View Full Version : Help needed. Slaanesh colours on power armour.

10-20-2012, 10:15 AM
So having a bash at some slaanesh style chaos marines, this guy is just a test run so please just ignore the mold lines etc. But what I am asking is what do you think of the general scheme, should there be more black ? is the purple base too dark ? Should have I done the power weapon be blue as a contrast colour ? I thought I had this down and ready to go, but now looking at this test model I am not so sure. My main aim is to eventually have an army that stands out a little more than the norm on the table. Pinks and purples I thought would be ideal. I know the paintings a little rough around the edges too, but its the colours I am asking you guys on really. Your thoughts would be appriciated, as it is I am not happy with this model and on the brink of saying "**** it* and doing a khorne scheme instead.

10-20-2012, 10:19 AM
I think more black for contrast would be nice, I do like the pink though. There was a lovely black and pink hellbrute on the GW blog a week or two ago that looked lovely.

10-20-2012, 10:39 AM
I agree with eldargal it needs more dark colors to contrast with the overall lightness of the paint scheme, maybe a dark color loincloth (talberd?) Otherwise really good paint job, I like the pink and the blue spot colors.

10-20-2012, 10:58 AM
I actually think you could go SUPER low-contrast. Pale that pink almost to a white (the current pink being the darkest color) leave the tabard white, and make it almost ambigous whether its flesh or armor. Just an idea.

10-20-2012, 01:48 PM
Slaaneshi followers are all about the thrill of experience and extremes of perception... go for some extreme contras! Shade practically down to black in the recesses and highlight the living-proverbial out of the extremes in a shade of PIIIIIIINNNNKKKK!!!!1!1!!!! (not I do not usually type like that, it just has to be that bright, almost painful to the eye kind of a pink that it deserves such an elongated name). I'd be tempted to do something similar with the gold and the Ivory too.

Also, blue works quite well as a contrasting spot colour. Wierdly, I'd suggest keeping it relatively muted, to really make the other colours POP!