View Full Version : Why are you in charge of that??

Mr Mystery
10-08-2012, 01:46 PM
Yep. It's another political thread, and as ever, I'm hoping it'll be fairly apolitical, as I want to discuss politics as a whole rather than in terms of the various ideoligies out there.

This time, Government Ministers - Why are they in charge of what they're in charge of? (or indeed your national equivalent)

Kind of inspired by Electricpaldain my other thread, let's concentrate on Education. Currently, the UK's Minister for Education is Michael Gove. This man has never worked in the realm of Education. Ever. So why in the name of Satan's 18" of throbbing red gristle has he been put in charge of that department? My background is now mostly insurance claims, so you wouldn't expect me to get a job say, running a Cafe. It's not my realm of expertise.

And I'm using him simply as an example. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he isn't capable of doing the job per se, just questioning why such an important role isn't in the hands of someone with actual frontline experience in education. There has to be candidates out there suitable to the post.

And how about our Chancellor, George Osbourne (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Osborne). Surely the man in charge of the economy would have working experience of say, economics. Nope. He's been a career politician. So aggain, in the name of Satan's great big veinybangstick, WHY IS HE IN THAT POST? And one of his now infamous predecessors, former Prime Minsiter Gordon Brown? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_Brown) Nope. No economics background either....

Why is this? Us dudes in the real world have to show we are capable of fulfilling a role we go for. Sure, sometimes we might push it a bit, and have to play catch up should be get advanced in our careers, but we don't go for stuff we're utterly untested in! Now I know they're back up by civil servants and advisors, but surely just as we have Generals in charge of our military, our education and healthcare systems and so on should all be helmed by people with relevant, frontline experience?

I'm seriously confused by all this!

10-08-2012, 04:17 PM
I don't know, but the one they moved out of transport and into International develpoment seems to have realised you don't pay a million £ for a kettle and teabags...

10-08-2012, 04:20 PM
Being able to manage and set priorities does not mean that you understand how to do something. Consider your line manager at work, can they do everything that you can? What about their boss and so on.