View Full Version : Equipping My Termie Sorcerer w/ Force Stave and Lightning Claw

The Sovereign
10-10-2012, 04:37 PM
Bad idea? Reading the new codex, I like the Shred rule.

White Tiger88
10-10-2012, 05:13 PM
You can only use one CC weapon at a time so i would say drop the Lightning Claw for a Combi-Melta.

The Sovereign
10-10-2012, 09:15 PM
My thinking is that he would probably be using his psychic attacks instead of shooting (I would bump his Mastery up to 2 or 3). As he comes with his force weapon stock, I thought maybe it would be nice to have the alternate option of a reasonably killy CCW like the claw, as re-rolling failed wounds is nothing to sneeze at. Is my head in the wrong place? Full disclosure: I do have a tendency to try to make my ICs moderately killy in close combat, irrespective of whether they're meant to be all shooty. Just an idiosyncrasy on my part, I suppose.