View Full Version : Tellie571's paintblog.

10-10-2012, 05:16 PM
So I'm starting a small paint blog for my Iron Warriors army. You'll have to forgive me as my camera is not the best and I don't have any ideal lighting in my place.

First up are two WiP Berzerkers from Squad Redskull. Former World Eaters who joined Lord Kallig's 27th Grand Company for the promise of slaughter.


Next up is a a series of pics from The halfway finished Squad Doomhammer who have fought and bled beside Lord Kallig at the very gates of the Emperor's palace on Terra. Their loyalty and brutality has no match in Kallig's army and their mere presence is enough to stop any plot of betrayal.




10-10-2012, 05:17 PM
The next picture is one of Lord Kallig's many armored support vehicles. This particular Predator earned it's name of 'Flesh Render' in '379 M36' when it laid waste to a contingent of Imperial Fist's Terminators trying to take out Kallig's rearguard.


Lord Kallig have also gone to great lengths to capture and use Imperial equipment so the next three images will be of the Hellhammer 'Unholy Purgatory' the Shadowsword 'Hunter' and the Stormlord 'Death's Bane'.




10-10-2012, 05:18 PM
Next up are a few pictures of Typhus who is leading my Death Guard contingent (Land Raider, 4 Terminators, 20 Plague Marines and 90 plague zombies)



Last up are a 2 pictures of Lord Kallig in his Ascended form. more pictures will follow once he is painted and maybe converted a bit more. Maybe I'll throw in pics of his compatriot Kar'Shan the Daemon Devourer of Brandu (a fictional Ecclesiarchy world) as well. Have to see how soon as I need to do some extensive GS work on the model which compiles parts from both the Bloodthirster and Dragon Ogre Shaggoth kits.



Well there is a start at least. Please tell me what you all think as I love the feedback.

10-12-2012, 08:01 PM
Here is a picture of my finished Defiler. Also I'm making a new whitebox in order to improve picture quality a bit. Please comment.
