View Full Version : Horus Heresy Painting Guide

10-19-2012, 03:54 AM
I just noticed that there was a painting guide available for download on the Forgeworld website http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/downloads/product/pdf/h/Horus_Heresy_Painting_Guide.pdf. That in addition to the small guide present in the last issue of WD should help the start of one of the legions...

10-19-2012, 03:55 AM
Good spot :)

Cpt Codpiece
10-19-2012, 03:57 AM
i love the guide to paint the 'purple' sons of horus :) (oh they fixed it already :()

its a handy little starter for those getting in the deep end of FW and the HH

10-19-2012, 04:06 AM
Is there a shallow end of FW?

Cpt Codpiece
10-19-2012, 04:49 AM
well, people could just buy the decal strips.....

still they are not cheap.

White Tiger88
10-19-2012, 05:42 AM
What the hell is with the Death Guard???? its still way off the Described color's from books and from all the heresy Era art work.......Go FW\GW! Also did a 5 year old paint some of the mini's for them? The Emperor's Children & Sons of Horus models look terrible........ Oh and Death Guard are Light Grey... (Well there Administration Grey with a black wash to be exact and Dark Jade for the green)

10-19-2012, 05:51 AM
What the hell is with the Death Guard???? its still way off the Described color's from books and from all the heresy Era art work.......Go FW\GW! Also did a 5 year old paint some of the mini's for them? The Emperor's Children & Sons of Horus models look terrible........ Oh and Death Guard are Light Grey... (Well there Administration Grey with a black wash to be exact and Dark Jade for the green)

I'm agree that the colour schemes from WD look better than the one present on FW website. In particular the green for the Death Guard looks very strange in comparison to the one present in Betrayal Book or on the figurines already presented by FW .... Very surprising

10-19-2012, 06:02 AM
I think the EC purple is a bit too dark and flat personally. I prefer the Death Guard and World Eater schemes though. Hope they change some of the others to be frank, Thousand Sons pre-Heresy colours are really dull. Barely different from Blood Angels

10-19-2012, 01:05 PM
Well, I've just dived into my Heresy books and pulled out, from the one where they go to the moon On Davin and it talks about Loken sitting lapping his 'Metallic, Greenish Hued Armour'. That paint guide won't give you that. Annnddd wot's with all the 20% of this and 25% of that? Thought the new paints were designed to do away with mixing then! I think I'll stick with my own ideas for me Angron models marines thanks very much!

10-23-2012, 03:03 PM
nice, thanks for this post