View Full Version : I Have a Land Raider!

10-18-2012, 08:26 PM
Isn't she a beauty?


Actually, no... what the hell has he done to the front? Why is it flush with the treads? And the top... are those...?


Yes. Those are Warhammer Fantasy slotted cavalry bases. What the hell?


So, it looks like my eBay Mk1 Land Raider is going to take a bit of work... but I'm eager to start. I've already created the twin-linked lascannons, flamestorm cannons, hurricane bolters, and twin-linked assault cannon (which will double as a twin-linked heavy bolter - they're similar enough and I can't be bothered at this point) - all I need to do now is figure out exactly where the magnets will go.

I'll be sure to post more as the situation develops.

Anyway - off comes the square bases (and the entire front/top piece) and into the simple green with you!

I think in the backstory of this vehicle, it was looted by Orks and horribly defiled for hundred of years. That seems an appropriate reflection of the state the poor thing is in. Then my Blood Ravens task force rescued and repaired it. The machine spirit still has a mad-on for Orks.

Also, my new iPhone 5 has a surprisingly good camera...

10-19-2012, 12:12 AM
Why not stop at the "it was looted by Orks" and make it into a proppa Battlewagon?

It's the perfect excuse to start an Ork army.

10-19-2012, 10:09 AM
Why not stop at the "it was looted by Orks" and make it into a proppa Battlewagon?

Because that would require playing Orks. :p.

I'm sure they're a great army, but really not my style.

10-19-2012, 10:20 AM
Is the original front underneath there, or is it missing and the top glued on in place of the front entirely?

10-19-2012, 10:33 AM
Is the original front underneath there, or is it missing and the top glued on in place of the front entirely?

It turns out that what the previous owner had done was take the original top and put it down backwards so that the actual top formed an extended vertical front and the original top formed a sloping front. He then recreated the top (left open) with square bases (???) All I had to do to restore the original shape was pull the top off, pull the bases off, and then replace the top right-side-forward.

Of course, it will take a little green-stuffing on top of that. That old plastic was kind of brittle, and some of it crumbled as this operation was performed, leaving some gaps that will need filling.

10-19-2012, 11:16 AM
I look forward to seeing how it turns out.
If I was a 40k character I would definitely be a tech priest, I look at models like that and think nooo, how could you do that to a beautiful machine? I would have to execute whoever put it together so incorrectly. I have seen conversions by kids in clubs, and I know we should be encouraging their creativity and all, but I just want to beat them and repair their poor tanks...

10-19-2012, 11:31 AM
I look forward to seeing how it turns out.
If I was a 40k character I would definitely be a tech priest, I look at models like that and think nooo, how could you do that to a beautiful machine? I would have to execute whoever put it together so incorrectly. I have seen conversions by kids in clubs, and I know we should be encouraging their creativity and all, but I just want to beat them and repair their poor tanks...

It's not just the conversions - it's the bad conversions. The bad, weird, and wrong-headed. I mean, recently I ripped apart an old (OLD) 2nd edition rhino and remounted the hull parts on top of a larger plasticard superstructure so that the finished product is of comprable size to a modern rhino. The end result doesn't look perfect, but it's pretty cool. It looks like a modern rhino with some old touches, or like an old rhino which has been rebuilt to modern standards... which is exactly what it is

But this? This is just... strange. What's the point? The front looks awful with the frame flush with the treads. And the bases... I mean, jeez, haven't you ever heard of plasticard?

10-19-2012, 12:29 PM
I look forward to seeing how it turns out.
If I was a 40k character I would definitely be a tech priest, I look at models like that and think nooo, how could you do that to a beautiful machine? I would have to execute whoever put it together so incorrectly. I have seen conversions by kids in clubs, and I know we should be encouraging their creativity and all, but I just want to beat them and repair their poor tanks...

Many years ago I played in a place where a guy used liberal amounts of Zip Kicker (glue accelerator) on EVERYTHING. A weapon falls off during a game? Out comes the glue and kicker. Pretty much everything he put on the table eventually looked like a bad Nurgle conversion.

I'll give pretty much anyone encouragement for anything they put effort into, but this Land Raider makes me sad. ElectricPaladin, I know you can save it!

10-19-2012, 02:19 PM
yeah when I was in england once I went to a store and a kid was there with a marine army which had the green necron rods attached to everything, guns, swords, all sorts, and then just extra weapons mounted on stuff all over the place and bits glued on. it looked like he had covered each model with some glue then dipped it in a bits box. I have seen a defiler body and legs with a guardsman and a flamer stuck to it to be a chaos hellhound, stuff made of card (badly) makes me cringe and reach for a flamer of my own to purge it.

10-20-2012, 12:42 AM
As you can see below, the stripping is proceeding apace. It looks like some ******* painted this model, then sprayed on a new layer of primer without removing the paint underneath first.

The monsters.

Anyway, point being, as I scrub, this odd symbol appeared on the door:


Can anyone help me identify the chapter this land raider used to belong to? I was originally going to make this a recovered Thousand Sons vehicle, but now I’m wondering if I can use this as part of the story instead.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-20-2012, 01:04 AM
That symbol doesn't relate to any Chapter that I can think of? Though it's vaguely reminiscent of the Executioners.


Wat r u doin?!

10-20-2012, 11:52 AM
Wat r u doin?!

What? What did I do?

10-20-2012, 02:25 PM
Ironically enough after your "looted by orks" comment, I believe that badge may actually be a blood axe symbol?


only image i could find, sorry...

10-20-2012, 04:50 PM
I am also thinking Blood Axes:


10-20-2012, 06:04 PM
How about that. I'm prescient!

Makes sense. This is for a Blood Ravens army, after all...

I really hope there's some Blood Ravens content in the new codex that gives me access to Divination. First of all, Divination is an awesome support discipline, and secondly, I'd like to see some of the vaunted Blood Ravens foresight in my game.

10-20-2012, 08:45 PM
Slightly off-topic, but I thought I'd share what I hope is a good old-to-new conversion. Remember the tiny Rogue Trader-era rhino I posted about earlier? Well, she's all growed up:


I hacked her apart, added plasticard and a ton of green stuff, and glued her back together. I wish I'd gotten a smoother finish on some parts and that there had been some practical way to make the circular doors bigger, but I can disguise a lot of the unevenness with paint, and you can't win 'em all. And, the circular doors are just about big enough for a marine to fit through, so it's ok.

I think it will take another day or two in the dip for my land raider to strip. In the meantime, my hammernator squad is almost ready to go.

You know what they say: haters gonna hate, hammernators gonna hammernate... :D

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
10-20-2012, 08:59 PM
Yeaaah, I usually buy 2nd hand models with the same mindset that I have when adopting cats from the shelter. I pray for its speedy recovery :P

Maybe add some details to the flat plasticard space on the retro-rhino? Even a few rivets would really bring it to life.

(On the note of Divination - Blood Angels Libbies can take that, and their choices are nigh-identical to vanilla. Of course, might not be worth shelling out for another 'dex just for that.)

10-20-2012, 10:09 PM
Maybe add some details to the flat plasticard space on the retro-rhino? Even a few rivets would really bring it to life.

Un... fortunately, I already primed it. I think it looks ok enough. I'll keep that in mind in the future, though.

(On the note of Divination - Blood Angels Libbies can take that, and their choices are nigh-identical to vanilla. Of course, might not be worth shelling out for another 'dex just for that.)

I actually already own the Blood Angels codex.

The Blood Angels are my other army; my second, after the Tau Empire. I started them back in 5th, when a full drop-assault or drop-assault-and-fast-mech hybrid army was still more or less viable. My Blood Ravens came out of wanting to use my leftover tac marines for something... and then, promptly, 6th Edition came out and things like keeping your entire army in reserve and relying entirely on assault became things of the past. So, I'll have to buy at least one box of tacs to keep my Blood Angels playable.

And I'll be buying a box of assault marines for my Blood Ravens. I managed to make five jump marines out of leftover bits, but I need an assault box to make a full squad.

Ah, the silliness...

10-21-2012, 09:21 AM
With the extended top, your Rhino has a similar profile to the Repressor, which is a kit I happen to love. So much so, that I use one as a Rhino(making it just about the most expensive Rhino that could be purchased in US dollars).

White Tiger88
10-21-2012, 09:30 AM
What DID YOU DO TO THAT POOR THING PALADIN??????? Its a......Hell im not sure what that is Landraider or Demon Rhino O.o

10-21-2012, 04:02 PM
With the extended top, your Rhino has a similar profile to the Repressor, which is a kit I happen to love. So much so, that I use one as a Rhino(making it just about the most expensive Rhino that could be purchased in US dollars).

Actually, the repressor model is what gave me the idea for this conversion. I was originally thinking that I would have to expand the side pieces, which would be a lot harder, as they have more detail. Then I saw the repressor on Lexicanum and realized that a top that rose above the treads actually wouldn't look bad at all.

What DID YOU DO TO THAT POOR THING PALADIN??????? Its a......Hell im not sure what that is Landraider or Demon Rhino O.o

Hatters gonna hate, hammernators gonna hammernate.

But seriously, to which are you referring? The rhino, I pulled apart. The top and bottom are each a single piece, so I clipped off the side sections, then expanded on the existing pieces and built larger sides to accomodate the increased size. I wish I had WIP shots, but that was while my camera was packed and before I got an iPhone.

The other, I didn't do anything to. It's a Mk1 Land Raider from Rogue Trader days. They look like that naturally. Except not covered in an awful, half-stripped paint job. That I take no credit for.

Cpt Codpiece
10-21-2012, 04:10 PM
erm that land raider does not look how its supposed to LOL

there are WFB cavalry bases as armour panels :)

i would be getting the plasticard out and rebuilding the shell.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
10-21-2012, 04:55 PM
The "raise-the-roof!" Rhino definitely looks fine as-is, just thought rivets might've been a good additional detail.

The Blood Angels are my other army; my second, after the Tau Empire. I started them back in 5th, when a full drop-assault or drop-assault-and-fast-mech hybrid army was still more or less viable. My Blood Ravens came out of wanting to use my leftover tac marines for something... and then, promptly, 6th Edition came out and things like keeping your entire army in reserve and relying entirely on assault became things of the past. So, I'll have to buy at least one box of tacs to keep my Blood Angels playable.

And I'll be buying a box of assault marines for my Blood Ravens. I managed to make five jump marines out of leftover bits, but I need an assault box to make a full squad.

Ah, the silliness...Can't help but find that series of reversals kinda amusing (well, and frustrating) :P Shame Descent-of-Angels lists got the rug pulled out from under them, though, they were a fun/fluffy change in the edition of mechanized warfare. With any luck the next vanilla/blood angels 'dex will have rules validating that tactic again, but I doubt we'll see that before late-2013 at the very earliest :/