View Full Version : 40K Costume Contest

10-20-2012, 10:32 AM
Lets see your pictures folks. Don't be shy - Halloween is just around the corner.


Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-20-2012, 10:43 AM
Is that you Red?

I currently don't have one.

Septimus Tancred
10-20-2012, 11:12 AM
Nice one! Here's mine:




More pics here:


In the suit I stand approx. 2,45 cm tall - give or take, more if I equip my heavy bolter backpack - less if I take off the helmet :)

99% scratchbuilt foam/cardboard/plastic armour- Only the helmet is an old GW relic, repainted by me. No mass-produced Pepakura look thank you very much.. ^^

10-20-2012, 01:29 PM

Me as a Commissar with a glowing Plasma Pistol. A costume that almost got me arrested.


Me as a Culexus Assassin. A costume that probably should have got me arrested but instead meant I spent most of that Games Day posing for photos. Something about the glowing red eyes me thinks :P

10-21-2012, 06:41 AM
Me as a Commissar with a glowing Plasma Pistol. A costume that almost got me arrested.

ooh please tell us moar :D

10-21-2012, 08:06 AM
ooh please tell us moar :D

He was almost arrested for "impersonating an officer". Heh heh, see what I did there? Seriously, if that really what it was, I'll just go get my psychic hood out.

10-21-2012, 08:25 AM
It's really only the beginning, needs more fancy things, blades and spikes and general tidying up, but here's my Archon:


I also have a Dire Avenger Exarch in progress and an Eldar Warlock which I don't have pictures of.

Here's the beginning of the Dire Avenger bodypiece though: 3084

10-21-2012, 12:34 PM
I so want one of those DOW chainswords...

Cpt Codpiece
10-21-2012, 02:20 PM
yeah shades the codpiece is very 'close' to "whats all this then" from the local pc plod LOL

10-21-2012, 02:41 PM
That Dire Avenger costume is looking good Anggul. Looking forward to see how it turns out!

You aren't far off with the 'impersonating an officer' joke, Cursed13. Let me tell you a story;

T'was the release of 6th Ed, the FLGS was full and the city of Leicester bustled a busy Saturday...

Ok, I'll stop trying to be poetic. It'd never have worked out anyway!

Never one to for-go a decent chance to dress up/show off, I decided to make a Commissar's Uniform to wear as a costume. I all ready had a glowing Plasma Pistol from a (failed) attempt to dress as an Inquisitor at the previous Games Day, had a red and black military cap from a paintballing event and a long black trenchcoat from being Neo at a 'magic of the movies' themed fancy dress party around the turn of the millenium. It was just a short search to find a few red sashes, a realistic looking sword (not the THQ chainsword pictured above. That was just there for release day...) and a few other bits and bobs to complete the ensemble. Completing my scavanger hunt and creating a few custom bits, such as the laquered collar, I suited and booted and headed off to pick up my book and celebrate in grim-dark style!
As is usual for me at gaming nights, I'd bought a 2 litre bottle of Pepsi Max to keep me hydrated and keep me wide awake. After running several games of Zombilympcs, taking a quite vocal part in many other events and auctions, I had drained said bottle and ate much cake. In short, I was bursting for a piss! The nearest public toilets (at least that you can't see the odour coming out from) were in the local shopping mall, about 200m or so from the FLGS in question. Now, that isn't a long distance, but when you have been holding off from going to the loo for several hours, it is practically a marathon. I didn't fancy attracting more attention to myself than was strictly necessary by running, so walked at pace through the busy High Street and shopping mall, down the escalators (passing several confused people just standing on them) and straight into the public facilities.
After releaving myself and leaving the toilets, I remembered that I needed to pick up a card for my Dad for Father's day. Fortunately, right opposite the bottom of the escalators was a card shop, so I figured I could pop in there quickly before heading back for more gaming frivoloties. Whilst perusing the various (mostly cruddy) merchandise, I was approached by a pair of british bobbies; Hi-Vis vests, bucket helmets, pepper spray and handcuffs all ready for immidiate use.

"Excuse me, sir? May we have a word?" said the obviouslt junior officer, the other keeping a safe distance and suggesting the gathering crowd kept back a decent distance.

"Certainly, can I help you with something?" As you can probably guess I was as bemused as most of the onlookers! I'd left my Plasma Pistol at the FLGS; not for fear it be mistaken for a real gun, but more because I didn't expect to have anywhere safe and dry to place it while urinating.

"We have had reports of a man in military uniform, marching with purpose, through the city centre. Some of them have claimed he had a sword. We hope you'll understand if we search you?" Very polite, but all the while he had a hand hovering around his unclipped batton and spray canister.

"Wow, really? Erm, well I do have a sword-but-it's-plastic" I blurted out before the situation esclated. "I'll be more than happy to show you if you'd rather that than search me!" After my quick exlamation, the senior officer had stepped closer, happy that the crowd had accepted the safe perimeter.

"If you wouldn't mind , sir" said the senior. I slowly drew the germanic style plastic sword from the scabard at my hip, allowing the hollow blade to crumple slightly as I bent it away. "Ok that's fine, but we will need you to take off that coat, just to be certain."

"Yeh absolutely. No problem." I started to unbuckle the belt the sword and my camera were attached to so I could remove my sashes. "Do you mind holding these for a moment?"

"Ha ha, no problem mate. We didn't think a terrorist would be quite that obvious. Not round here at any rate," chuckled the junior bobby. "Can I ask, why are you dressed like that?"

As I shuffled off my coat and gave a quick tirl to show the meanest thing I was packing was my housekeys I tolod them "Do you know the gaming store round on Silver Street? Well they are having a big release today. Big party, loads of games and prizes. Bit of a give back to the customers kind of thing. Part of that is a fancy dress contest," a small lie, but one I felt would make more sense than the truth, "where you have to come as a character from the fictional world the game is set in."

The senior copper had returned, having unsuccessfully shoed the crowd away. "Ok, that's not a problem then. We probably ought to confiscate this," pointing out the sword and scabbard, "but I honestly can't believe anyone thought you were a terrorist. Just keep it under the coat from now on, ok?"

"Sure thing. No Problem." I started to redress in reversed order. "To be honest, I'd prefer you guys to stop me than let someone who actually was... you know to do any real damage." We all shared a chuckle at that point. I like to think they were happy to have not had to deal with a dangerous incident. More so not having to deal with an indignant member of the public determined to keep his privacy at a stupid cost. Once I'd finished setting myself, I thanked the officers and promised to take a more sedate walk back to the shop. That was no mean feat as all I wanted to do was get out of the view of the general public.

My return to the store was heralded by a sudden hush. The few remaining customers stared at me with mild confusion. The manager approached me, genuine concern in her eyes. "Are you ok, Matt?"

"Yeh sure, I just went to the loo," I said with a look of puzzlement.

"I meant about the police! What happenned?"

"How the hell did you hear about that all ready?"

"Ah ha haa. We have eyes and ears everywhere Commissar!"

A couple of the lads at the back piped up "We were in Clinton's when the police turned up."

"Ahhh, yeh, no. Apparently this looks like a real uniform and the plebs of Leicester though this was a real sword..."

The store rippled with laughter. Later the manager came up and offered me some additional free bits for being such a good sport. Mostly miscast Finecast, but all very welcome!

Thus ends my harrowing tale. Lesson to be learnt; don't ever try to be this awesome!

10-21-2012, 02:44 PM
yeah shades the codpiece is very 'close' to "whats all this then" from the local pc plod LOL

Nah, the local plod are fine with that. In fairness, their ain't a lot of material/thickness in that there cod-piece...

It's hard to find trousers that fit comfortably...

10-21-2012, 06:52 PM
Well well, Soton, good chap, that is certainly a tale to behold and be told! Certainly well worth the read, I enjoyed it thoroughly and was much amused. Well played.

Cpt Codpiece
10-21-2012, 07:03 PM
Nah, the local plod are fine with that. In fairness, their ain't a lot of material/thickness in that there cod-piece...

It's hard to find trousers that fit comfortably...

TMI.... TMI :D

but yeah, i understand your plight.

great story with the local plebs....... really a plastic sword and a flat cap...... good job you were not dressed as a desert raider :)

10-22-2012, 07:13 AM
I remember one year at the Under the Blue Moon -- a "Dark Alternative" (shh! If you say goth, you'll scare off the normals!) festival they used to have on Enmore Rd. I saw a couple of cops stop someone riding a pushbike on the footpath.

After walking straight past some guy wearing a gas mask.

To be fair, I'm certain there's a law against riding your bike on the footpath, but I don't think there's one against wearing a mask ;)

10-22-2012, 07:51 AM
This is shaping up to be the best thread ever...

More pictures!

Also, no one get mad if you show up a a picture of the day... *wink*


10-23-2012, 08:18 AM
a quickly put together Sanguinius :rolleyes: am gonna have a better go at it next year, gonna make some armour :D


10-23-2012, 03:00 PM
fun thread folks

10-24-2012, 03:28 AM
a quickly put together Sanguinius :rolleyes: am gonna have a better go at it next year, gonna make some armour :D


I can't help but hope some obsessive types heads exploded at the prospect of a female primarch.:)

10-24-2012, 04:38 AM
I can't help but hope some obsessive types heads exploded at the prospect of a female primarch.:)

I've seen a female Ultramarine Librarian.

The Madman
10-24-2012, 04:58 AM
I'd love to makes some Chaos Warrior or Chaos Marine armour in my army colours (Metallic blue Tzeentch and word bearers respectively) but its just finding the time/funds/helpful guides.

10-24-2012, 06:56 AM
I can't help but hope some obsessive types heads exploded at the prospect of a female primarch.:)

had loads of 'but he is not a woman!' off guys, it was soooo funny. Loads of people thought it was pretty good though :D I can't wait till next Games Day and I have the amour on :D