View Full Version : Vehicle saves

10-15-2012, 08:57 AM
What does having a cover save or invulnerable save actually do for a vehicle?

10-15-2012, 09:00 AM
oh noes.

It gives them a save.
I am gunna go out on a limb an interpret this as 'damage to a vehicle is like taking a wound'.
Which really means: RAW is dumb. We all interpret the rules, and RAI is always the way to go, because it is an interpretation. Or at least, when RAW fails, RAI is the next best thing!

Take the initiative, use some judicial activism! Soon, out Commander Models will have the right to vote.

The real question you should ask yourself... what if a vehicle has eternal warrior... does that mean it is immune to 'explodes'?

10-15-2012, 09:04 AM

Does it actually say in the rules anywhere that damage to a vehicle is like taking a wound?

Are there any vehicles with Eternal Warrior?

10-15-2012, 09:07 AM
no, and that's why I am saying you should ask yourself that question! It *could* happen!

10-15-2012, 09:19 AM
Pg 75 of rules, second bullet. Same as for non-vehicles basically. In short, if you make the save, you "discard" the hit. I quoted "discard" because that's not quite the same as saying "ignore"... you don't apply normal damage, but there may be special rules that say something occurs even if save is made.

10-15-2012, 09:20 AM
no, and that's why I am saying you should ask yourself that question! It *could* happen!

Until we see that vehicle, let's not worry about it.

10-15-2012, 10:34 AM
Pg 75 of rules, second bullet. Same as for non-vehicles basically. In short, if you make the save, you "discard" the hit. I quoted "discard" because that's not quite the same as saying "ignore"... you don't apply normal damage, but there may be special rules that say something occurs even if save is made.

Thanks. See anything for invulnerable saves?

10-15-2012, 11:09 AM
Thanks. See anything for invulnerable saves?

No, but if a vehicle is listed with an invuln save, why that save would be different in effect than a cover save is beyond me.

Nothing in the rules says that saves have different effects, just different eligibility requirements. If a vehicle is listed with an invuln save, then follow same save procedure: discard the hit if the save is successful. Cover saves are called out mostly because determining what the save target number should be is different for vehicles.

As always, special rules a model has can change all that, but hopefully it's clear enough to figure out what it should do.

It's unfortunate that they didn't call it out or phrase the earlier discussions on saves in a more general manner, but at the same time, I'd think the granting of an invuln save should be pretty clear. Is there a particular piece of wargear that's creating a problem?

10-15-2012, 03:16 PM
No, but if a vehicle is listed with an invuln save, why that save would be different in effect than a cover save is beyond me.

Nothing in the rules says that saves have different effects, just different eligibility requirements. If a vehicle is listed with an invuln save, then follow same save procedure: discard the hit if the save is successful. Cover saves are called out mostly because determining what the save target number should be is different for vehicles.

As always, special rules a model has can change all that, but hopefully it's clear enough to figure out what it should do.

It's unfortunate that they didn't call it out or phrase the earlier discussions on saves in a more general manner, but at the same time, I'd think the granting of an invuln save should be pretty clear. Is there a particular piece of wargear that's creating a problem?

Not really. A handful of vehicles have invulnerable saves--about twice as many as before, thanks to the new Chaos codex--and I was just thinking that there probably aren't actually any rules for invulnerable saves on vehicles. There weren't in fifth ed, and when I went to look for them in the sixth ed book, I couldn't even find the rules for vehicles taking cover saves, which seemed odd.

10-15-2012, 03:51 PM
SoB Vehicles and that annoying D'Eldar Flickerfield too!

10-15-2012, 03:56 PM
All of my Sisters of Battle vehicles have an invuln. Certainly it helps you get a save when out in the open or when hit by weapons that ignore cover.
Cover saves depend on the type of cover the vehicle is behind (4+ for Ruins, 5+ for forest).

Ahhhh, I see that the description for Invulnerable saves states you may take it after taking a Wound.