View Full Version : AntiAir in HH:Betrayal

10-20-2012, 09:05 AM
6th edition has trained me to always have some anti-air capacity in games of 40k. But looking at the HH book the only flyers I can get as part of the Legions are Storm Eagles, which aren't exactly cheap and the only anti air are flakk missile launcher support squads (starting at 210points) or whirldwinds with hyperios missiles.

What I'm wondering is, do you think flyers will be such a potent threat in HH games that even at, say, 1000pts you should be trying to at least take a rhino? Or givne that the storm eagle is so pricey you could get away with ignoring AA and focusing on other choices?

10-20-2012, 10:45 AM
At this stage I'm not taking any AA as none of my friends have any flyers but as assault rams, thunder hawks, dreadclaws, and avengers are all flying around I would keep it in the back of your mind, angels wrath could also appear raining pain from the skies so I would try to squeeze in some whirlwinds if I could

Uncle Nutsy
10-21-2012, 10:27 PM
A friend of mine has already put together three night/doomscythes, so I have to think how to deal with the (now) rather large air threat he presents. One of my armies, DE, I already have a fighter ready to go. My other army, Tau, already has two barracudas and two plasma hammerheads in the list for any surprise air attacks I might face.