View Full Version : Rise of the Minotaurs

10-08-2012, 12:39 PM
Martok here,

I have a new army in the works for 6th edition Warhammer 40k the Minotaurs as they are represented in Imperial Armour 9 by Forge World.

Each Tactical Squad Sergeant will be armed only with a Combi Weapon as the Tactical Squads will be performing a support fire role in my list. As the Minotaurs are meant to be fully stocked with Mk8 Space Marine Armour I have added plasticard collars to make some cheap Mk8 armour out of other armour marks. However, my first Sergeant uses a Sanguinary Guard torso with a Mk8 style collar.

Here is the first Sergeant:


I wanted a heavy look to the armour so I added some plasticard shielding coming off of the pauldrons. I also wanted to have him not only have a WYSIWYG Combi Weapon but also look capable in a fight; the two combat blades have achieved that with the combi wrist mounted to free up the hands. The blade handles still need to be sculpted as does all of the Green Stuff work left to do.

Obviously there are a number of resin parts used that I have picked up mainly from Anvil Industry but also some Brass Etch Aquillas from Forge World

The Helmet on the base will be painted in the Lamenters colours to indicate the famous Badab War battles fought between them and the Minotaurs.

If you want to see more feel free to visit the blog I contribute to here http://bloody-dice.blogspot.co.uk/

- Martok

10-08-2012, 12:55 PM
looks extremely manly, the swords are very nice indeed. Good work man, hope to see more of the minotaurs

10-09-2012, 07:47 AM
looks extremely manly, the swords are very nice indeed. Good work man, hope to see more of the minotaurs


Cheers I wanted to do something to show that this guy is always in melee and the twin blades put that across.

Currently I am working on this guys squad so here is Pelagius:



Obviously, tons of Green Stuff work to go but what do you think? Does he fit with the Sergeant?

- Martok

10-09-2012, 09:05 AM
looks really good. Minotaurs will be my next army so I look forward to seeing this unfold

10-10-2012, 02:42 AM
looks really good. Minotaurs will be my next army so I look forward to seeing this unfold

Thanks Kirsten,

These guys are a labour of love. I have always experimented new techniques etc on my armies but this is the first one I feel like I know what I need to do to model the whole lot insistently from the beginning so I am hoping I can pull something special off!

More Tacticals:




10-11-2012, 10:16 AM
More Minotaur progress with the first combat squad chopped up and ready for Green Stuffing:


And here is a closer look at the melta guy:


Thanks for looking!

- Martok

10-13-2012, 07:03 AM
This guy will be the second Tactical Squad Sergeant. I decided on a more typical look for the combi weapon this time. Again most of the parts are from Anvil Industry:


So I haven't even finished the first squad and I am already building the other sergeants.... As soon as my Green Stuff and Airbrush come through the post these guys should really start to make some progress.

- Martok

10-15-2012, 08:05 AM
So another update for you all!

So with this army I am trying to theme each unit.. so the first Sergeant with Combi Melta leads the vanguard unit while the second squad are putting down support fire. This squad and the final squad are supposed to be at ease as it were. So here is the first "at ease" Sergeant:


And if you want to see a bit more I have some pics on the Blog in contribute to http://bloody-dice.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/wip-minotaurs-sergeant-3-151012.html

- Martok

10-16-2012, 04:13 AM
Good stuff man! Great conversions!

10-25-2012, 03:53 AM
Good stuff man! Great conversions!

Cheers buddy!

In line with the previous Sergeant this guy will be holding the back line and shall be providing tactical support to the vanguard units so I modeled him with Auspex out.


Now my Green Stuff has arrived I have managed to finish the modelling work on the first combat squad and they are ready for paint. Although the 20 Word Bearers and 40 odd Necron Warriors/Immortals on my Paint table may have to come first!

And as usual there are more pics on my blog bloody-dice.blogspot.com

10-31-2012, 08:19 AM
There might be a few corpses littering the bases of this army... I am sorry :D

So these guys have taken some time to finally get paint onto them. I do have some better pictures on my actual camera but for now some sneak peeks. Here is the Squad Sergeant with his Armour finished:


Let me know what you think as I can still adjust the tone at this point.

- Martok

10-31-2012, 08:41 AM
Looks good. Perhaps I'd add some gentle extra highlights here and there. The overal tone is very good but it is missing just that extra little contrast from some more golden highlights. not much though, I'd just pick out some edges here and there.

10-31-2012, 10:21 AM
Looks good. Perhaps I'd add some gentle extra highlights here and there. The overal tone is very good but it is missing just that extra little contrast from some more golden highlights. not much though, I'd just pick out some edges here and there.

Yeah you are right. I was toying with doing some highlights last night but decided to varnish and see how i felt today.. you have helped me to that decision.. now what colour.. when i was airbrushing i went from Bronze -> light bronze -> silver + light bronze and then washed it back down so not sure whether i should highlight with my brightest colour out of that process of just go with the light bronze?

10-31-2012, 11:38 AM
I'd go slightly brighter than your last airbrushed layer.

10-31-2012, 07:09 PM
these would make really nice sm statues... especially using this scheme

11-02-2012, 04:32 AM
these would make really nice sm statues... especially using this scheme

Yeah I have some of those and I think I shall be tryind out the same method. If nothing else it will be good practice for whenever these guys get some Contemptors :D

I'd go slightly brighter than your last airbrushed layer.

Thanks for the advice I shall be experimenting later.

For now though here are the better pics I promised:



Let me know what you think now you can take a closer look :)

11-07-2012, 02:29 AM
I like! I'd say, paint up all the details and see how it looks then. In case it looks a bit too flat, you can push the edge's highlights a bit more. If it looks god, well, you're done then. ^^

11-16-2012, 09:09 AM
Thanks Meph, As can be seen below I have added some highlights although I think I may go back in with some gold for a final highlight.. what dya think?

Finally I have a guy with air and traditional brush work done for now:


Check out some more pics on BLOODYdice (http://bloody-dice.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/hobby-first-painted-minotaur-marine.html)
- Martok

11-16-2012, 12:20 PM
awesome, looks really good. I made a start on mine too, hard to get the brass efforts to show in photos I found, your photos look great.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
11-16-2012, 12:44 PM
Very nice, like how you've handled the verdigris.

12-11-2012, 07:23 AM
awesome, looks really good. I made a start on mine too, hard to get the brass efforts to show in photos I found, your photos look great.

Very nice, like how you've handled the verdigris.

Thanks guys! I think i may still add some variation to the colour but i am quite happy with it :D




This guy will be sergeant for either an Assault squad or Vanguard. Please give me some critique as i know the spear and general posing is off and could do with working out how to fix that.


12-11-2012, 08:31 AM
Just to point out most of your pictures don't work anymore.

12-11-2012, 09:03 AM
I like the sergeant, not sure what to change, I would possibly have the head looking to the left with the shield, rotate the torso right but the head left. Take a look at the dark eldar scourge models, they are good for dynamic flight poses

12-19-2012, 06:15 AM
Just to point out most of your pictures don't work anymore.

Thanks I shall try and get them back online soon.

I like the sergeant, not sure what to change, I would possibly have the head looking to the left with the shield, rotate the torso right but the head left. Take a look at the dark eldar scourge models, they are good for dynamic flight poses

Great advice thankyou! I shall take a look :)

The Minotaurs finally have a full Tactical Squad built. Read on to see these guys all together.

I wanted to start using some of the Scibor basing kits I picked up so I tried a few ideas out to make use of them. My favorite at the moment has to be the guy vaulting with his combat blade drawn:


With all ten guys from the first Tactical Squad built I just had to get them together for a group shot:


I have had a lot of fun putting these guys together thus far; when they are all painted I shall have to ally them in to one of my armies for a game lol!

Hopefully by the end of January this army should start to be playable.

- Martok

12-19-2012, 06:24 AM
great looking squad, like the vaulting guy. I got four pack sof shoulder pads recently and they look to me like they are supposed to all be on the right shoulder, can't decide whether or not to put them on the left or right.

12-21-2012, 08:02 AM
great looking squad, like the vaulting guy. I got four pack sof shoulder pads recently and they look to me like they are supposed to all be on the right shoulder, can't decide whether or not to put them on the left or right.

Well i always go for the left shoulder as since it was retconned form the right i think 2nd ed? These days Insignum Astartes says left but its really up to what looks good. My theory is that the chapter symbol is visible to the enemy as they blaze away wit bolters!

After getting the first Minotaurs Tacrtical Squad done I am on a roll and I have already finished the Heavy Bolter guy for the second squad.

Again just like with the first Tactical Squad I want to keep a consisitent basing them using the Scibor kits to help with that. I think the large base makes the model look very imposing:



Now I need to work out how I am going to do the rest of the squad; I am looking to keep them all in a support fire theme.

- Martok

12-21-2012, 02:48 PM
Well i always go for the left shoulder as since it was retconned form the right i think 2nd ed? These days Insignum Astartes says left but its really up to what looks good.

yeah I know but the pad you have used on the multi melta guy for example, the small shield looks like it ought to be on the front. I will probably end up sticking with the left shoulder, but we shall see.

01-03-2013, 06:24 AM
yeah I know but the pad you have used on the multi melta guy for example, the small shield looks like it ought to be on the front. I will probably end up sticking with the left shoulder, but we shall see.

Hmm you make a good point! I was not sure about that Shoulder Pad in general for the reasons you have given. Weird. The theory is though that on the left shoulder the enemies of the emperor would see the chapters colours when marines a blazing away with bolters (cos all marines are right handed lol)

So with one whole Tactical squad built I have kept the momentum going and finished the second squads first Combat Squad.

All of them ready for paint:


Now all I need to do is paint the first squad :D

- Martok

01-03-2013, 09:24 AM
looking good, like the bases a lot. tell your opponents you get a cover save :P