View Full Version : Chaos Undivided 1500

10-06-2012, 09:05 PM
Hey guys, this is my first army list written up for the new Chaos Space Marines - as such, it probably isn't very good. It is an Undivided list with a wide mixture of units, including psykers, midfield objective grabbers, fliers, bikes and long-range fire support. This is intended to be a semi-competitive army list for local play against skilled opponents. I'm debating what weapon is better for the 9 man Chaos Marine squads, a Meltagun or a Plasma Gun. The Plasma Gun serves better utility, but the Meltaguns are the most reliable way for me to deal with AV14. Not sure there, considering I very rarely see AV14. I had points left over to spend, thus why there is a second Sorcerer Lord and a Bikers unit. I could drop both but I am not sure where else I could effectively spend the points. Maybe a third Chaos Marines unit would be a better application of the points? Two scoring units usually works fine for me at 1500 but a third would be pretty good. Thanks for any and all input.

Basically, this list is intended to combine elements I've rarely used in the past as well as new units - Havocs, Obliterators, Heldrakes, Bikers, etc. In that sense, it may seem a bit all over the place.

Chaos 1500

Sorcerer Lord w/ mastery level 2, meltabombs, sigil of corruption - 115
Sorcerer Lord w/ mastery level 2, meltabombs, sigil of corruption - 115

Chaos Marines (9) w/ meltagun, rhino transport - 172
Chaos Marines (9) w/ meltagun, rhino transport - 172

Fast Attack
Heldrake w/ baleflamer - 170
Heldrake w/ baleflamer - 170
Chaos Bikers (3) w/ two plasma guns - 100

Heavy Support
Havocs (5) w/ four missile launchers - 135
Havocs (5) w/ four missile launchers - 135
Obliterators (3) - 210

Oh, and here's an Abaddon list that I cooked up;

Black Legion 1500

Abaddon the Despoiler - 265

Chosen (5) w/ four plasma guns, rhino transport - 185
Chosen (5) w/ four plasma guns, rhino transport - 185
Chosen (5) w/ four plasma guns, rhino transport - 185

Fast Attack
Chaos Bikers (3) w/ two plasma guns - 100
Chaos Bikers (3) w/ two plasma guns - 100

Heavy Support
Havocs (5) w/ four missile launchers - 135
Havocs (5) w/ four missile launchers - 135
Obliterators (3) - 210

If worried about aircraft, substitute one of the Biker units for an Aegis Defence Line with a quad gun, and take the other Biker unit out to put flakk missiles on all the Havocs. With the spare 20 points, go nuts.

10-06-2012, 09:18 PM
I don't actually have the new codex or play chaos, but I'm curious about the new codex and want to be part of the conversation, so I'll do my best to contribute.

Sorcerer Lord w/ mastery level 2, meltabombs, sigil of corruption - 115
Sorcerer Lord w/ mastery level 2, meltabombs, sigil of corruption - 115

I've heard it said that two HQs is a lot at 1500 points, and although I've been tempted, I basically agree. 115 points (and btw, I shouldn't know that - please take the points costs off before you get BoLs in trouble, as it violates GW's IP) is more boots, and you probably need that more than you need more super magic sorcerer dudes.

Chaos Marines (9) w/ meltagun, rhino transport - 172
Chaos Marines (9) w/ meltagun, rhino transport - 172

Your troops selection is a little thin. You'll have a hard time in objectives-based games. I don't know if chaos marines can combat squad, but if they can, I'd recommend increasing the units to 10-man squads, then dropping something else to buy something hard and strong for your sorcerer to hang with (I dunno... can you put him on a bike?). Two troops is a little rough, but if they can combat squad to hold four objectives, you're doing better.

Alternately, could you drop the second sorcerer and use the points to buy some cultists?

Fast Attack
Heldrake w/ baleflamer - 170
Heldrake w/ baleflamer - 170
Chaos Bikers (3) w/ two plasma guns - 100

Two heldrakes might be too many - I don't know them well enough t say. They're certainly kind of pricey. You've got a lack of boots, and 170 points could put a few more on the table, like practically another rhino squad. The bikers look neat, though.

Heavy Support
Havocs (5) w/ four missile launchers - 135
Havocs (5) w/ four missile launchers - 135
Obliterators (3) - 210

No complaints here. I've seen obliterators, well... obliterate things, very effectively.

Those are all my comments for now, but I'll be watching.

10-06-2012, 09:33 PM
I don't actually have the new codex or play chaos, but I'm curious about the new codex and want to be part of the conversation, so I'll do my best to contribute.

I've heard it said that two HQs is a lot at 1500 points, and although I've been tempted, I basically agree. 115 points (and btw, I shouldn't know that - please take the points costs off before you get BoLs in trouble, as it violates GW's IP) is more boots, and you probably need that more than you need more super magic sorcerer dudes.

Your troops selection is a little thin. You'll have a hard time in objectives-based games. I don't know if chaos marines can combat squad, but if they can, I'd recommend increasing the units to 10-man squads, then dropping something else to buy something hard and strong for your sorcerer to hang with (I dunno... can you put him on a bike?). Two troops is a little rough, but if they can combat squad to hold four objectives, you're doing better.

Alternately, could you drop the second sorcerer and use the points to buy some cultists?

Two heldrakes might be too many - I don't know them well enough t say. They're certainly kind of pricey. You've got a lack of boots, and 170 points could put a few more on the table, like practically another rhino squad. The bikers look neat, though.

No complaints here. I've seen obliterators, well... obliterate things, very effectively.

Those are all my comments for now, but I'll be watching.

Thanks for the quick reply!

I do agree, I couldn't make up my mind whether a third Chaos Marine squad or the Sorcerer/Bikers would be a better application of the points. As I already have both Sorcerer Lords and the two Chaos Marine squads, I thought that might be easier, but yeah a third scoring unit would be better. They can't Combat Squad by the way. Yes, you can put the Sorcerer on a Bike; I don't know how to model that though lol.

That's what I was thinking, a 20-man unit of Cultists with two flamers and autoguns would make a solid home objective camper and defensive unit for only 128 points - might be better to not use the flamers to drop their cost to 110. Saves me having to buy more Chaos Marine boxes.

They are expensive, yeah. Their rules mean they are arguably the most durable flier in the game (a permanent 5+ invulnerable save, It Will Not Die, 12/12/10), they can Vector Strike at S7 (ok against light vehicles and good against Infantry) and the Baleflamer is a S6 AP3 Torrent Soul Blaze flamer template. The Baleflamer, especially on a flier, is basically a means to wipe out 10-man MEQ units in one turn. The thing can make its points back quickly but whether it synergizes well with the other units is debatable, and it is 340 points for the pair of them. Not sure where else I could spend the points; Bikers might be more worthwhile, though as distraction units. There are also those 4-plasma Chosen squads to consider as linebreakers.

Cheers! I've never actually used Obliterators before to be honest, even though they were the most competitive option generally in the old codex (and are even better now).

Here's the updated list;

Chaos 1500
Sorcerer Lord w/ mastery level 2, meltabombs, sigil of corruption - 115

Chaos Marines (9) w/ meltagun, rhino transport - 172
Chaos Marines (10) w/ plasma gun, meltagun, rhino transport - 200
Cultists (20) - 90

Fast Attack
Heldrake w/ baleflamer - 170
Heldrake w/ baleflamer - 170
Chaos Bikers (3) w/ two plasma guns - 100

Heavy Support
Havocs (5) w/ four missile launchers - 135
Havocs (5) w/ four missile launchers - 135
Obliterators (3) - 210

The big question mark is the Heldrakes I guess. The WD Battle Report and my gut feeling says they are devastating against Infantry and light vehicles as well as pretty durable, but whether they are worth it is still a big question. For the same price of the pair, I could add another 10-man Chaos Marine squad and a second Biker unit and still have points to spare.