilla dex or BA one. With allies now you can use them both and have one very awesome looking army.

10-22-2012, 11:49 AM
When did chaos warriors get halbards?

10-22-2012, 05:42 PM
Drop pod!

I cannot stress how freaking happy I am to be done with this thing. If I ever paint another drop pod again, it will be too damn soon. And to think, I used to think these things were cool.

Well, mechanically they are cool. But practically they're a pain in the a$s.



10-23-2012, 01:42 AM
Wouldn't it be better gluing it shut? less to paint...

10-23-2012, 07:22 AM
Wouldn't it be better gluing it shut? less to paint...

Yeah, and about one eighth as much awesome.

Clearly, I have mixed feelings about drop pods.

10-23-2012, 07:30 AM
Toys have moving parts. Models just look good....

10-23-2012, 07:44 AM
Toys have moving parts. Models just look good....

I firmly embrace that mine are models and toys.

Sometimes, when I have to carry a flier or BFG ship from place to place by hand, it zooms and makes shooting noises.

Go ahead. Tell me I'm the only one.

10-23-2012, 07:46 AM
Yeah, and about one eighth as much awesome.

Clearly, I have mixed feelings about drop pods.

Did you paint it subassembled ? I love the idea of drop pods but shied away from them because they look so fiddly to build and paint.

10-23-2012, 07:55 AM
Sometimes, when I have to carry a flier or BFG ship from place to place by hand, it zooms and makes shooting noises.

Go ahead. Tell me I'm the only one.

I would..........

..................but I can't...:D

Cpt Codpiece
10-23-2012, 10:35 AM
Did you paint it subassembled ? I love the idea of drop pods but shied away from them because they look so fiddly to build and paint.

they are not that bad at all. i am doing mine in 3 parts, the base with restraints, the doors and the panels. obviously the base has its own base left til last step as it holds the doors.

lots of varnish an a little patience is all it needs. old rhinos and landspeeders were more awkward TBH

10-23-2012, 10:48 AM
I don't normally paint things subassembled. In part this is for high-minded and artistic reasons, like wanting to make sure the colors all work together just so. In part, this is just because I want to get my new toys on the table as soon as possible. So far, the only recent exception has been my Stormraven (and likely, eventually, my Stormtalon) because you can't prime, paint, or seal with the clear canopy attached.

10-24-2012, 10:44 PM
Work in progress shots for the redemption of Ancient Ouroboros, the mark one land raider my Blood Ravens recently recovered from the Blood Axes.

Wide-angle shot with rhino for comparison:


More details:


Front shot, with the librarian reliquary (they are Blood Ravens):


Greenstuff gap fill in back:


10-25-2012, 06:39 AM
The nostalgia of beige plastic...

10-26-2012, 10:32 AM
I love primer. Primer forgives all faults:


And here, you can see how I figured out how to magnetize the hurricane bolters.


I still haven't worked out how to magnetize the flamestorm cannons and lascannons, but I'm not quite as likely to use this as a godhammer or redeemer, at least not right away. My hammernators are almost ready to hit the table!

10-30-2012, 06:57 PM
A new - and completely unrelated - WIP shot. Hooray for ADHD!


It's going to be a space marine graveyard. What else am I supposed to do with my spare backpacks and helmets?

10-30-2012, 07:05 PM
Reminded me of this picture I saw online recently:

You should totally have the sergeant's helmet like that.

10-31-2012, 05:12 PM
More progress!


All I need to do now is dig up that greenstuff sandbag tutorial (I think it's in a magazine I bought somewhere...) and make some sandbags to add volume to the border, then basing. This is going to be awesome!

Cpt Codpiece
10-31-2012, 05:29 PM
dont use GS, its too expensive. milliput is generally cheaper and the rougher texture of the beige one adds nice effect to sandbags.

just make sausages (dont forget the bacon strips LOL) of putty and then score the 'hem' of the sand bag with either a clayshaper or your sculpting tool, i find it best to arrange a group of bags then add the hem.
you can even imprint texture with gauze or other woven cloth if you want to go OTT.

the land raider has come out pretty well, considering the state it was in :)

11-02-2012, 12:06 AM
Thanks for the compliments on the land raider. I'm still a bit worried about how it's turning out. I've primed and basecoated it, and the basecoat is coming through... weird. The fluctuations on the hull - scratches, bits where the old paint didn't come quite off - seem very obvious at this stage. I hope that subsequent layers of paint and the addition of more color and details to distract the eye will mitigate this somewhat as the painting continues. Posts to come, soon.

In the meantime, check it out - more progress on my space marine graveyard:


By the way, the sandbags are proving very easy. The greystuff I'm using is very easy to work with, and the process is simple: mix up some greystuff, roll it into a snake, cut into tiny sausages, crimp down on two edges, rough up with my paint rag, then press into place. My sculpting tool is great for making those little stitch-marks on the edge. Because the epoxy putty stays flexible for a while, the bags actually sag and give on their own, so that the ones on the bottom are realistically a little more deformed than the ones on top. I think it's coming out great!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-02-2012, 12:10 AM
Some awesome stuff here Paladin! Love that graveyard. :D

11-08-2012, 12:39 PM
Whelp, the "nice" thing about having almost my entire freaking Blood Ravens army stolen is that I can easily get photos of everything I own uploaded!


That's what I've got. But hey, on the plus side, I can now boast that I've posted pics of my entire army :-/.

Anyway, I'm still pleasantly surprised by how the land raider turned out. I'll post some close-up pics later.

And yes, that's a stormtalon in the background. I'll be getting that assembled and painted as soon as I've finished my Dark Vengeance imperials. Gotta get those boots on the table before I play with the shiny toys... WIP shots to come.

Cpt Codpiece
11-08-2012, 02:34 PM
yeah man it sucks that the thieving bar stewards got your full set up.

but your attitude on your recovering fore is great though.

the grave is looking great, and your raider is looking great too!!

i hope you have a spare set of ravenwing assault cannons for the storm talon, im in the process of builing one and the gun assembly is terrible. as others have found the RW ones look great though.

11-08-2012, 06:44 PM
Everyone loves Works in Progress!

Here's my Dark Vengeance - almost entirely assembled, some modified:

These guys need a final pass of the knife and some gap-fill, but are otherwise ready to play:




On another note, I own so many terminators, it's not even funny. Seven terminators survived the theft (because they were at hom in my display case). Five came with Dark Vengeance. In order to field a full 10-man squad, I've bought one more. I'm going to buy another so I can field them, the way I like them, in two 5-man squads.

If I buy one more after that and kit him out as a terminator sergeant, I'll have 15, and will be able to field three 5-man squads of varying loadout.

And that's without hunting down any cyclonics...

Maybe I should reconsider not playing Dark Angels...

And, finally:


He finds your lack of faith disturbing.

11-08-2012, 06:46 PM
One more post, for the guys who are awaiting conversion bits:


These gentlemen are waiting for new shoulder pads (I had to do arm swaps to put in the meltagun and power fist).


And these gentlemen are waiting for bolt pistols (I've never much supported putting plasma pistols on characters/sergeants - it seems like asking for trouble, and it's expensive and rarely useful).

11-14-2012, 10:58 AM
Workbench Wednesday? Workbench Wednesday!

All the things in need of building, new parts, gap fill, and other modeling:

All things ready to prime (including the terminators who need a squirt of primer to cover the paper I glued over the holes in their bases):
Note the las/plas razorback, assembled so the parts can be swapped out to make a rhino instead? I'm proud of that one.

All things ready to paint:

All things in need of finishing:

As you can see, my terminators are getting black shoulders and bone crux terminatii. My marines are getting red shoulder pads, black trim, and black backpacks. Everyone is going to get custom transfers (I'm going to go start ordering the stuff I need in a minute...).

Based on the photos in Imperial Armor 10, I've also decided to add red housings for all the weapons. I think it adds a lot of pop to the models.

A lot of what's here looks kind of flat. I still need to add the shade (Angarax Earthshade on the shoulder pads, Nuln Oil to darken the weapons housings) and the highlights.

11-14-2012, 11:26 AM
Looking good mate, I like the colour scheme and that blue power sword really "pops"

11-14-2012, 12:28 PM
Awesome! Can we get a side view on that Razorback turret?

11-14-2012, 12:30 PM
Awesome! Can we get a side view on that Razorback turret?

Sure. I'll post it from home after work.

11-14-2012, 02:50 PM

What do you think? Hack off the Grey Knights icon? Or keep it and say that this rhino was part of a gift from the Grey Knights (who are probably the progenitors of the Exorcists).

11-14-2012, 05:05 PM
If it were mine, I'd probably remove the sword and leave the book, but that is me. I think you could leave it with no problem.

11-14-2012, 07:50 PM
Convertable las/plas razorback:



11-15-2012, 06:48 AM
looking really good, love the lasplas (just take a file and remove the flash from the edges!)

11-15-2012, 08:37 AM
I like how you hid that join with the lascannon power pack, and the mileage you're getting out of those Stormtalon bits.

11-15-2012, 10:39 AM
I like how you hid that join with the lascannon power pack, and the mileage you're getting out of those Stormtalon bits.

Thanks! I pride myself on how far I stretch bits. It's fun!

Speaking of which, here's my librarian. I decided that the stance is more compatible with a staff than a sword. Also, everyone and his uncle has Dark Vengeance librarians now, and I like that this one stands out.


11-17-2012, 01:51 PM
Update time.

As you can see, my surviving infantry is almost fully converted into Exorcists. All I need now is the rest of the supplies necessary for custom waterslide transfers.


Cpt Codpiece
11-17-2012, 02:48 PM
yeah the librarian looks so much better with a stave, i may have to steal that one :)

11-18-2012, 01:12 AM
yeah the librarian looks so much better with a stave, i may have to steal that one :)

As I wrote on my tumblog, I think the stave is more compatible with the librarian's static pose. The staff says "defiance." The sword says "action!"

Ok, time for more questions:


What do you think I should do with the banner pole?

1. Print out a tiny Exorcists banner and glue it on (after stiffening it by gluing it to a piece of thin plasticard).
2. Leave it skeletal (not sure of the appeal of that, but you see them like that from time to time...
3. I'm buying some Grey Knights and Inquisitors Brass Etch, and there are some neat heraldic shields on that sprue - glue one of those onto the banner pole.
4. Something else - please explain below.

11-18-2012, 02:33 AM
There's always the "snip it off" option. He doesn't have to have a banner.

Cpt Codpiece
11-18-2012, 07:16 AM
im liking the old school banner :) just print the image onto card (mnost printers can handle it) if you want to paint it yourself just give it a quick spray with matt varnish before hand, that way it wont warp as much with the wet paint.

failing that you could make a GS impression of the ones from other kits that have the movment sculpted in.

11-18-2012, 07:30 AM
I think you should adorn it with a big demon skull with a bolt hole right in the middle of its warp-damned forehead.

11-18-2012, 10:56 AM
I think you should adorn it with a big demon skull with a bolt hole right in the middle of its warp-damned forehead.

Trust me, if I had a demon skull bit hanging around, I'd probably do that. I might also do one of the other options, but put the demon skull on top.

im liking the old school banner :) just print the image onto card (mnost printers can handle it) if you want to paint it yourself just give it a quick spray with matt varnish before hand, that way it wont warp as much with the wet paint.

The only problem with that is how straight and flat the banner will sit.

Though, I did have an idea...

1) Print out an image of the banner.
2) Create a rectangle of green stuff the exact same size and shape.
3) Let the green stuff rectangle cure partially (45 min worth)
4) Glue the banner to the green stuff.
5) Tug and pull the banner into a more dynamic shape.
6) Glue to the pole

This plan also involves masking the front of the banner so I can prime and paint the back.

The other problem is that this plan involves adding an element after I've finished the rest of the model, so I've got to decide that I'm dedicated to it.

There's always the "snip it off" option. He doesn't have to have a banner.

But I like banners.

I'm surprised there's no love for the heraldic shield option. It's certainly the easiest.

I may try to do a proof-of-concept banner later this week.

11-21-2012, 05:02 PM
Danananananana! Stormtalon!


Still waiting for transfers for the pilot's shoulder pad and that big flat area I made by cutting off the top air intakes.

11-22-2012, 02:45 PM

Daemonhost WIP. Tentacle for a head. Extra heretical.

11-27-2012, 02:06 AM
Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce Captain Silas Alberec of the Exorcists!





His mace, Hellslayer, started its life as a WHFB Lizardmen hand weapon added to the haft of a Blood Angels power axe. His head is from a Grey Knight, his torso is from a Dark Angels Ravenwing kit, and his legs are from a Blood Angels Death Company box. I have no idea exactly where his pistol or terminator honors shoulder pad come from. His back and shoulder pad are probably from a Space Marines Assault Squad box.

I am basically happy with how he has turned out so far. After some hemming and hawing, I think the proportions are nearly 100% correct. The legs sometimes look a little short when I hit the model from the wrong angle, but I'm pretty sure that a) that is mostly a result of foreshortening from his running stance and b) even if they are a little short, they're still within the appropriate range for a man of his size and shape. The arms work out perfectly - most Astartes are gorilla-armed freaks.

What am I most happy with? For one, his stature. He's more than a head taller than a standard marine in power armor - almost as tall as a terminator! For two, Hellslayer. I love the way that mace turned out. He looks like he's getting ready to slam that pistol down on the magnetic patch on his leg armor, take that thing in a two-handed grip, and unleash some Strength 10 auto-wounding murderdeath on an offending daemon. I'm also quite happy with the overall stance. He looks like he's running into battle, but the pose balances energy and dynamism with the discipline and strategy that the Exorcists are known for. I think the head I picked was a good choice, too.

Silas isn't quite done yet. He still needs an iron halo, a little more greenstuffing, and a coat of paint!

12-04-2012, 11:13 AM
Not seeing a lot of interest in this thread lately. Ah, such is life :(.

Anyway, have some (finally, completely) finished terminators:



Both a straight shot and a side shot to show all the custom waterslide transfers (courtesy of BoLS).

12-04-2012, 12:13 PM
What do you think I should do with the banner pole?

1. Print out a tiny Exorcists banner and glue it on (after stiffening it by gluing it to a piece of thin plasticard).
2. Leave it skeletal (not sure of the appeal of that, but you see them like that from time to time...
3. I'm buying some Grey Knights and Inquisitors Brass Etch, and there are some neat heraldic shields on that sprue - glue one of those onto the banner pole.
4. Something else - please explain below.

Just a thought, but I wonder how viable it would be to stitch into a fabric banner? Easy enough to cut a small patch of fabric, and... now I'm actually thinking more about this than the point at which I started typing, have just thought that you get iron-on transfer paper, so you can print your own designs to paper and then iron it onto a bit of fabric... then I guess maybe add some heavy-thread stitching around the edge.

P.S. This is why after getting me back into the hobby recently, my girlfriend groans inwardly when I look at a model and start to say, "I've got an idea forming..." :S

12-04-2012, 12:23 PM
Just a thought, but I wonder how viable it would be to stitch into a fabric banner? Easy enough to cut a small patch of fabric, and... now I'm actually thinking more about this than the point at which I started typing, have just thought that you get iron-on transfer paper, so you can print your own designs to paper and then iron it onto a bit of fabric... then I guess maybe add some heavy-thread stitching around the edge.

P.S. This is why after getting me back into the hobby recently, my girlfriend groans inwardly when I look at a model and start to say, "I've got an idea forming..." :S

Huh. All interesting possibilities. I'll have to think about that...

12-23-2012, 01:15 PM
Tau tetras, Phase One


More to come soon, especially if the tetras prove bad@ss enough to get my Tau back on the table. In case you haven't noticed, I'm the type of gamer who loves to paint what I play and play with what I've painted, so my artistic interest and mechanical interest are closely intertwined. For the moment - since long before I started this thread - I've been off my Tau as basically not viable for my skill level and the current environment. Perhaps the tetras will help change that... perhaps not. We'll see.

12-24-2012, 11:48 AM
Tau parts soaking in soapy water. Next up, let's play "which ones need to be melted and reformed?"


12-25-2012, 04:50 AM
Forge world fun:) looking forward to seeing them built

01-05-2013, 10:25 PM
It's been a while since I've posted. Have a converted Saint Celestine:


01-06-2013, 05:48 AM
That's an interesting swap...
is it a BA winged jump pack?

01-06-2013, 12:10 PM
That's an interesting swap...
is it a BA winged jump pack?

It is, but just the wings, not the jump pack.

She's a living saint. She can fly because of reasons.

01-06-2013, 05:27 PM
She's a living saint. She can fly because
a wizard did it.

It works well, I like it.

01-13-2013, 05:22 PM
Here's something else: my partially refurbished Craftworld Il-Kaithe war walker about to crush a chaos banner under its wraithbone hoof:


02-13-2013, 01:57 PM
Remember that winged St. Celestine?

She's almost done.


Looking back over my blog (tiny-plastic-dead.tumblr.com), is there anything else I've finished lately? Hm...

Nope. Looks like I've been kind of lame lately.

Anyway, I am incredibly pleased with how those wings came out. Like a "I'm going to go back and strip that one sanguinary guard model I painted and redo him so he can have those wings" level of pleased. Also, I think I'm going to experiment with painting all my sanguinary guard with that ruddy red - Gehenna Gold, is it? - and putting a red glaze over them. That will help them to fit in with my regular arterial crimson Blood Angels while still being distinct.

02-13-2013, 03:22 PM
Quick look a distraction ->

*reaches through screen ~YOINK~ *

Nice job on that.