View Full Version : energongoodie's dirty Blood Angels.

10-17-2012, 10:33 AM
Here is my test model for my new Blood angel project.
I have decide to give dirty a go. I haven't done any weathering or chipping etc before, so I'm gonna try and learn some stuff with my Blood Angels.
This first guy was just to check which red to go for. I've decided on this one. I did a test mini in the codex colours with the yellow helmet but I wasn't very keen so I have decided to go with a simple helmet stripe to denote assault squad status.

I have a bunch of models sprayed red and a few sprayed gold so there should be a few more posts in the next few days.

10-17-2012, 12:03 PM
looks good to me, nice job

10-17-2012, 12:19 PM
I'm liking it. Want to see more sir.

10-18-2012, 06:07 AM
Cool, that's a nice shade of read you've got going there. When doing my Blood angels, I was against the yellow- and blue helmets and well, but it depends on the tone and shading. I managed to cook up something acceptable.
For your yellow stripe, perhaps paint it all the way to the chin? Just the bit on top seems to get lost a bit between the red.

Oh, for the chipping effects, use a little sponge and practice a bit with 'dry-sponging'. Works just like drybrushing, just, well, with a little sponge, and dabbing instead of stroking.

White Tiger88
10-18-2012, 06:29 AM
Nice look, however the "Dirty Blood Angels" title put something waaay different in my head......

10-18-2012, 10:59 AM
Here is my first Sanguinary Guard. He took ages. I tried really hard to do NMM but i can't get it good enough. I understand the principle but I need a lot more practice.
I really happy with this fella. The photo takes away a bit of the shading on the gold.


Sorry White Tiger88, although I'm gonna give Astorath a go next and he has nipples!

Meph. I think the mk6 and 7 helmets will have a stripe all the way down. I agree it gets lost a bit. I think this was probably the wrong helmet to start with. I'm gonna try some sponge action next week :)

Thanks for the replies guys. Very much appreciated :D

10-18-2012, 11:24 AM
I'm interested to see how this goes. Dirtiness is the main distinguishing factor between my two Blood Armies. My Blood Angels jump army (currently gathering dust unless and until codex changes makes a jump-and-assault army viable again...) is epically pristine, like the descending angels of death they are. My mechanized Blood Ravens, though, are as mucky and stained as their reputation and their own dark, secretive history. I think it will be neat to see an alternate interpretation of the Blood Angels.

Cpt Codpiece
10-18-2012, 02:44 PM
Meph. I think the mk6 and 7 helmets will have a stripe all the way down. I agree it gets lost a bit. I think this was probably the wrong helmet to start with. I'm gonna try some sponge action next week :)

Thanks for the replies guys. Very much appreciated :D

i think rather than doing the full head, would the snout(mk IV+)/grille (pre mkIV) be a more pleasing to the eye approach to the squad markings. as like you know the stripe can get lost easily.

i love your gold! inspired me to want some SG in gold rather than the white i had planned.

10-29-2012, 10:57 AM
To advocate the stripe. It does give them a nice oldskool Rogue Trader feel ^^


10-29-2012, 11:50 AM
To advocate the stripe. It does give them a nice oldskool Rogue Trader feel ^^

Exactly. That's why i'm doing it. I started with Rogue Trader and the first model I ever painted (read: smothered with paint) was a Blood Angel.

I've been putting some models together today and undercoating so hopefully i will post up some new guys tomorrow.

Cpt Codpiece
10-29-2012, 12:30 PM
dont get me wrong, i love the old stuff..... stay tuned my new test mini will be up in a few days.
im just about to start a true mentor 'legion' army :) so the stripes will be used on them too. (sadly my BA have been neglected due to moving house and a new baby).

maybe it was just the helm that made me think of doing it another way. i can only imagine the stripe on a beaky :)

10-30-2012, 01:25 AM
Exactly. That's why i'm doing it. I started with Rogue Trader and the first model I ever painted (read: smothered with paint) was a Blood Angel.

I've been putting some models together today and undercoating so hopefully i will post up some new guys tomorrow.

*High Five!!* Same here, mate! I've still got that marine standing around soemwhere. A Blood Angel sergeant with a heavy Bolter, including the funky yellow marking on the helmet. :D Ah, thise were the days..; When Blood Angels were still terracotta and Salamanders very, very dark green.

10-30-2012, 03:01 AM
Fantastic minis, I usually try and add a critique to people's painting, it makes me look like I know what I am talking about.
I can't here. You have a great balance of weathered armour and battle damage without it looking ott. Yeah I really like what your doing with these blood angels.
Hats off to you sir :)

10-31-2012, 11:45 AM
Thanks Deadlift :D You flatter me Sir.

Here is Astorath. He isn't fully finished or based but people have been very generous in their comments so I thought I better post something up as it has been a while. More tomorrow I hope. I'm also gonna try and dig out my first Blood Angels.


The idea is he was once gold but has been so covered in blood that his armour has soaked it all up and turned dried blood red.