View Full Version : Space Marine Rumours

10-11-2012, 10:22 PM
Via Warseer:

Argh! I wrote up a nice little bit for you guys on some new design work and due to the wonders of transversing wireless networks the post was lost. So frustrating.

Well I'll leave a teaser here and come back and edit it to fill it in when I get time later. Sorry blokes, I just dont have time to redo it all now...

These are all wip and no release timing is available. Codex SM is not underway, so these may be a splash release or could be a long way off.

New tactical squad. Hvy flamer. Mk 8 style
Edit: there are more mk 8 bits here than before, but there are still "beakies" too. Includes many options not released before in plastic, including a Hvy flamer, a backpack style (read devastator) missile launcher w flakk missile, slings on bolters, power weapon options. Basically think of all the blinged out options you get w a BA, SW, GK box and now apply it to tactical marines. Poses are all standing, but they aren't as static.

New assault squad. New jump packs. New weapon options
Edit: retooling similar to tac squad. The jump packs are all new, but don't get knickers in a twist cause they are the same style as current ones. They just look better cause the seam is not there. New cc options in the sprue include thss and lc. There is a few new options in here I can't reveal.

New librarian mini sprue. Codex options included
Edit: this is where the librarian/chaplain kit I saw a long time ago went. Has a force sword or staff, has combi weapons, has pistols. Two heads. All in mini sprue. It's 2 mini sprues. Only options from current codex not present are jump pack, bike, or TA. No info on where chaplain went.

New Techmarine mini sprue. Conversion Beamer.
Edit: very similar to current tech ax Techmarine. Layered body. Has tech ax, tech sword, plasma pistol, combi weapons, couple variants on servo arms, and conversion Beamer. 2 mini sprues.

Edit: on both these mini sprue characters the heads and weapons are compatible with existing line. But the arms/bodies are unique.

New scout box. New sculpts. Combined boxes. New options.
Edit: includes some new scout only weapons. Heads are less bulky. All codex options present in one box.

New flyer. Interceptor/bomber. Flat but boxy. Storm raven sized. No transport. No hover. Heavy assault cannon and ff missiles. Or bombs and servo drones in gun pods.
Edit: shares wing/engine aesthetics of storm raven, but fuselage is flatter. Wings not as bent. No thrusters in wingtips. Two tail options, one for each build.

New scout transport. Like Tauros (FW ig) but open wagon style. Halo warthog mashed w rhino. Pintle TL HB.
Edit: rumored rule only will allow pintle weapon when unit is embarked. Fast vehicle. 4 buggy style wheels. Rider models/bits compatible with new scout box. Roughly rhino sized. For Baja race fans think armored sandrail.

Cheers. Like I mentioned, these are likely a long way off, and I will fill in more later.


White Tiger88
10-11-2012, 10:26 PM
Some of these i can see.....Since let's be honest the FW heresy book opened up a bunch of new idea's for gw to throw in a white dwarf for armies or the new Marine Codex's...... But for some reason i can't see them getting the all flamer or special weapon units for codex chapters at least =/ maybe Salamanders, Blood Angels & space puppys though.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-11-2012, 11:01 PM

10-12-2012, 01:20 AM
Although its nice to hear all the lovely things my PA friends will be getting, i do think as the poster stated this wont be here for quite some time.

10-12-2012, 03:50 AM
I already own thirty tactical marines and ten assault marines, so this isn't as big a "yay!" as it could have been - that said, if these new boxes have lots of bits, then I'd certainly be tempted to pick one up in order to make some new Sergeants and special/heavy weapon options (baby needs more plasma guns). A new librarian sounds decent too. So yay!

10-12-2012, 08:58 AM
If I can put a flamer + heavy flamer in a tactical squad then my Knights of the Ardent Flame would be a happy chapter indeed...

Also more MK8 would be pretty cool.

10-12-2012, 09:03 AM
What I still want to know about most is how the chapters will be represented, and which chapters will get rules in the new codex...

Other than that, this is all cool. I like the idea of heavy flamer tacs. Plasma tacs for heavy infantry/light vehicles, flame tacs to take the lead and burn light infantry. I see many tactical options.

Also, that is not a squad you want to charge. 2d3 auto-hits in Overwatch? On top of the rest of the squad double-firing their boltguns? Ouch.

Cpt Codpiece
10-12-2012, 09:17 AM
Also, that is not a squad you want to charge. 2d3 auto-hits in Overwatch? On top of the rest of the squad double-firing their boltguns? Ouch.

i have a squad of sternguard for my BA, 2 heavy flamers and the rest have combi flamers...... nasty overwatch granted its one shot but nasty still.

10-12-2012, 10:17 AM
this is going to hurt the old wallet again......................

10-12-2012, 10:36 AM
I already own thirty tactical marines and ten assault marines, so this isn't as big a "yay!" as it could have been - that said, if these new boxes have lots of bits, then I'd certainly be tempted to pick one up in order to make some new Sergeants and special/heavy weapon options (baby needs more plasma guns). A new librarian sounds decent too. So yay!

Yes, but when you own 300 Tac/Assault marines, this is huge... Adding to the army will actually give you different options/look/poses to work with :-)

I am happy to hear about this kind of stuff for my chapter.

10-12-2012, 10:42 AM
very interested in these rumours, nice tactical marines with more Mk8 parts sounds good for my forthcoming minotaurs

I haven't seen much in the way of Dark Angels model release rumours, some of these could come out alongside them

10-12-2012, 11:30 AM
I already own thirty tactical marines and ten assault marines, so this isn't as big a "yay!" as it could have been - that said, if these new boxes have lots of bits, then I'd certainly be tempted to pick one up in order to make some new Sergeants and special/heavy weapon options (baby needs more plasma guns). A new librarian sounds decent too. So yay!

hehe dude, this is always the case. I'm two companies deep and slowly acquiring. They always seem to add enough to tempt your interest.

I'm excited to see the options and additions. I'm interested in the HF mention and the the newer mk's of armour. That could convince me to by it on the hope of producing myself a sternguard squad. All I can say is it's about time they did Assault marines, for the price you get next to nothing in those boxes and the old jump packs look better aside from the back flip feature they seem to give my marines. As an Blood Angel guy I will un doubtably purchase a box of them to dilute the Angels bits box with. I have always loved scouts and am very excited to see additions to them. Librarian would be really nice to have as a kit, techmarine is interesting idea. I hope they do a batch of servitors then in simple character plastics like the Fantasy Plastic characters. They could be simple and if cheaper, and I would bet would sell more then in resin.

10-12-2012, 11:45 AM
New tactical squad. Hvy flamer. Mk 8 style
Edit: there are more mk 8 bits here than before, but there are still "beakies" too. Includes many options not released before in plastic, including a Hvy flamer, a backpack style (read devastator) missile launcher w flakk missile, slings on bolters, power weapon options. Basically think of all the blinged out options you get w a BA, SW, GK box and now apply it to tactical marines. Poses are all standing, but they aren't as static.

At GD Oz someone asked Jes what he'd do if he could redo the Tac Marines. He mentioned changing the legs so they were less static (not sure if he used those exact words, but close) and less repetition; and also that he'd include more armour options. I remember him specifically commenting that he'd like it if you could do all beakies.

I wonder how WIP some of this stuff is ...

10-12-2012, 10:15 PM
The rumoured vehicles look a bit dicey, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited to see new infantry kits with more gubbins.

10-12-2012, 11:24 PM
I already own thirty tactical marines and ten assault marines, so this isn't as big a "yay!" as it could have been - that said, if these new boxes have lots of bits, then I'd certainly be tempted to pick one up in order to make some new Sergeants and special/heavy weapon options (baby needs more plasma guns). A new librarian sounds decent too. So yay!

Whoa. 30 whole tac marines? That is simply absurd. Heh.

I welcome some redone basic marine boxes utilizing the new sculpting abilities.

10-13-2012, 08:02 AM
I got a sprue of five tactical marines this morning and they have by far the worst mould lines I have ever seen on a model, including forgeworld, it is clearly beyond time the tactical sprue was replaced.

10-13-2012, 08:10 AM
Yep, the last box I bought for my FSMs was really terrible. The moulds have been producing one of the most popular kits in the GW range, for what, fourteen years now? Was their an earlier recut I'm forgetting? Hm. Regardless it is definitely time for a re-cut.

10-13-2012, 08:30 AM
I think it has had one recut since its' third edition release

10-13-2012, 10:49 AM
I am very pleased by this. I think each box should contain all the options. I remember being very frustrated ages ago having to buy a complete metal marine just to get a meltagun option

10-13-2012, 01:13 PM
The box was upgraded sometime in 4th edition. The 1998 sprue was replaced by a new one in the early-mid noughties.

Mr Mystery
10-13-2012, 02:26 PM
I am very pleased by this. I think each box should contain all the options. I remember being very frustrated ages ago having to buy a complete metal marine just to get a meltagun option

To be fair, the 'all in one' box is a relatively new innovation. I think the first was the re-cut Ork Boyz. 10 Boyz, Nob (Fnarr) Rokkit, Big Shoota, pretty much all the options you needed.

10-18-2012, 02:01 AM
New Tactical and Assault squads? Desperately needed, as many have said. The arm-mounted heavy flamer will be great. Might even pick up a few to see if I can kit-bash heavy weapon mock-ups in the same manner, to keep my heavy weapon mods from looking so static. Fixing jump packs? A serious win, that. But, I'm looking at these three boxes, and wondering what other fiddly bits will come with? Combi-weapons for the sarge? Specialist CCWs like power mauls? Will we see flame pistols migrate to codex forces? Inferno pistols? Some new options are in there, or so the OP quote says.

Librarian sprue is long overdue. Suspect the Chaplain sprue may have been pulled back for modification to better enable it to address non-codex chapters, like Space Wolves. I mean, tossing in a wolf skull helm is easy, but what about maybe a chestplate or something? Maybe something for Templar, BA, DA?

Techmarine kit makes me very, very happy. Just wish GW would tweak the Iron Priest to allow for some of these expanded options, as it might actually see Wolves players pick it up like it was candy.

Scouts saying good by to Leno-head-syndrome is grand, the new options intriguing. Going to guess some sort of grenade launcher, either a bolter over-under line the M16/M203 or some variant assault weapons.

The new interceptor/bomber I'm divided on. Sure, SM should have something like that, but I thought the trick was they had things that could function as such, but also were multi-role. The Storm Talon and Raven fit, as does the Thunderhawk, from either a mixed-role or direct-support perspective, but a dedicated interceptor or bomber seems a bit specialized. I can see the reasoning, though, I guess.

Despite seeing some really intricate and awesome mods, not a fan of a scout dune buggy. The Landspeeder Storm more than answers the mail for scout transport. In fact, it's pretty dang awesome. The buggy will either have to be incredibly cheap pointswise or offer some serious options to compete with the Storm for inclusion.

Moving forward on armor marks I'm a big fan of. This will allow longtime buyers to diversify their figs, refresh a mould that's already showing its age, and provide some serious distinction between it and the Forge World Heresy-era stuff, possibly even prompting folks to pay attention to armor marks and maybe buy a couple upgrade sets so their sergeants, officers, honor guards, etc, have some wargear that sets them apart.

Just please: we need plastic combi-flamers and a few other bits to fill gaps in the bits line, folks. And the finecast Sternguard upgrade kit was a pathetic attempt to answer that issue.

10-18-2012, 11:56 AM
Despite seeing some really intricate and awesome mods, not a fan of a scout dune buggy. The Landspeeder Storm more than answers the mail for scout transport. In fact, it's pretty dang awesome. The buggy will either have to be incredibly cheap pointswise or offer some serious options to compete with the Storm for inclusion.

I think it only needs one "option" to be worth considering: Dedicated transport.

10-18-2012, 01:35 PM
At the risk of being a massive buzzkill, I really wouldn't get worked up over the new tac/assault box sets rumours. So far GW has not updated a single existing plastic 'basic troops' set for any of the fantasy armies in 8th ed. Everything is either new versions of metal stuff or new additions to army books. CSM has followed this same pattern & IIRC correctly, non of the last wave few codexes have either. I'm not saying they won't do such a thing for a second wave (in fact it would make for a really good second wave), but GW are super keen to get models for all the new units out ASAP to stop third parties plugging the gap. The existing plastic box sets for core units will always sell well, doing a new version of them won't give a sales boost like turning metal/FC units into plastic. Whilst they do change policies, the current pattern has been pretty well established over the last couple of years.

10-18-2012, 03:18 PM
At the risk of being a massive buzzkill, I really wouldn't get worked up over the new tac/assault box sets rumours. So far GW has not updated a single existing plastic 'basic troops' set for any of the fantasy armies in 8th ed. Everything is either new versions of metal stuff or new additions to army books. CSM has followed this same pattern & IIRC correctly, non of the last wave few codexes have either. I'm not saying they won't do such a thing for a second wave (in fact it would make for a really good second wave), but GW are super keen to get models for all the new units out ASAP to stop third parties plugging the gap. The existing plastic box sets for core units will always sell well, doing a new version of them won't give a sales boost like turning metal/FC units into plastic. Whilst they do change policies, the current pattern has been pretty well established over the last couple of years.

Dark Eldar? Skaven?

Also, I have heard from comments from Jes Goodwin that reinforce this rumour.

At GD Oz someone asked Jes what he'd do if he could redo the Tac Marines. He mentioned changing the legs so they were less static (not sure if he used those exact words, but close) and less repetition; and also that he'd include more armour options. I remember him specifically commenting that he'd like it if you could do all beakies.

I wonder how WIP some of this stuff is ...

10-18-2012, 06:55 PM
At the risk of being a massive buzzkill, I really wouldn't get worked up over the new tac/assault box sets rumours. So far GW has not updated a single existing plastic 'basic troops' set for any of the fantasy armies in 8th ed. Everything is either new versions of metal stuff or new additions to army books. CSM has followed this same pattern & IIRC correctly, non of the last wave few codexes have either. I'm not saying they won't do such a thing for a second wave (in fact it would make for a really good second wave), but GW are super keen to get models for all the new units out ASAP to stop third parties plugging the gap. The existing plastic box sets for core units will always sell well, doing a new version of them won't give a sales boost like turning metal/FC units into plastic. Whilst they do change policies, the current pattern has been pretty well established over the last couple of years.

That has been the pattern, and I agree that it seems unlikely that they would change now.

However, over the years Jes Goodwin has constantly prototyped updated versions of several of the basic plastic troops units to test production methods or to test new designs. About 10 years ago, he designed plastic Sisters that were never released for Codex Witchunters because their plastic production process at the time caused the thin parts of the models to be too brittle and they snapped apart constantly. The same issues happened with the Kroot, which anyone who assembled Kroot when they first came out can attest to limbs and guns snapping in half in a light breeze. Now that we have the new denser, stiffer plastic, a lot more thin parts are starting to filter into the kits. We've also all seen the new Eldar Jetbikes he had on display at Games Day a number of years ago. It stands to reason that he almost always has some new Space Marine sprue in testing, waiting for a time when the technology improves enough to warrant releasing with new coolness.

10-19-2012, 05:38 AM
There also aren't a tremendous amount of new units the Space Marines can be given (in my opinion), so new boxes with new options and funkier stuff spruces up the entire range and is sure to sell.

But who knows? These are preliminary rumours, and those haven't been working out too well lately. :)

10-19-2012, 05:58 AM
I don't think looking at what GW have done in the past is particularly reliable, if only because it varies so much and they don't seem to care themselves. Some races have gone through several iterations of plastic core in the past fifteen years or so, others just one or two. Space Marines are a high sales volume army so releasing a new plastic kit would make sense especially if, as comments from Jes Goodwin seem to indicate, they think they could do it better. Also remember Stickmonkey isn't saying they are coming soon, just that they are coming. Could be 2-3 years off.

10-19-2012, 10:26 AM
All fair points. I'm not saying it won't happen, I just thought people were getting rather excited about something that to me seems unlikely to me based on recent trends. Just my tuppence worth.

10-22-2012, 07:46 AM
I don't know whether anyone is that excited, just hopeful that it might happen and liking the possibilities of what we could get.

It is (maybe) the best selling kit GW has currently. (I seem to recall hearing the original Rhino has the most sales of any plastic kit.)