View Full Version : Re-tooling my Chaos, let the rot set in

10-09-2012, 07:35 PM
this is the retooling of my current chaos list for the new codex added some comments on my thoughts for each unit.

Chaos Lord with Mark of Nurgle,Burning Brand of Skalathrax,Terminator Armour,Replace Power weapon with Chainfist,Veteran of the Long War,Blight grenades

(reasonably priced, the Burning brand is a brutal piece of equipment with Torrent and AP3, the Chainfist lets him threaten anything on the board with ID making up for his lack of attacks against characters and armourbane making him a threat to walkers)

Terminator Champion with Replace Power weapon with Lightning Claw,Combi-flamer,melta,plasma
Squad Members 1x Chaos Terminators with 3x Additional Chaos Terminator,3x Lightning claw,2x Power fist,Heavy Flamer, ,6x Mark of Nurgle,6x Veteran of the Long War

(dropped the old twin claw set up for some shooting potential and to keep the price down, they should still murder whole units though)

Hellbrute Reaper Autocannon (good all round solid choice that makes reasonably effective use of both insanity rolls.

Hellbrute Reaper Autocannon (redundacy and pairs rock)

10CSM Champion, Power Axe, 2xPlasma Guns, VotLW, MoN (solid troops choice, T5 cheap marines)

10CSM Champion, Power Axe, 2xPlasma Guns, VotLW, MoN (see above)

Cultist squad, Shotgun, 8x Autogun's, Heavy stubber (less than 100pts for oobjective campers)

Heavy support

2x Obliterators MoN VotLW (MoN Oblits YES PLEASE!)

3x Obliterators MoN VotLW (MoN Oblits YES PLEASE!)

2x Obliterators MoN VotLW (MoN Oblits YES PLEASE!)

Clocks in at 1750 on the dot.

10-10-2012, 04:50 AM
I think I would probably drop and obliterator and make it either 2 squads of 3 or 3 squads of two, then use the points to make the cultist squad bigger, as I think you need a few more troops.

That aside, it looks like a good list with a decent amount of firepower and a strong assault element for when you need it. Be very careful with your Hellbrutes though, as they're your only AV so will likely be targetted by a lot of your opponent's anti-armour.

10-10-2012, 05:03 AM
I agree with angul if you drop one obliterator and make them 3 units of 2 (able to split fire more). this would give you 70 points allowing you to take another unit of 10 cultists with autoguns and a heavy stubber. (or making your existing squad larger).

10-10-2012, 06:32 PM
mmm yeah the cultist size is a bit lacking I agree. I kinda like having the sacred 7 oblits though.

how about dropping the LC's on my terminators (including the champ) and taking say another 4 or so cultists instead?

10-11-2012, 01:59 AM
that might work, although i personally feel that 7 obliterators while extremely fluffy, just isn't worth it! you gain so much more from dropping one and having three units of 2 in my opinion! and you can take a lot more cultists for those points! If you are determined to keep 7 oblits then what you have suggested may well work.

10-11-2012, 02:33 AM
"reasonably priced, the Burning brand is a brutal piece of equipment with Torrent and AP3"

i agree with this but shame on you for using a khornate artifact in nurgle list TISK TISK....

but powergamers care not for fluff (sigh)

Diagnosis Ninja
10-11-2012, 06:44 AM
"reasonably priced, the Burning brand is a brutal piece of equipment with Torrent and AP3"

i agree with this but shame on you for using a khornate artifact in nurgle list TISK TISK....

but powergamers care not for fluff (sigh)
The flavour text mentions Tzeentch and Khorne, and there's no mark requirements. It's designed as a generic item, to act as a ranged artefact. Powergaming doesn't really come into it, especially when you could refer to it as the burning brand of branding burniness.

Flamers of Tzeentch painted green? Yeah. item 4 on a list of 5? no.

10-12-2012, 09:47 PM
The flavour text mentions Tzeentch and Khorne, and there's no mark requirements. It's designed as a generic item, to act as a ranged artefact. Powergaming doesn't really come into it, especially when you could refer to it as the burning brand of branding burniness.

Flamers of Tzeentch painted green? Yeah. item 4 on a list of 5? no.

Also consider, there are NO nurgle artefacts, the mace is if anything undivided.

Took the list against an optimised SW/IG tourny list. This list is scary, pod Grey hunters, melta/plasma chimera vets, dual vindicators. playing hammer and anvil with KP's/


He set up his tanks as far forward as he could with a vindi on each flank.

admittedly the guy I played isn't very good, I set the cultists up in the centre of the board as bait with my other units hiding behind small pieces of terrain on either side. Reserved my termies.

game was a fairly one sided slaughter largely due to the tactical stupidity of my opponent, took the bait and dropped in the centre with 2 GH squads, failed to drop the cultists who went to ground (3+cover FTW!) tanks moved up flat out.

Oblits and dreads proceeded to move into optimal range, popped a drop pod to ensure I got first blood, then proceeded to turn the GH squad into stars, lit them up like the bejezus with plasma. Charged the surviving wolf lord (SS, FB) with oblits and drew (even with VotLW, which is awesome) charged a pod with dread, another KP.

Both dreads dropped to plasma spam and multi-lasers (those are mean with HP's) vindi's both missed. His remaining 2 pods showed up and dropped where the old ones had been (fool doesn't learn) one tried to light up one of my CSM squads, failed. the other tried to finish of the cultists by rapid firing, cultists went to ground, survived.

terminators walk on, brand slaughters most of a GH squad which is finished off by a snap firing HS (killed 2 marines). Butchered the other squad with plasma, lost 2 marines to overheat. charged remaining squad members with oblits, slaughter. charge one vindicator with 2 oblits, kill it (6PF attacks is mean).

vindi open-ended up on terminators, scattered, opponent INSISTS its cocked (not really) re-roll's worse scatter. everything else moved forward or was locked, WL loses combat and runs.

vindi drops, runepriest and squad drops to terminator fire (brand FTW) another pod drops to Oblits, WL drops tp plasma, GH squad is slaughtered.

opponent surrenders
final tally,

Him......2 dreads