View Full Version : 1.5k Outflank All the Lascannons!

10-16-2012, 03:26 PM
Here's an odd little idea I had - what do you think?

• Librarian

• Techmarine w/Servo-Harness, Power Weapon
• 6 Sternguard (3 Combi-Meltas), Power Fist Sergeant
• Land Raider Proteus w/Dozer Blade, TL Heavy Bolters

• 10 Tactical Marines (Plasma Gun, Plasma Cannon), Power Weapon Sergeant
° Rhino w/Dozer Blade
• 10 Tactical Marines (Plasma Gun, Plasma Cannon), Power Weapon Sergeant
° Rhino w/Dozer Blade

Fast Attack
• Stormtalon Gunship w/TL Lascannons
• 2 Land Speeder Typhoons

Heavy Support
• Predator

The best part? All I need to field this list is the stormtalon, which I fully intent to buy in a month or two.

Now, if you aren't familiar with Forgeworld, the proteus has the same loadout as a godhammer, with several differences: the proteus can only hold eight models, and you have to pay for the heavy bolters rather than getting them standard, it comes with an Explorator Augury Web (chose each turn: opponent takes -1 to Reserves rolls or YOU can reroll all reserves rolls), and it has the Scouts special rule... which means that it can outflank.

I think you're seeing where I'm going with this.

This list is very flexible. A few of my deployment strategies include:
1) Deploy the proteus with a nasty payload (librarian, techmarine, sternguard) and keep everything else in reserve. Use the Scouts redeploy to keep the proteus safe. Use the Augury Web to keep the tacs off the field until the proteus and the land speeders (who come on escorted by the stormtalon) have a chance to kill everything else.
2) deploy the tacs and predator, keeping the nasty proteus in reserve. The proteus and stormtalon can now outflank together, slamming the side armor of my opponent's nastiest vehicles with twin-linked lascannon goodness.
3) kick the sternguard out of the land raider (let them hoof it or something) and put a combat squad of tacs in there instead. Now I can use the outflanking land raider to snag or guard an objective.

There's lots of room to expand this list - and honestly, I think the concept works better at a higher points value - but what do you think of it as it is? Questions? Comments?