View Full Version : Returning to WH

10-16-2012, 09:53 AM
I haven’t played for long, what do you think about how it has been evolved? After i’ve realised rules have changed a lot

10-16-2012, 10:00 AM
It might be helpful to know when you last played. For example, are we just talking transition from 5th to 6th edition, or do you need an update since Rogue Trader?

10-21-2012, 03:28 AM
My last edition was 4th, and i was faraway from become a skilled player then.

Mr Mystery
10-21-2012, 03:48 AM
I find the game to be a lot more fun.

I've been playing since 2nd Ed (messy) through 3rd (dull, made worse by beardy codecies) 4th (better) 5th (pretty good) and now 6th, quite easily my favourite edition.

6th ed for my money has the best elements of it's predecessors. Good variety of missions, troop choices at the fore, and although no one phase dominates the game (like HTH in 3rd..) each has enough clout to allow an army to be designed around that phase without seriously affecting it's chance of winning.

Vehicle rules are cool (hull points I like, and greater flexibility due to snap fire) fliers of course are the new hitting stick, but mostly due to the current lack of AA options for most armies (this will redress itself as the new codecies are released).

5th more or less undid the damage that the borefest of 3rd inflicted. But 6th Ed has made the game a lot more fun and varied!

Emerald Rose Widow
10-21-2012, 09:25 AM
I switched from 5th to 6th myself, and the game so far is a lot better. Love the idea of snap fires, flyers are fun, hull points make it so vehicle armies dont win as easilly. I think it is fairly well balanced, but my only complaint is they substituted one wound allocation shennanigans for another.

10-21-2012, 10:42 AM
It is all highly subjective as far as how long you've been around. I thought 2nd was fantastic compared to Rogue Trader. I felt 3rd was the most varied of the editions, since they cranked a codex for everything in one edition plus tons of variant lists in WD. I didn't think anything was particularly over-powered, and I played almost every army throughout that edition. I skipped over 4th due to real life, 5th always felt a little strange to me for some reason, and I like 6th so far better than 5th. I think the 6th rules are probably the best so far, although my opinion was the overall game + codex + models + events was best during 3rd.