View Full Version : Studded Shoulder Pads Always on the Left?

Chris Copeland
10-06-2012, 01:53 PM
Hello, friends! I hope everyone is having a great weekend! I am looking for some advice and help:

I've decided to build an all-beaky early post-Heresy Dark Angel army. I intend to use beaky heads, studded shoulder pads, and black paint. I want the army to have a real Rogue Trader feel to it. I was going to use all Mk6 armor but it's just too hard/expensive to do. Since the army will be early post-Heresy I will be able to use any Mark of armor and just slap beaky heads and studded shoulder pads on them. I'm going to paint red stripes down the noses.

Do spiky shoulder pads always go on the left?
If I put the studded shoulder pads on the left does that mean I put the chapter symbol on the left?
Does that mean that there is nowhere to put squad marking?
In the Rogue Trader era did company marking go on the knee?
The Deathwing was still black back then. Did they use the red broken sword symbol with their black armor?
I assume that the Ravenwing would look pretty much as it does now. Am I right?
Is there anything that you see that I'm missing? Do you have any suggestions?

I think this will be a fun project. If it works out I'll end up with a distinctly different army than anyone else in the San Antonio area is playing. Making 1st Legion banners to go with this army could be a lot of fun. Lastly, I'll get to use an honest-to-God 6th Edition codex real soon (which HAS to be better than my Tyranids codex). Thoughts? Suggestions?

Thanks in advance... Cope

10-06-2012, 03:41 PM
•Do spiky shoulder pads always go on the left?
- Back then yes - it was to reinforce the left shoulder pad from incoming shots.
•If I put the studded shoulder pads on the left does that mean I put the chapter symbol on the left?
- Yes that is correct
•Does that mean that there is nowhere to put squad marking?
typically they did not put squad markings - they did however have slogans written pretty much anywhere on their armor like "kil kil kil"
they also had symbols for what weapon they used
•In the Rogue Trader era did company marking go on the knee?
typically not
•The Deathwing was still black back then. Did they use the red broken sword symbol with their black armor?
The sword was red but not broken - none of the swords were broken on the Chapter badges.
•I assume that the Ravenwing would look pretty much as it does now. Am I right?
I could not find anything on the Raven wing in RT but I would say yes
•Is there anything that you see that I'm missing? Do you have any suggestions?
I wish you luck I have some RT Dark angels and I like that color scheme much better.
I used the RT rulebook, the old terminator squad box which has a Dark Angel Terminator picture and the red and yellow RT books for this info.

***EDIT the stripe on the helmet could also signify different things - like the stripe could have black lines going accross it to signify they are veterans - Sgts had a yellow stripe on each side of the red stripe

10-06-2012, 05:05 PM
The studded shoulders were actually worn post heresy only by those marines that fought during the heresy, most of the time to signify their presence at the Battle of Terra. They were a remnant of the heresy mkV armor and are purely symbolic.

Personally, I'd still put squad markings on knees and I would most certainly avoid putting **** like "kill kill kill" on the armor.