View Full Version : 2000 Point Imperial Guard - Need Advice

10-20-2012, 03:03 PM
HQ: 115

Company Command Squad (Company Commander, Master of Ordnance, 4 Veterans – Regimental Standard, Power Weapon, Autocannon) – 115 (Attached to a Troop Platoon)

Elites: 65

Guardsman Marbo - 65

Troops: 1305

Platoon Command Squad (1 Platoon Commander, 1 Commissar, 4 Guardsman – Power Weapon, Autocannon) – 85

Infantry Squad (Sergeant, 9 Guardsman – Power Weapon, Autocannon) – 70
Infantry Squad (Sergeant, 9 Guardsman – Power Weapon, Autocannon) – 70
Infantry Squad (Sergeant, 9 Guardsman – Power Weapon, Autocannon) – 70
Infantry Squad (Sergeant, 9 Guardsman – Power Weapon, Autocannon) – 70
Infantry Squad (Sergeant, 9 Guardsman – Power Weapon, Autocannon) – 70

Platoon Command Squad (1 Platoon Commander, 1 Commissar, 4 Guardsman – Power Weapon, Autocannon) – 85

Infantry Squad (Sergeant, 9 Guardsman – Power Weapon, Autocannon) – 70
Infantry Squad (Sergeant, 9 Guardsman – Power Weapon, Autocannon) – 70
Infantry Squad ( Sergeant, 9 Guardsman – Power Weapon, Autocannon) – 70
Infantry Squad (Sergeant, 9 Guardsman – Power Weapon, Autocannon) – 70
Infantry Squad (Sergeant, 9 Guardsman – Power Weapon, Autocannon) – 70

Platoon Command Squad (1 Platoon Commander, 1 Commissar, 4 Guardsman – Power Weapon, Autocannon) – 85

Infantry Squad (Sergeant, 9 Guardsman – Power Weapon, Autocannon) – 70
Infantry Squad (Sergeant, 9 Guardsman – Power Weapon, Autocannon) – 70
Infantry Squad (Sergeant, 9 Guardsman – Power Weapon, Autocannon) – 70
Infantry Squad (Sergeant, 9 Guardsman – Power Weapon, Autocannon) – 70
Infantry Squad (Sergeant, 9 Guardsman – Power Weapon, Autocannon) – 70

Heavy Support: 510

Leman Russ Battle Tank (Heavy Bolter Sponsors) – 170
Leman Russ Battle Tank (Heavy Bolter Sponsors) – 170
Leman Russ Battle Tank (Heavy Bolter Sponsors) – 170

Total Points – 1995

The theme of this list originally started out as a massive blob of guards with as many power weapons / autocannons as possible. After adding the Master of Ordnance, 3 Leman Russes, and Guardsman Marbo I feel that it would do fairly well against all comers. Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?
All of the guardsmen are going to be cadian torso – arms / lasguns – legs with woodelf hooded heads / cloaks. Which I think should look cool after they are finished – camo cloaks and tank patterns will also match.

10-20-2012, 08:15 PM
Obviously you are trying to eliminate everything with overwhelming firepower, why bother with the power weapons, save the points, pick up some heavy weapon teams, or a vanquisher or something anti tank. Other than the battle cannons, which gives you snapshots on your heavy bolters, you really don't have any anti-armor.

10-21-2012, 01:09 AM
I wouldn't call 19 Autocannons a lack of anti-armour exactly. But I agree, dropping the power weapons everywhere will save you nearly 200 points. With that, you could purchase two-three heavy weapons teams loaded for bear with autocannons. I would also upgrade the Leman Russes to Demolishers, as you will otherwise struggle immensely against AV14. However, the standard Leman Russ is still great, so maybe you should look for AV14-destruction elsewhere. It isn't a massive issue.
Also, I do agree that you should reconsider the heavy bolter sponsons on the Leman Russes. Whilst they will provide six shots per Russ, you will only average either three hits or one hit (if snap-firing) with them per shooting phase. Ultimately, I think your points are better invested elsewhere.

10-21-2012, 11:14 AM
You should take a look at my thread, very similar army. http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?25503-Imperial-Guard-2000pts-Suggestions-and-commentary

On another note, you save 160points on just power weapons (10 points each), I am not quite sure why you have the commissars in the command squads. Your platoon leader has 1 point less than the commissar, and to make orders work you gotta roll off the units LD, so the only reason i can think is for stubborn, but that's pointless if you are trying to shoot them to death. So you save an extra 35 points per commissar (105 points). The Regimental standard only benefits you in close combat so its kind of pointless (15 pts), drop the sponsons on each tank is another 60 points, now you have 340 points to spend elsewhere. Id either pick up some vendettas, for Anti armor and anti air, or if your local meta isn't into the air units then I'd put them into a squad of vanquishers with lascannons (2 = 340). Vanquishers get an extra d6 on penetration (str 8 + 2d6 and AP 2), its a heavy gun instead of ordinance which due to the lumbering behemoth ruling for 6E, Leman Russ are heavy tanks, you can move 6 inches and fire all weapons at highest BS so you get a str 8 weapon with ap 2 and extra penetration against vehicles as well as 2 lascannon shots at full ballistic skill. And you still have 5 points left over.

And since you really cant benefit from orders outside of moving and going to ground, Vox really are not worth it.

- On another note: Don't put to much hope into the master of ordinance, it scatters regardless of whether you roll a "hit" symbol or not so don't count on it landing dead on all the time.
- And Marbo is a great unit but be careful how you play him, he is not a good shooty unit, best to abuse hit and run and just take out choice targets or harass units occupying objectives.